The colin_p appreciation summer sun and storm thread 2024

The colin_p appreciation summer sun and storm thread 2024



Original Poster:

48,577 posts

251 months

Tuesday 30th April
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Just had lunch, sat in the garden - which was odd.


Original Poster:

48,577 posts

251 months

Tuesday 30th April
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Spare a thought for those in Devon... 20 in Thames Valley, 9 degrees in Devon in the rain rofl


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48,577 posts

251 months

Wednesday 1st May
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Puggit said:
heavy rain and a small storm threat for central southern England.
Met Office warnings for entire southern England:

Note - low chance but big impact.


Original Poster:

48,577 posts

251 months


Original Poster:

48,577 posts

251 months


Original Poster:

48,577 posts

251 months

Thursday 2nd May
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It reached West Berks but not special in any sense - I think it was mostly cloud-cloud lightning too.


Original Poster:

48,577 posts

251 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Hottest day of the year - 23.1 degrees in Merseyside (FFS!)

14.1 degrees in West Berks


Original Poster:

48,577 posts

251 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Bill said:
My wife's off this week and was really hopeful about the weather!! Not sure I'm brave enough to tell her about this. hehe
Our Ukrainian is on the west coast of Scotland - her photos have me very jealous, in to the 20s there too


Original Poster:

48,577 posts

251 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Hints of a proper warm up in 7 days time - weak high over UK, low pressure to the west... drawing up warm air from the south.

I bloody hope so.


Original Poster:

48,577 posts

251 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Blib said:
And, now I'm up in NE Suffolk it's wall-to-wall sunshine.

Finally, the ambient temperature is high enough and the wind still enough to sit outside and relax.

Tomorrow - rain.

After what we've put up with today, zero sympathy.



Original Poster:

48,577 posts

251 months

Friday 3rd May
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Bill said:
Turned out ok for Mrs Bill!
You can tell here there's more to come party


Original Poster:

48,577 posts

251 months

Friday 3rd May
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Bill said:

TBH I'm happy as it is now, sat in the garden enjoying some rays with a beer watching some sodding pheasants eat the duck food. biggrin
Still grey here irked

Off to Nandos to pickup takeaway soon driving


Original Poster:

48,577 posts

251 months

Friday 3rd May
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Dog Star said:
I’m in Ghent with Mrs DS.

Over here it’s been dismal - pouring down, fog, spray. Got here, pouring down and cold. Weather had been forecast to be fantastic all weekend. It’s not any more.
Have you ever thought that you might be the problem? hehe


Original Poster:

48,577 posts

251 months

Monday 6th May
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timbob said:
The weather forecast for tomorrow BH Monday has been gradually improving over the last few days and was looking to be generally sunny with occasional part cloudier spells. We’ve just planned family to come over and have a picnic/BBQ outside.

In the last hour, the forecast on Netweather has changed and now it’s showers and moderate rain from late morning, lasting all afternoon.

Not sure where you are, but the models have been predicting a poor day in the South for most of the week. The dangers of using a single app/website for your forecast!

Meanwhile - thunder warnings:


Original Poster:

48,577 posts

251 months

Monday 6th May
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JakeT said:
In West Berks it’s been chuffing wet. Far wetter than forecast, and a thoroughly damp day. The pig was quiet, though.
Wife and daughter wanted to wander around Englefield. Called it off.


Original Poster:

48,577 posts

251 months

Tuesday 7th May
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Here we go... improved spell of weather starts here.

Up in to the low 20s for the south as we pass through the weekend... before we head back to where we've been getmecoat


Original Poster:

48,577 posts

251 months

Tuesday 7th May
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Chicken Chaser said:
Blanket grey in the North. 11 deg. Summer starts tomorrow.... apparently
I've been speaking to people 'up north' and apparently yesterday was glorious (talking about Manchester and Derby).


Original Poster:

48,577 posts

251 months

Wednesday 8th May
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Monday onwards looking poor - low pressure back in charge.

Do not shoot the messenger!


Original Poster:

48,577 posts

251 months

Thursday 9th May
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I wouldn't take that...


Original Poster:

48,577 posts

251 months

Friday 10th May
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Next week, as previously messaged...

High pressure to east, high pressure to west - UK stuck in a low pressure washing machine cry