I feel sick


Cara Van Man

29,977 posts

254 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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Lucie said:
after a long struggle
that reminds me.

I need to upgrade the security on the 'van.


2,929 posts

246 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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Cara Van Man said:
Lucie said:
after a long struggle
that reminds me.

I need to upgrade the security on the 'van.


17,153 posts

223 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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Cara Van Man said:
Lucie said:
after a long struggle
that reminds me.

I need to upgrade the security on the 'van.
It's tricky getting the shackle bolts to secure to the flimsy plastic and polystyrene walls isn't it.

Cara Van Man

29,977 posts

254 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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Davi said:
Cara Van Man said:
Lucie said:
after a long struggle
that reminds me.

I need to upgrade the security on the 'van.
It's tricky getting the shackle bolts to secure to the flimsy plastic and polystyrene walls isn't it.
It's a bugger. the amount of 'no nails' i get through is no joke.

I'm gonna have to think of something to beef the saloon style door up.

Edited by Cara Van Man on Wednesday 18th March 21:35


15,855 posts

232 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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Lucie said:
Come for a night out on the raz! Split up with my boyfriend today after a long struggle, could do with some man-questioning company!
In light of this chaps, who's going to brave Lecister to pick up this young lass and bring her to DDs?

I'm good at questioning men... better at dribbling over cute medical students whilst drinking a lot though hehe

before one of you s pops up, I mean female medical students

v9 ogre

420 posts

187 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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I feel for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know!!!!!!!!!
No advice sorry but I know where You are comming from..... being there.....


899 posts

194 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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angryS3owner said:
Lucie said:
Come for a night out on the raz! Split up with my boyfriend today after a long struggle, could do with some man-questioning company!
In light of this chaps, who's going to brave Lecister to pick up this young lass and bring her to DDs?

I'm good at questioning men... better at dribbling over cute medical students whilst drinking a lot though hehe

before one of you s pops up, I mean female medical students
Hmmmmm I live in Leicester Hmmmmmmm !!!


6,356 posts

185 months

Thursday 19th March 2009
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Lucie said:
Cap'n Custud said:
Today, after a long discussion with other half last night, I have packed a few things in a bag and am going to my brothers. We are calling it a break but I am scared it is more. We are great friends just crap at boyfriend and grilfriend. I just cant get my head around this. I instigated it as other half never would, he is a blokey put his head in the sand sort of guy.

The plan is I stay away for a week to think our future through and he does the same.

Why am I telling you? Well I guess I just want to tell some unsympathetic strangers as writing helps. I am afraid you can't have your 2 minutes back though.
Come for a night out on the raz! Split up with my boyfriend today after a long struggle, could do with some man-questioning company!
Oi! We're not all that bad you know!

Some of us are PERFECT. Modest, too. Charming, witty, responsible, good looking, wealthy (lets not deny it), well placed and fertile. And liars.

Be good wink


75,237 posts

275 months

Friday 20th March 2009
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Cap'n Custud said:
Maybe it is time for the newly single PH'ers of 2009 to meet up for serious alcohol consuming!
Sounds good to me.

We'd need a big venue though. hehe


75,237 posts

275 months

Monday 23rd March 2009
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Cap'n Custud said:
I just wish he would listen to why I can't and will not come back, but he wont.
He probably doesn't want to hear it so his brain is selectively filtering what you are saying.

I've never been in the situation so I can't comment. My breakup has been so completely different to yours so I can't even comment there.

I hope it all works out. The only advice I can give is to keep telling him calmly but firmly and perhaps eventually it will sink in.
And don't give him mixed signals by snogging or shagging him. smile

Edited by JonRB on Monday 23 March 11:01


9,870 posts

246 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Oh Blimey. You are in the rock/hard place now. I think you are right to carry on being nice but no further than that. It sounds like he is still trying to manipulate you which is the very reasons you left - maybe you can remind him of this fact!

Andy Zarse

10,868 posts

250 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Cap'n Custud said:
Update: Well the break up hit an all time low yesterady night. The build up was 10-15 calls, 10 emails and then 25 texts where he was telling me he was cutting himself yikes this came to a close about 3 this morning.

I was really scared at this point but called his bluff and told him I was sending over help. At this point he admitted that it was a ploy to get me to come over. I have had about 3 hours sleep.

Today is a new tactic, 1 marriage proposal, one email with registry office details and 2 texts so far telling me run of the mill things.

My new tactiq...ignore them. I am at meltdown.

I am a bit scared about the suicide texts though, I have a horrible memory of a PHer last year whose brother comitted suicide over a woman.

I am not being a bh, honest guys, I just want him to accept it is over and move on with his life. I am being as nice as possible but am now wondering if I am doing the right thing by being gentle. I am escaping from a very manipulative person with a big drink problem and anger issues.
Now this information I did not know.

Stick with the program, no contact. Suicide threats are the last resort, the "S" bomb if you like, attention seeking. You might want to send him an email setting out very clearly in unemotional terms that it's all over for good, explain why, tell him you won't be changing your mind and to please stop pestering you. Then continue to ignore him. Cold and hard I know, there is no other way.

It's sounds as if his obsessive behaviour is beginning to border on harassment, and I can see why you're not sleeping (turn off your phones at night!). If it continues you might need to consider your next course of action. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.


11,594 posts

247 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Jesus. It gets worse.

Can't help much as I don't know what you should do, other than to say we are thinking about you. Hope it works out.



7,134 posts

214 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Cap'n Custud said:
I am a bit scared about the suicide texts though, I have a horrible memory of a PHer last year whose brother comitted suicide over a woman.
A horrible situation to be in but if he does decide to do something to himself then you aren't responsible for his actions. It's my opinion that those who threaten it are the ones least likely to actually do it though.

Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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madbadger said:
Jesus. It gets worse.

Can't help much as I don't know what you should do, other than to say we are thinking about you. Hope it works out.

Thanks, and thanks to Andy and Tony. Just in need of sympathy right now. I am at rock bottom.


75,237 posts

275 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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You know what I said way back near the beginning of the thread about a Restraining Order and I was quite rightly told by many that the situation didn't warrant it?

Perhaps it does now. You know, if the harassment escalates still further.

Cara Van Man

29,977 posts

254 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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In between all the simpering etc, can I ask why you have maintained contact with him?

I'm sure a lot of people advised cutting contact, ignoring his calls/emails/texts a long time ago.

YOU have prolonged this saga by replying to him and seeing him.


32,003 posts

224 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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D - big hugs

Change his name in your phone to 'ignore', and ignore it. Don't delete him, cause then you may not know the number and get caught out.

What good will a restraining order do? Answer is - not a lot apart from cost money if he decides to ignore it...

Andy Zarse

10,868 posts

250 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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ali_kat said:
What good will a restraining order do? Answer is - not a lot apart from cost money if he decides to ignore it...
Good point. The best answer, as Ali and the others above have pointed out, is to totally ignore Suicidal Syd and hope he gets bored. Then if that fails, there's the "threat" of a Restraining Order, which should get him to pipe down. And then finally, the actual Order itself, but surely that's a long way off. I'd also speak to your phone/internet provider and get them to block him.


53 posts

210 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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ali_kat said:
D - big hugs

Change his name in your phone to 'ignore', and ignore it. Don't delete him, cause then you may not know the number and get caught out.

What good will a restraining order do? Answer is - not a lot apart from cost money if he decides to ignore it...
And nothing messes with your head like sleep deprivation (ask the CIA...). Tonight, turn your phones off, turn your computer off, have a long hot bath and a milky drink to help you relax, sleep the whole night through, then see how much stronger you feel about his actions.
Stay strong. You will be much better off without him.