Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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Bobberoo][b said:
Why is the airbag warning light on?
I may know someone at work.[/b]

Well it's been a busy,long, ste day!!!
It's too fking hot and I really don't like it.
Tried for nearly an hour to get through to Adrian Flux when I got home, to no avail, at 5.37pm they closed the phone lines and cut me off.
Decision made to take insurance out on the new Mini with someone else online tonight, I really can't be arsed with waiting until the last minute to sort out the insurance, I shall just call Adrian Flux tomorrow, wait for fking ages for them to actually answer the call and cancel the insurance with them.
Dunno. Dodgy connection probably. It wasn't on for the MoT and the airbag hasn't fired subsequently so I'm guessing something simple.

Ask your colleague if wire waggling mayhold the key, can ya?

Do the arithmetic with Adrian Flux before cancelling. Transferring wouldn't involve a cancellation fee.

Are you sure you can't swap veehickles on line?


Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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Lovely pics, nij.

My phone prompts nijinsky.

You're not a spy, are you?


Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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Bobberoo said:
Sorry I wasn't clear enough Dicky, I may know someone who is interested in the car who I work with, his Golf TDi has just been written off!!

I really don't care about the cost of cancelling the policy, I'm not fking impressed with trying 3 times to get through to them since Monday morning and them never answering the phone, and no, there's no provision to change vehicles on their website, just a useless message saying you need to call an advisor.
It's good. Clonks along very nicely.

I'm at hospital tomorrow morning, but I'm free after that if they're interested.


Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Saturday 9th September 2023
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We've acquired a dead hedgehog.



Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Saturday 9th September 2023
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Bobberoo said:
DickyC said:
We've acquired a dead hedgehog.

frown poor thing.
An adolescent one judging by the size.

There won't be a great deal of ceremony, I'm afraid.


Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Saturday 9th September 2023
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psi310398 said:
Oh, Bobbers, Bobbers! Lonsdale, egad! Poor Ivor.

What size are you? I have some Tod’s loafers/driving shoes that I’m about to get rid of, as they are too tight. But I’d gladly donate them to help ease your pedal action and confirm your driving god status.
Sparco-roo, formerly known as Bobbers.


Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Saturday 9th September 2023
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glenrobbo said:
Oh dear. Is it a blue one?
Was, yes. Blue, dejected, crestfallen, down in the dumps. Pretty much any measure of unhappy you care to mention.

Off to hedgehog heaven now. Like hog heaven but with boundaries.


Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Saturday 9th September 2023
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glenrobbo said:
That sounds quite bucolic. biggrin

I meant was it blue like this character? :

No, our one had definitely run down the curtain and joined the choir invisible.


Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Saturday 9th September 2023
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A Golden Opportunity for the aforementioned famous Professor Battert proctology-spec blue nitrile driving gloves missed - and missed spectacularly.


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50,292 posts

201 months

Saturday 9th September 2023
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hammo19 said:

I came away with a two shot lead in the golf tournament - hurrah. Dressed up for a birthday meal in the Italian at 19:30 tonight.

Bobbers, Ivor looks splendid in the car park.
Si. Buon Compleanno, signora h!


Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Saturday 9th September 2023
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P5BNij said:
Bobberoo said:
You lot really do crack me up!!!

Well we've arrived at our holiday accommodation and I must say it's rather a pleasant country pile!!!
I'll try to remember to get a picture of the manor house, it was built in 1827, we're obviously not staying in the manor house, we have an apartment that used to be the male servants quarters, and it's jolly nice, two bedrooms, a nice sized lounge, big kitchen diner, bathroom and an interesting wood panelled hall with loads of built in cupboards!!!
There's a nice amount of grounds around it, and they have a wallaby, no, you didn't read that wrong, they have a wallaby called Peanut!!!

Have a pic of Ivor in the parking area!!
That's quite big for a Mini, but I would say that wouldn't I hehe. Hope you enjoy ownership of it Bobbers wink
Big? See above! '...two bedrooms, a nice sized lounge, big kitchen diner, bathroom and an interesting wood panelled hall with loads of built in cupboards...'


Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Sunday 10th September 2023
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Bobberoo said:
Hmmmm, very quiet in here tonight, time for bed here!!
"Anything we can get you? Tea? Coffee? Hats and coats?"

/Andy Capp


Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Monday 11th September 2023
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glenrobbo said:
As far as I'm concerned, no wood is good wood, D O'L. smile

I too enjoyed the Revival TV coverage. Except when the 250 GTO grenaded its engine and burst into flames at the hands of Mr. K.Chandhok the blasphemer.flames

"Jeep" indeed! furious
It was the Queen's original Land Rover!
Such disrespect!

Click the pic


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50,292 posts

201 months

Monday 11th September 2023
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The post watershed Wizard of Oz.


Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Tuesday 12th September 2023
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Bobberoo said:
Good morrow fellow Trivialities everywherewavey
Today we're off to the Eden project and St Austell brewery!!!

Nice selection of exotica there paua, we were passed by a CGT a few weeks ago, I got all excited and Mrs Bobbers just stared at me blankly!!!
She might have thought it was just a common or garden BGT. Had you educated her, told her about how to identify the C by the bonnet bulge and slightly larger wheels, she would undoubtedly have shared your enthusiasm. From experience I'd save the engine differences for another time, unless she asks, of course.


Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Tuesday 12th September 2023
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hammo19 said:
Morning all you lot

Yes, well home from CP unpacked and getting ready to pack again at the weekend for our first Tenerife holiday of the year.

Good/not so good news, I have sold the CGT (you should have bought it Bobbers) for quite a bit less than I wanted to but money in the bank required to pay for the front windows in October. Next job is to pull the SLK out of storage and get it moved on. May need some recommissioning.

12 hours to do over 4 days now.

And away…….
Try to keep any fettling cosmetic, hammo! I know it was an R170 I tackled but I bet many of the challenges are shared.


Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Tuesday 12th September 2023
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Bobbitt must be Future

Conjugate thyself, Bobbers


Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Tuesday 12th September 2023
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glenrobbo said:
Italian scooter?

No, you're thinking of a Lambrini. biggrin

You're thinking of Vespa dried ready meals. Prawn Curry was very popular.


Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Tuesday 12th September 2023
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Mr Magooagain said:
Sids had a heart attack this morning!
And is now in the cardiac intensive care unit in Angoulême!

I tell thee lads you couldn’t make it up!
Sorry to hear that, Mr Magoo.

Is it the way Trivial Towers is configured? There are way too many heart problems the way it's set up at the moment.


Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Tuesday 12th September 2023
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Bobberoo said:
I doubt very much that they'll let him fly Magoo.
If we forward the picture of Battert with the Hispano, they may reconsider.