(Vol. 7)



11,061 posts

209 months

Friday 6th September 2019
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Ha ha...if this was me it would be:

Date 1: I showed off, loads of drinks £200 inc taxis....god I felt awful and drank too much, acted like an idiot

Date 2: wow, she turned up so I paid

Date 3: still no under the bra action, getting bored. Still drank loads and paid.

Date 4: she drank loads, hotel, I paid and she put out....not sure I like her now and how do I get rid?

George Smiley

5,048 posts

84 months

Friday 6th September 2019
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Stop paying ffs!

Petrus how’s your progress


12,548 posts

215 months

Friday 6th September 2019
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George Smiley said:
Stop paying ffs!

Petrus how’s your progress
Indeed! Her paying is a way to show (and yours of checking) that she's seeing this as a potential relationship, and not just being spoiled until someone better comes along. A lot of "ladies" will quite happily string a guy along but never put out or take the interactions seriously.

If a lady wasn't entertaining paying by the 3rd date I'd be taking that as a serious red flag. (With the caveat that we are both financially solvent)


26,262 posts

93 months

Friday 6th September 2019
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I think I said previously that I joined a dating app then uninstalled as decided to stay single.

Well randomly a girl I had given my no ( as she was too chicken) messaged wanting a coffee today.

Intelligent, smart, high flying career. We got on well.

Unfortunately I like slim, she was a size 14 or 16 and had a chubby face with it. When I approached the place and spotted her, the thought briefly crossed my mind to turn back, but I'm too nice.

Only couple of quid on coffees spent and an hour wasted, never mind eh.

She was also one of those that was good at her career but naive about life in general, and couldn't live with that.

Edited by hyphen on Friday 6th September 20:41

George Smiley

5,048 posts

84 months

Saturday 7th September 2019
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I like em small and skinny. My missus wears size 16 but is very slim/slender but 7ft tall.

Opposite to my usual but it’s fanbloodytastic. Never dated someone taller, it’s about 3inch in her advantage but every things in the right place. No cricked necks etc.

She might be a bit plump for you which is fair enough but in my world once you go tall you never go small!


9,046 posts

165 months

Saturday 7th September 2019
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George Smiley said:
Stop paying ffs!

Petrus how’s your progress
It’s nice tbh. She stayed with me at my parents last night and all felt very normal - she met a lot of my friends, we had some drinks and generally had a lovely time.

Weirdly the dr updated her Facebook profile of her and a new guy last night (another dr) - so weird as I knew things were never going anywhere, but still felt strange seeing it. Sent a msg to her saying how happy I am for her.


9,046 posts

165 months

Saturday 7th September 2019
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Shappers24 said:
Off on my first date in over 3 and half years tonight. Remind me what normal functioning people who met through the internet talk about again...!! First time using tinder which all seems a bit alien to me.

Should be fine, local country pub so no pressure. Driving so no chance for alcohol to lubricate conversation... I will report back!
Did you survive!? Update needed before the PH massive come to find you!!


3,092 posts

128 months

Saturday 7th September 2019
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George Smiley said:
I like em small and skinny. My missus wears size 16 but is very slim/slender but 7ft tall.

Opposite to my usual but it’s fanbloodytastic. Never dated someone taller, it’s about 3inch in her advantage but every things in the right place. No cricked necks etc.

She might be a bit plump for you which is fair enough but in my world once you go tall you never go small!

George Smiley

5,048 posts

84 months

Saturday 7th September 2019
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JimmyConwayNW said:
George Smiley said:
I like em small and skinny. My missus wears size 16 but is very slim/slender but 7ft tall.

Opposite to my usual but it’s fanbloodytastic. Never dated someone taller, it’s about 3inch in her advantage but every things in the right place. No cricked necks etc.

She might be a bit plump for you which is fair enough but in my world once you go tall you never go small!
Not really she’s a short arse at 6ft 4


12,548 posts

215 months

Saturday 7th September 2019
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George Smiley said:
I like em small and skinny. My missus wears size 16 but is very slim/slender but 7ft tall.

Opposite to my usual but it’s fanbloodytastic. Never dated someone taller, it’s about 3inch in her advantage but every things in the right place. No cricked necks etc.

She might be a bit plump for you which is fair enough but in my world once you go tall you never go small!
I'm 6'1 So prefer my lady friends to be at least 5'8 for the same reasons. Last 3 girls I've seen/dated were 5,11 5'10 and 5'10. Mainly because when limb lengths are significantly different certain things require me to have the Pilates core strength of a Spartan! biggrin Also because I'm an Arse and Leg man laugh

The ladies in question often said it annoyed them that the shorter ladies out there are trying to "steal" the taller guys from them. Said that they NEED a taller guy for obvious reasons biggrin


840 posts

89 months

Saturday 7th September 2019
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Petrus1983 said:
Shappers24 said:
Off on my first date in over 3 and half years tonight. Remind me what normal functioning people who met through the internet talk about again...!! First time using tinder which all seems a bit alien to me.

Should be fine, local country pub so no pressure. Driving so no chance for alcohol to lubricate conversation... I will report back!
Did you survive!? Update needed before the PH massive come to find you!!
I did survive - pretty standard evening thought it went well, didn’t feel much of a connection but organised a second meet for next week.... but she’s just messaged to say ‘not enough shared interests no point meeting again’... so there we go!

Nothing ventured nothing gained!


9,046 posts

165 months

Saturday 7th September 2019
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Shappers24 said:
Nothing ventured nothing gained!

And it’s better to be out there meeting people than to be stuck indoors wondering who’s out there.

On to the next one without wasting money on a second date - winner.


1,322 posts

111 months

Monday 9th September 2019
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A few things from the world of speed dating in London.

(1) If in the evening there is no one suitable then don't tick anyone and get a free next session. Not that I am a tight arse but most companies are doing it.

(2) All the girls are drinking the Passion Fruit "Pornstar" Martinis. Bloody sickly looking and goes against my refreshing G&T preference but if you keep them coming then that is a good start.

(3) Most girls come with a friend and. You need to know who they have come with so not to piss them off if you fancy one of them.

(4) The socialising afterwards is key to a second date and this then has a number of traps.
(a) If the chosen one is with a friend you need to try and separate otherwise conversation doesn't move to the interesting stuff.
(b) Saturday nights are great since no work the next day and the night is young, but
(c) The best selection of females (30-45) is during the week not at the weekend. Those that work in town, more interested in keeping slim etc.

R Mutt

5,893 posts

75 months

Monday 9th September 2019
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Greenmantle said:
A few things from the world of speed dating in London.

(c) The best selection of females (30-45) is during the week not at the weekend. Those that work in town, more interested in keeping slim etc.
And also they'd rather be out with friends at the weekend. Weird one though giving up a Saturday night for what could just be 2 drinks. I get the impression this is often avoided on internet dating. People like the excuse of work the next day. Wouldn't stop me if I was confident I liked the look of someone.

Only done speed dating once. Might have another go if I can drag a mate along. Nice to be able to chat to loads of women where you know they're looking, although part of the fun/ challenge is the risk they're not, if in a regular bar. That said, the one I went to was centred around computer games, organised by a friend of a friend and a lot of the female participants were in the industry or roped to make up the numbers.


840 posts

89 months

Friday 13th September 2019
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Another Friday and another date from Tinder. This ones a bit more up my street - meeting in town for a couple of gins. I’ll let you know how it goes...

George Smiley

5,048 posts

84 months

Saturday 14th September 2019
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Good luck

R Mutt

5,893 posts

75 months

Monday 16th September 2019
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Met someone at the weekend who came out with incredibly controversial but reasonable statements, expressing her confusion over Remainer friends who support Catalan independence, and defending her sexual preference for while males.

Amazing the greater number of matches if you select your political stance on your profile (although hidden) and set your search to find the same. Although is this the equivalent of the social media echo chamber? I don't really want to go out with someone I agree with too much.


2,402 posts

178 months

Monday 16th September 2019
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Shappers24 said:
Another Friday and another date from Tinder. This ones a bit more up my street - meeting in town for a couple of gins. I’ll let you know how it goes...
How did it go?

I had a strange one last Saturday... went out for a 1st date from Tinder, nice enough girl but wouldn't have arranged a 2nd. Anyway, we ended the date at about 9.30pm, quick peck on the cheek "be in touch" and went our separate ways. On my way back home got a text from a friend saying him and his wife had just had dinner at a restaurant near my house and did I fancy a beer if I was done. While I was having a drink I got a Tinder update with a message from date saying she'd had a nice time and did I want to do it again. By the time I got home an hour and a half later the message and match had disappeared?? Now does that mean she changed her mind, or has she had a paddy that I haven't immediately replied? Anyway saved me having to say no, but weird behaviour from somebody who seemed perfectly normal laugh

Had another date last Sunday, which then progressed to me staying at hers on Thurs and arranging for her to come to mine yesterday. I then went out for a few drinks on Sat and bumped into the woman I split from about 6 weeks ago, anyway one drink led to another and she spent the night at mine and we're back together again. That meant an awkward phone call Sunday morning to cancel the woman who was supposed to be coming over eek


1,322 posts

111 months

Monday 16th September 2019
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antspants said:
Had another date last Sunday, which then progressed to me staying at hers on Thurs and arranging for her to come to mine yesterday. I then went out for a few drinks on Sat and bumped into the woman I split from about 6 weeks ago, anyway one drink led to another and she spent the night at mine and we're back together again. That meant an awkward phone call Sunday morning to cancel the woman who was supposed to be coming over eek
You are just a tart! AICMFP.


840 posts

89 months

Monday 16th September 2019
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antspants said:
Shappers24 said:
Another Friday and another date from Tinder. This ones a bit more up my street - meeting in town for a couple of gins. I’ll let you know how it goes...
How did it go?
Pretty good... I can’t say too much though as my ex is now monitoring my internet activity on here and sending me screen shots of things I’ve said.... apparently just ‘stumbled’ across my posts in here...