Misfits, Dad's Army Types et al...

Misfits, Dad's Army Types et al...



2,821 posts

148 months

Thursday 12th May 2016
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EnglishTony said:
viscountdallara said:
EnglishTony said:
Are they allowed to set fire to Jersey?
Nah !!
Donkeys can't light matches wink

Just as well really given their attitude to crâpauds and grockels.




12,467 posts

171 months

Thursday 12th May 2016
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ClaphamGT3 said:
ChemicalChaos said:
Next time I spend all day standing in the pouring rain, copping vile abuse from entitled members of the public who think they can ignore an approved road closure put in place for the safety of a St George's Day parade, I'll remember your kind words.

Has it ever occurred to you that YOU are a member of the public, you pompous twerp.....
has it ever occured that volunteers are 3 , 4 or 5 times the person you claim to be ?


12,467 posts

171 months

Thursday 12th May 2016
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Crossflow Kid said:
And what's this about the "normal" emergency services? Are you seriously suggesting the 4x4 Response movement is a niche service that somehow picks up where real blue light responses fall short? Have you any idea just how condescending and self-important that comes across as?
funnily enough without the VASes and 4*4 response the regular emergency services would be floundering ... ( and that;s even after increasing the numbers of 4*4 Ambulances and the popularity ofthe octavia scout as a ambulance response car or police dog unit ) once you've robbed every spot hire 4*4 from SHB etc and anything the local council have spaed you still come up short ... and that;s before the issues associated with hire vehicles and response driving ( not that the one life live it muppets do that , but the VASes do - trained to the same standards the regular services ) ...


57 months

Thursday 12th May 2016
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Thing is, what do these 4x4 Emergency Response Incident Drama Disaster Crisis muppets actually do?
Dragging stuck camper vans out of a boggy field at Glastonbury is hardly "response" work is it, and it certainly isn't the job of the emergency services.
And what are the "issues" surrounding use of hired vehicles? Are you seriously suggesting plod and Trumpton would rather employ the services of a pot-bellied scout master dressed in eBay hi-viz, rocking up in his 150,000 mile caravan-dragging Discovery2 over a trained firefighter helming a year-old Navarra from SHB? Yeah right....:

Edited by anonymous-user on Thursday 12th May 22:08


2,069 posts

205 months

Thursday 12th May 2016
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ReaperCushions said:


Original Poster:

8,097 posts

192 months

Thursday 12th May 2016
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mph1977 said:
has it ever occured that volunteers are 3 , 4 or 5 times the person you claim to be ?
Some or all? Some like the RNLI are selfless heroes. Others are self important knobs. See my posts above as an illustration.

Some of the offence being taken here illustrates my point as well. It's a kind of how dare you dare speak to me like that attitude. Do not challenge my authority - which they don't have.

Anyway, I really wanted this thread to be a light hearted look at the Captain Mainwarings, Martin Bryces and Mr Hodges of this world.


12,232 posts

197 months

Thursday 12th May 2016
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wildcat45 said:
Some of the offence being taken here illustrates my point as well. It's a kind of how dare you dare speak to me like that attitude. Do not challenge my authority - which they don't have.

Anyway, I really wanted this thread to be a light hearted look at the Captain Mainwarings, Martin Bryces and Mr Hodges of this world.
It has kind of demonstrated the point though hehe


Original Poster:

8,097 posts

192 months

Thursday 12th May 2016
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ThunderGuts said:
It has kind of demonstrated the point though hehe
It has ThunderGuts, it has indeed. It ThunderGuts your radio call sign when you are out hampering the efforts of the emergency services or bossing the public about at village shows? I do hope so. :-) WildCat Four-Five Out/


11,376 posts

246 months

Thursday 12th May 2016
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mph1977 said:
ClaphamGT3 said:
ChemicalChaos said:
Next time I spend all day standing in the pouring rain, copping vile abuse from entitled members of the public who think they can ignore an approved road closure put in place for the safety of a St George's Day parade, I'll remember your kind words.

Has it ever occurred to you that YOU are a member of the public, you pompous twerp.....
has it ever occured that volunteers are 3 , 4 or 5 times the person you claim to be ?
Indulge me - who do I claim to be?


57 months

Thursday 12th May 2016
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wildcat45 said:
Some of the offence being taken here illustrates my point as well. It's a kind of how dare you dare speak to me like that attitude. Do not challenge my authority - which they don't have.
You should've heard some of the discussion when Hants Fire and Rescue started their own civilian assistance scheme, run under their own close eye.
Hants 4x4 Rapid Response Roving Rescue Rangers turned up largely uninvited, offering to run the whole thing. Hants F&R politely declined for a variety of reasons at which point various 4x4 Response toys were thrown and accusations made about stealing "their" idea, with the inevitable "Didn't want to be in your stupid gang anyway...our gang's better" comments.
What they didn't realise is several Hants 4x4 Hero Squad members had jumped ship to sign up to the official Hants F&R scheme but retained their log-in to the 4x4 Response forum.
The tone of the conversation, thought to be private, wasn't nice.


57 months

Thursday 12th May 2016
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wildcat45 said:
ThunderGuts said:
It has kind of demonstrated the point though hehe
It has ThunderGuts, it has indeed. It ThunderGuts your radio call sign when you are out hampering the efforts of the emergency services or bossing the public about at village shows? I do hope so. :-) WildCat Four-Five Out/
Dingo bongo tango, papa smurf, over?
Charlie Foxtrot Kilo, listening out.


13,300 posts

161 months

Thursday 12th May 2016
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mph1977 said:
has it ever occured that volunteers are 3 , 4 or 5 times the person you claim to be ?
Would you please provide any supporting evidence you might have for that statement?

I'd say some are great, selfless individuals (eg mountain rescue) & some are knobs (eg some of the 4x4 brigade).


Original Poster:

8,097 posts

192 months

Thursday 12th May 2016
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ClaphamGT3 said:
Indulge me - who do I claim to be?
Well your profile says you are a Chartered Surveyor. Now I've known a couple of chaps like you over the years. Both had Hi-Viz clothing. Both owned white hard hats. Both would tramp around sites with clipboards and tell people stuff. At least one had a Land Rover - no yellow light though.

Sooo. I reckon you are a closet 4x4 Red Response Urban 4th Energency Service chap. Probably a regional chairman with a lot of power and respect.

All this piss taking of volunteers is just a tactic to build on your already impressive powe base.

Tell me I am wrong.

You've been outed matey! Hand in your mag mount orange light on the way out. I think you'll find I started this thread and that I have OP status. There's the door.

Oh and the steering group and the regional sub-committee will hear of this. You mark my words.



11,376 posts

246 months

Thursday 12th May 2016
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wildcat45 said:
ClaphamGT3 said:
Indulge me - who do I claim to be?
Well your profile says you are a Chartered Surveyor. Now I've known a couple of chaps like you over the years. Both had Hi-Viz clothing. Both owned white hard hats. Both would tramp around sites with clipboards and tell people stuff. At least one had a Land Rover - no yellow light though.

Sooo. I reckon you are a closet 4x4 Red Response Urban 4th Energency Service chap. Probably a regional chairman with a lot of power and respect.

All this piss taking of volunteers is just a tactic to build on your already impressive powe base.

Tell me I am wrong.

You've been outed matey! Hand in your mag mount orange light on the way out. I think you'll find I started this thread and that I have OP status. There's the door.

Oh and the steering group and the regional sub-committee will hear of this. You mark my words.


My 4x4 is used for going shooting, watching polo and, occasionally, striking a retro tone at South London dinner parties, not as a backdrop to Norbert Fannybatter style behaviour, waddling around events in hi viz, combat trousers and a beard


8,579 posts

179 months

Thursday 12th May 2016
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Crossflow Kid said:
Dingo bongo tango, papa smurf, over?
Charlie Foxtrot Kilo, listening out.
I originally wanted 'Charlie Tango Teakettle Barbeque' as a login name but it wouldn't fit frown


3,581 posts

126 months

Thursday 12th May 2016
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steveo3002 said:


Original Poster:

8,097 posts

192 months

Thursday 12th May 2016
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ClaphamGT3 said:

My 4x4 is used for going shooting, watching polo and, occasionally, striking a retro tone at South London dinner parties, not as a backdrop to Norbert Fannybatter style behaviour, waddling around events in hi viz, combat trousers and a beard
Off topic.

That is too gorgeous for words. I was 10 or 11 when they brought the four door out and I remember climbing all over one just like that on display at Burleigh.

Didn't you post a thread about restoring this a few years ago? It looks familiar. One of those is on my list but I fear I'd not be able to afford one as a second, or weekend car.

When my Disco Sport was new a few months ago I did get offered a straight swap with a CSK by a bloke at a car show. My wife said no.


12,232 posts

197 months

Thursday 12th May 2016
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Crossflow Kid said:
wildcat45 said:
ThunderGuts said:
It has kind of demonstrated the point though hehe
It has ThunderGuts, it has indeed. It ThunderGuts your radio call sign when you are out hampering the efforts of the emergency services or bossing the public about at village shows? I do hope so. :-) WildCat Four-Five Out/
Dingo bongo tango, papa smurf, over?
Charlie Foxtrot Kilo, listening out.
Doris leotard Kidderminster, affirmative.



4,431 posts

196 months

Thursday 12th May 2016
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11,376 posts

246 months

Thursday 12th May 2016
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wildcat45 said:
ClaphamGT3 said:

My 4x4 is used for going shooting, watching polo and, occasionally, striking a retro tone at South London dinner parties, not as a backdrop to Norbert Fannybatter style behaviour, waddling around events in hi viz, combat trousers and a beard
Off topic.

That is too gorgeous for words. I was 10 or 11 when they brought the four door out and I remember climbing all over one just like that on display at Burleigh.

Didn't you post a thread about restoring this a few years ago? It looks familiar. One of those is on my list but I fear I'd not be able to afford one as a second, or weekend car.

When my Disco Sport was new a few months ago I did get offered a straight swap with a CSK by a bloke at a car show. My wife said no.
Thanks and, yes, I did. It's a lovely old hector and chosen because in '83, my mother had a silver 4-door In-Vogue auto, which I adored. Mine isn't an In-Vogue, so no air on, no shadow strip, no inlay in the door inlays and no hamper, but is a lovely place to be none-the-less