



10,038 posts

221 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Utterly Clueless said:
she likes sex and im not overly fussed, that could have been the issue
You dont like sex your 20 and still live with your parents you have a "soft spot" for you MK2 golf confused

IMHO its you who has the problem not your EX!!!

Utterly Clueless

Original Poster:

1,981 posts

196 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Glassman said:
22 mins after posting this up... you went for a pay at pump question...
yeah, and whats that got to do with anything, if im pissed off at a woman for doing something am i not allowed to ask a question thats unrealted in a different thread in a different sub forum? Must i sit in a dark corner and contemplate murdering her and her whole family for a couple days or do i just get it out of my system and carry on with my day? personally i think the latter, but if you cant think about more than one thing at once then dont make out its a bad thing when someone starts two different threads that are on completely different topics.


22,681 posts

218 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Utterly Clueless said:
Glassman said:
22 mins after posting this up... you went for a pay at pump question...
yeah, and whats that got to do with anything, if im pissed off at a woman for doing something am i not allowed to ask a question thats unrealted in a different thread in a different sub forum? Must i sit in a dark corner and contemplate murdering her and her whole family for a couple days or do i just get it out of my system and carry on with my day? personally i think the latter, but if you cant think about more than one thing at once then dont make out its a bad thing when someone starts two different threads that are on completely different topics.
Loosen up ffs. No wonder you've got woman troubles.


2,935 posts

259 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Utterly Clueless said:
Glassman said:
22 mins after posting this up... you went for a pay at pump question...
yeah, and whats that got to do with anything, if im pissed off at a woman for doing something am i not allowed to ask a question thats unrealted in a different thread in a different sub forum? Must i sit in a dark corner and contemplate murdering her and her whole family for a couple days or do i just get it out of my system and carry on with my day? personally i think the latter, but if you cant think about more than one thing at once then dont make out its a bad thing when someone starts two different threads that are on completely different topics.
Ever thought it might be because you're skint that she dumped you? You know, two quid won't get her that nice pair of shoes she's seen down the market, will it?

Utterly Clueless

Original Poster:

1,981 posts

196 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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pinchmeimdreamin said:
Utterly Clueless said:
she likes sex and im not overly fussed, that could have been the issue
You dont like sex your 20 and still live with your parents you have a "soft spot" for you MK2 golf confused

IMHO its you who has the problem not your EX!!!
i didnt say i dont like sex. I do like it, but im not obsessed and its not the only thing i want in a relationship. I prefer a relationship based around how you feel towards the other person rather than how much the other person puts out.

im 20 and live at home because i cant afford to move out, its not my fault I've got a stty part time job and nowhere else even has the common courtesy to get back to me when i apply for a job.

i applied to about 40 different places, 2 got back to me appologising and the rest didnt even get into contact with me in any way. its not that im not trying, its just its not happening.

and its a MK3 golf, not a MK2

Sheets Tabuer

19,202 posts

218 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Utterly Clueless said:
i didnt say i dont like sex. I do like it, but im not obsessed and its not the only thing i want in a relationship. I prefer a relationship based around how you feel towards the other person rather than how much the other person puts out.
you're gay.

Go find a nice man and be happy.


1,517 posts

195 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Thom posting this stuff here really isn't going to make you feel better.

Try getting someone to look at your CV and advice on how to improve it.

Got an X-Box? Go blast some alien censored


2,935 posts

259 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Utterly Clueless said:
i didnt say i dont like sex. I do like it, but im not obsessed and its not the only thing i want in a relationship. I prefer a relationship based around how you feel towards the other person rather than how much the other person puts out.
Err, she's 18, she's at the start of her sexual adventure in her life, what else do you think she's going to want? Babies and marriage? Come on, wake up, you're 20 not 40...

Utterly Clueless said:
im 20 and live at home because i cant afford to move out, its not my fault I've got a stty part time job and nowhere else even has the common courtesy to get back to me when i apply for a job.

i applied to about 40 different places, 2 got back to me appologising and the rest didnt even get into contact with me in any way. its not that im not trying, its just its not happening.
Who's fault is it then if not yours? You're the one in control of what you apply for and how you apply, no one else. You need to work harder, certainly in the current economic climate, if you want something better workwise.

Utterly Clueless said:
and its a MK3 golf, not a MK2
To coin a phrase, who cars, it's a car at the end of the day and one with an empty passenger seat at that. As has been said before, go tot he pub and find another girl, if you're not compatible, she's not worth it in the long run, is she? wink


9,699 posts

277 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Utterly Clueless said:
To explain, a (now) ex girlfriend of mine had to ask her friends if she should get into a relationship with me, strung me along for a bit and finished me.

I've known her for 5 years, had strong feelings for her for about 2-3 and so decided to give things a shot. she said yes, the broke it off shortly after saying she 'just didnt feel it'.

it upset me a bit (probably amplified due to excessive drinking (not through depresseionm was out on the lash with the lads)) and i explained that it had upset me a bit being fked around, apparently that made her feel like st and i'm now not to speak to her for a little while as a result.!!!!!
Son, she is yanking your chain.

For you, a guy, when a relationship is 'ended' and 'over' it means its 'ended' or 'over'.
Invariably for a woman (and in particular for this gorgon) when a relationship is 'ended' or 'over' it means she thinks you need to chase harder, try harder to win her, make her feel like the loreal... because she's worth it.

She is playing you and guys always fall for it... because in this game of poker the gal holds all the fanny!!

Only way you can win this... is to calmly walk away, boff her mate(s) on the way by all means, but walk away, delete her from your memory, your w*nk bank and any hopes and dreams you had with her.


5,666 posts

195 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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So, you do sort of like sex, but she obviously likes it a lot more than you, and she's 18. She sounds like a go-er. You need to satisfy her sexually before you can expect anything more from her, and this is her way of saying that you aren't.

Nolar Dog

8,786 posts

198 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Just putting a marker down so I know where I'm up to when it hits twebty pages.


Carry on.


1,153 posts

230 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Utterly Clueless by name, Utterly Clueless by .... - you get my drift smile


9,699 posts

277 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
quotequote all
Glassman said:
Utterly Clueless said:
Glassman said:
22 mins after posting this up... you went for a pay at pump question...
yeah, and whats that got to do with anything, if im pissed off at a woman for doing something am i not allowed to ask a question thats unrealted in a different thread in a different sub forum? Must i sit in a dark corner and contemplate murdering her and her whole family for a couple days or do i just get it out of my system and carry on with my day? personally i think the latter, but if you cant think about more than one thing at once then dont make out its a bad thing when someone starts two different threads that are on completely different topics.
Loosen up ffs. No wonder you've got woman troubles.
Glassman he's got a point though and he bh-slapped you good and in the proper PH style... Clueless you're recovering already hehe


9,699 posts

277 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
quotequote all
Utterly Clueless said:
i didnt say i dont like sex. I do like it, but im not obsessed and its not the only thing i want in a relationship. I prefer a relationship based around how you feel towards the other person rather than how much the other person puts out.

im 20 and live at home because i cant afford to move out, its not my fault I've got a stty part time job and nowhere else even has the common courtesy to get back to me when i apply for a job.

i applied to about 40 different places, 2 got back to me appologising and the rest didnt even get into contact with me in any way. its not that im not trying, its just its not happening.

and its a MK3 golf, not a MK2
Pistonheads...where relationshps, having a job and cars matter !!


3,441 posts

226 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Utterly Clueless said:
i didnt say i dont like sex. I do like it, but im not obsessed
That's not normal for a start.


6,225 posts

210 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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I can undersnd the whole 'wanting more from a relationship' thing- but she clearly doesn't, so if that's what you want, find somebody who does smile

Utterly Clueless

Original Poster:

1,981 posts

196 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
quotequote all
OllieWinchester said:
So, you do sort of like sex, but she obviously likes it a lot more than you, and she's 18. She sounds like a go-er. You need to satisfy her sexually before you can expect anything more from her, and this is her way of saying that you aren't.
how can you 'satisfy' someone who wont even acknowledge your exsistance.

asked her if she wanted to go for a drink one night. no reply.

i had to drop stuff off for a mate who lives near her, asked her if she was in an if it was ok for me to pop and 'say hi', she was revising for her end of year exams and was then going to watch skins. and thats when i gave up.

and then about an hour later she called it off.

Unfortunately i cant draw a line between pestering and showing an interest, so to save seeming clingy i will, say for example, send a text, if i get a reply i will continue texting. when the replies stop i stop. If i dont get a reply, i then wont text until the evening or next day.


1,352 posts

207 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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oobster said:
Your WAY too needy.
oobster said:
Your not brave enough.
Yes and you're going to have to brush up on your use of the English language.



1,453 posts

284 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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4/10 rant. Unimaginative swearing, easy target to rant about.


22,681 posts

218 months

Sunday 22nd March 2009
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Utterly Clueless said:
and then about an hour later she called it off.
she was otherwise engaged...