Blast from the past - remind us of a thing

Blast from the past - remind us of a thing



5,242 posts

199 months

Monday 19th June 2023
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Playing 33 rpm records on 45 rpm.

Blue salt packets in Smiths Salt n Shake crisps

A bowl of Puffa Puffa Rice

Esso Coin Collections

Putting playing cards in between my bike spokes and holding them there with wooden pegs

Crème Eggs wrapped in normal foil but with green highlights

Cheap cars - FSOs, Ladas, Yugos, Talbots and Skodas

Lyon’s Maid collectors cards

Brooke Bond collectors cards


3,742 posts

47 months

Monday 19th June 2023
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Sitting on the plastic back seat of the car during a really hot day trying to eat a Funny Face before it completely melted.


31,394 posts

183 months

Monday 19th June 2023
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V1nce Fox said:
All the sounds and smells of any amusement arcade in the mid 80s.
This is still the favourite time of my life even now for me. I'd finish school and head straight to the arcade back then, and I just loved the atmosphere and the good time vibe for sure. It could occasionally get a bit quite a bit edgy, but overall it was just a wonderful time for definite. cloud9


3,236 posts

130 months

Monday 19th June 2023
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The Alpine fizzy pop lorry coming round our estate on a Friday evening


6,778 posts

182 months

Monday 19th June 2023
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maccboy said:
undred orse said:
Top Deck shandy.

Some really, really sugar laden pop the name of which escapes me but it had a polar bear on the can/in the ads.
Cresta.'s frothy man. cool

I think that was the tag line anyway. I went to school in the 1970s I saw these first hand. They got banned due to H&S and probably also due to the annoying noise they made when you got them going at full tilt. biggrin


31,394 posts

183 months

Monday 19th June 2023
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hammo19 said:
Cheap cars - FSOs, Ladas, Yugos, Talbots and Skodas
I enjoyed that time as well. Little did I know that I'd end up with a 1982 yellow Skoda Estelle as my first car though! getmecoat


50,264 posts

201 months

Monday 19th June 2023
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Girls at school tucking the hems of their skirts into their knickers and doing handstands against the fence.


13,339 posts

286 months

Monday 19th June 2023
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maccboy said:
undred orse said:
Top Deck shandy.

Some really, really sugar laden pop the name of which escapes me but it had a polar bear on the can/in the ads.
NHS giving post-operative patients and blood donors 'alcohol' (free bottle of Guinness) as a 'health' benefit.

Coca Cola in green glass bottles out of the vending machine. Put empty bottle back to get your returnable deposit (we were so ahead of recycling back then in the late 50s).

Then came sugar laden fizzy (hmm!) Corona - large bottles delivered to your door by the crateload (several flavours, Limeade was my fave) every Friday by the 'Pop' man. Empties all picked up in the crate. Didn't have to move a muscle, what lazy bds we were back then.

Sugar was consumed by the ton.
No dining table in the land was not complete without the obligatory 'bowl full of sugar lumps'. My gran would devour a bowl full in a sitting!

Go to the Fish and Chip shop every Friday, 'covered' in salt and vinegar and wrapped in newspaper.
If you were short o' cash you'd ask for a bag of 'Scrumps' (free) ie: loads of fatty left over batter bits.

'They' (so-called 'experts') tell you we all 'exercised' back then... did we fk! 'They', of course, were not alive back then.
No shops were open after 5.30 pm, most shops had an 'half day early closing' ...and not forgetting every Sunday was a 'Day of Rest'.
Nobody 'jogged', nobody 'ran', the only people you'd spot on the sides of roads were 'hitch hikers', invariably female!

How stuff changes.
NOBODY was fat, let alone obese. The only fat person was Billy Bunter and he was in a comic.


1,640 posts

133 months

Monday 19th June 2023
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I'm not sure what the drink was but the bottles had a lethal ring-pull opening like this:

Also, freshen-up chewing gum with a liquid centre


4,051 posts

50 months

Monday 19th June 2023
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Having 'twos' with your mates when you've bought a separate.


2,437 posts

226 months

Monday 19th June 2023
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languagetimothy said:
Jumpers for goal posts… isn’t it
Came here to post that lol. Ooof suits you sir!!


881 posts

157 months

Monday 19th June 2023
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bigpriest said:
I'm not sure what the drink was but the bottles had a lethal ring-pull opening like this:

Efes beer still has them!

Still Mulling

12,745 posts

180 months

Monday 19th June 2023
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Fat Willy’s Surf Shack.

Garlic chewing gum pranks.

Memorising your phone book.

Dial phones.

Each time landline phone numbers had a digit added.

shed driver

2,227 posts

163 months

Monday 19th June 2023
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Oakley Thermonuclear Protection stickers on the back of cars.


7,022 posts

108 months

Tuesday 20th June 2023
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Still Mulling said:
Fat Willy’s Surf Shack.
Still going - bought a t-shirt, hoodie and key ring from them in their flagship store in St Ives last year!
I was wearing the t-Shirt today!

Edited by generationx on Tuesday 20th June 01:12


15,875 posts

109 months

Tuesday 20th June 2023
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Borrowing your mate’s Top Trumps, day dreaming about impossibly exotic Alfasud and Maserati Boras.

The Corona pop lorry coming round every Thursday.


Watching the afternoon repeats of Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased) and UFO when throwing a sticky from school.

Perving at Mrs.Jarvis the English teacher and her winking back at you.


5,416 posts

162 months

Tuesday 20th June 2023
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Embassy coupons, my nan smoked loads when I was a kid ,I remember getting a powerful at the time torch thing out of the catalogue with an amber beacon on top ,the handles folding down to make a stand ,chuffed as fk with it ,I was only about 6yrs old


15,977 posts

211 months

Tuesday 20th June 2023
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shed driver said:
Oakley Thermonuclear Protection stickers on the back of cars.
I've been slowly collecting old Oakley stuff...

Roofless Toothless

5,812 posts

135 months

Tuesday 20th June 2023
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Green Shield stamps.


2,954 posts

222 months

Tuesday 20th June 2023
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Standing on the transmission tunnel of Dad’s Austin Cambridge so that I could see where we were going. Dad then making a little wooden platform to go over the tunnel so that I could see even better….

About 1964-5, so I doubt even the front seats had seatbelts…