Conspiracy theorists... are they all just a bit thick?

Conspiracy theorists... are they all just a bit thick?



Original Poster:

57 months

Sunday 3rd January 2021
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Shuvi McTupya said:
Monkeylegend said:
7990 according to the Gvt website for the 2019-2020 flu season.

A quick google tells you smile

It also gives you the figures for the previous 3 years]
Thank you.

if a quick google told me, I wouldn't have had a five page conversation about it!

Any chance you could share a link To the relevant page?

Edited by Shuvi McTupya on Sunday 3rd January 09:30
Took me all of 30 seconds to find the stats that Monkeylegend refers to. Sorry this doesn’t prove what you wanted it to.

May I respectfully suggest you stop now as by the sounds of it you’re wasting a lot of you’d own time as well as everyone else’s.


Original Poster:

57 months

Sunday 3rd January 2021
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I chanced across a US Twitter user posting daily ‘chemtrails’ in her local sky, with comments like ‘they’re doing it again’, ‘2 days and nothing today - due to the election’ or ‘it’s worse today’

From O Level geography I spotted Cumulus, stratos, and cumulo stratos. It was the mackerel sky that got her most agitated as apparently it meant the chemicals were being done as some form of carpet bombing.

Loads of people pointed all this out but he was having none of it. Presumably she never looked at the sky as a child. Or went to school.


Original Poster:

57 months

Sunday 3rd January 2021
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67Dino said:
Those arguing for ‘every man for himself’ vs government protection are usually those that aren’t doing well under the current system. They see others getting on better than they are, and consciously or unconsciously want to ‘level the playing field’ by taking away government protections and creating a society they imagine they might win in. They think of themselves as brilliant people and so conclude if they are losing out it must be because of powerful forces, when the reality is the cause of their failure is rather closer to home.

“Preppers” are a great example of this, imagining that if only we all depended on guns and hunting, then at last they’d beat that smart-alec forex trader down the road with the Porsche and attractive girlfriend. Of course, the reality is rather different. People who imagine powerful forces control their lives rather than seeing their life as what they make it themselves are generally less successful in any environment, and would probably be losers in a societal breakdown too.

Personally, I’d be 100% sure that if we listened to the conspiracy nuts, stopping all health measures and vaccines and let Covid rip through the population, the same types who argued the protections were a conspiracy would then say the removal of them was one too. More than anything, I really feel people with these views need coaching, therapy and support, but then i would say that wouldn’t I, because I’m just part of the conspiracy...
Complete agree, well put.

Is there a therapy for conspiracy theorising? I suppose it’s in the spectrum of paranoia so maybe.


Original Poster:

57 months

Sunday 3rd January 2021
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bigothunter said:
Analyse the data available and use common sense whistle
Which is pretty much what we’re doing.


Original Poster:

57 months

Sunday 3rd January 2021
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A flat earther wondering why there are no allowances for the curve of the eart in the design ‘ build of the Panama Canal


Original Poster:

57 months

Monday 4th January 2021
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AW111 said:
And all because of witless nithings like you regurgitating undigested rubbish.

Happy now?
This is right to a point in principal (not having a go at anyone).

There are passive-aggressive CT’s that love to ‘put it out there’ without claiming ownership of the CT so that if it backfires they can drop it like a stone. They hope something will stick in which case they bizarrely think they are at the spearhead of enlightenment.

I blame too much sci-fi at an early age.

On the nurse - it’s a non story either way. The US has vaccinated millions so far so if one dropped dead in an hour due to needle fear/sudden death syndrome/lightning strike it’s hardly newsworthy. I myself was near to it at a petrol station once and if it had gone the wrong way it wouldn’t have been due to Shell 4 Star.

And sorry to burst anyone’s bubble but there is no Deep State. In the UK the Govt are like headless chickens at the best of times let alone now so any idea of some devious master plan to control the population is quite frankly the barking mad musings of people with no hobbies and too much spare time spent thinking of how to blame someone else for their own failings in Life.

So on topic - a debate is always good with someone of equal understanding, but that same debate with someone who firmly believes in things that are removed from reality gets nowhere.


Original Poster:

57 months

Monday 4th January 2021
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To add - basic CT and drawing wring conclusions puts me in mind of defect inspections I used to do:

Tenant: I have wet walls, got asthma, my children are ill and it’s the landlords/couciks/governments fault and (from FB/Twitter/Tenant Action Group ‘advice’) we want rehousing and compensation etc etc etc

Me: you have an unvented tumble drier, six occupants who all have daily showers, you don’t open windows and have two clothes dryers. You also boil all your food. And have switched off the extract fans and covered them over with newspaper.....

............ sorry but it’s down to your own lifestyle.


Original Poster:

57 months

Monday 4th January 2021
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bigandclever said:
All I took away from that was “loco” laugh

Though I am glad the Rothschild’s have got their hands on the pesky Cuban and North Korean central banks now. Just Iran to go, come on boys!

Edited by bigandclever on Monday 4th January 09:07

Once again: they walk amongst us.


Original Poster:

57 months

Monday 4th January 2021
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Shuvi McTupya said:
People don't normally try and establish the life or death status or people who are going to work every day and living normal lives. The way this thing is being handled she is going to be the next Lord Lucan..

I can see people getting arrested and charged with terrorism or hate crimes or something for wanting to know if someone is OK.

Over a total non story apparently.

Not sure why you bothered pointing out that old people die, sometimes after vaccinations. I will just agree.
You’ll cream your jeans when you realise there is an unknown soldier buried in London.


Original Poster:

57 months

Monday 4th January 2021
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Shuvi McTupya said:
V6 Pushfit said:
You’ll cream your jeans when you realise there is an unknown soldier buried in London.
I think they confirmed he was very dead. Not sure what you think that has to do with anything that is being discussed but i am used to that.
But ‘they’ is the Deep State, and he could be anybody. Surely worth a new thread.


Original Poster:

57 months

Monday 4th January 2021
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Shuvi McTupya said:
You know, what you are saying is very disrespectful to dead soldiers. From what I understand his remains were not identifiable.

Should we expect a bit of holocaust humour from you next maybe?

I am going to stop engaging with you as it can only go bad.
That’s a good idea, and you’ve made it disrespectful and amplified it, another trait of CT’s along with trying to find ‘hate’ crimes and anything else going.

So let’s leave it there or you’ll get both barrels.


Original Poster:

57 months

Monday 4th January 2021
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Bill said:
Very sad that we’ve got to this. They would have realised the hospital was full but better to take pictures of empty corridors and say it’s all empty as it gets them more attention.

They need taking out and shooting, preferably by the Deep State men dressed in black they so desperately crave.


Original Poster:

57 months

Monday 4th January 2021
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Castrol for a knave said:
Bill said:
Several good friends are medics, and the view from them is that Covid has stretched the NHS far greater than people believe. It's the unintended consequences of staff attrition, insufficient ICU and recovery beds, having to take staff out of other services to staff front line etc.

One who is a consultant at a city A&E said he preferred his 2 tours as a MERT doctor, another said it was like the Western Front, those back home had no idea.

One did say they had been able to manage and had not been over whelmed, but she's at a shire hospital.

Another who's a Respiratory Consultant has repeatedly said the death rate is a false picture, and that the real problem is having the resources and staff (who are not sick) to attend to admissions and outpatient care. She has input to SAGE and one thing they are worried about (and has been borne out) is that the virus adapts and mutates to become more virulent. OK, so it's actually now more transmissible, not virulent, but you don't get to choose which way it heads.
I have had first hand experience in the last year of over 30 hospitals run by two private hospital groups, and they’ve been doing NHS work and been largely surprised at the (slow) rate of NHS ops and turnaround compared with their usual private work. There are other things I could say but they would fall right into the hands of CT’s to get over excited about. Which brings me to the point:

CT’s can actually suppress facts that would otherwise be available, when the release of those facts would be only half understood by the ignorant and the wrong conclusions drawn. The Colchester Hospital is a good example - a photo of a single empty corridor or room = hard evidence to a halfwit of an empty hospital = Covid is fake = government is lying = Big Brother Mind Control.


Original Poster:

57 months

Monday 4th January 2021
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Bill said:
Castrol for a knave said:
Several good friends are medics, and the view from them is that Covid has stretched the NHS far greater than people believe. It's the unintended consequences of staff attrition, insufficient ICU and recovery beds, having to take staff out of other services to staff front line etc.
yes I have various medic friends who say the same.

What really gets me about conspiracy theorists is the distrust of the "MSM" but complete trust in what they've found in their narrow search of social media. It's an utter lack of critical thinking.


Original Poster:

57 months

Monday 4th January 2021
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67Dino said:
And, not coincidentally, 24 is the number of hours it takes the Earth to rotate once, and a percent sign is a dot above and below a flat line, thereby proving - uncontrovertibly - the Earth is flat.
As simple as 2+2=4 and anyone doubting this - do your own research.


Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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One they kept from the mainstream media. Good job too as the idiots would have needed flak jackets if I’d known at the time:

What is wrong with people ???


Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 5th January 2021
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droopsnoot said:
Not actually sure if they're being serious or not. And I haven't read further up this thread to see if they're already on here.

Had a conversation today with someone just emigrated to France. Masks everywhere including street/marketplaces, gendarmes everywhere.

Despite being Libertarians the French population gets it. We don’t.


Original Poster:

57 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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Shuvi McTupya said:
court cases were dismissed on lack of standing, and various other reasons.

evidence was never heard.

Please feel free to prove me wrong if you think you can!

(you wont be able to , by the way, but you will not realise that until you try.)
Completely wrong, heaps of ‘evidence’ was put forward, as you should know. Everything from the hotline to Giulianis fantastic blonde IT person who turned out to be an ex pole dancer and be on probation.

Courts got fed up with witness after witness being unreliable, and repeated ‘it’s rigged because the ballot counter looked at me in a funny way’. All rightly thrown out by courts with a mixture of pity and derision.

The conclusion is, to any reasonable man, that there was no fraud. States correctly confirmed the winners.

Add to this the continual backdrop of Trump, the many times proved liar, who shouted rigged and fraud so many times that the diehards and poorly educated believed it. It became more of a cult based on outright twisted lies.

Not too sure where you figure in this but maybe you missed the parts that didn’t fit with your thinking?

Edited by anonymous-user on Wednesday 6th January 21:23


Original Poster:

57 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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Shuvi McTupya said:
Ok, show me.

You are wrong.
53 cases were thrown out. You’re wrong chap. The desire to get in with the biggest most bizarre conspiracy this century has got you a bit muddled maybe?


Original Poster:

57 months

Wednesday 6th January 2021
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Shuvi McTupya said:
Hold on a second here....

it wasnt me that made the claim that 53 court cases were thrown out, I was asking for evidence of that claim.

I have nothing to prove (in this instance)
Yes you have, your great conspiracy is made of waffeurs monnsieur.