I feel sick


Cara Van Man

29,977 posts

254 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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Andy Zarse said:
If DD's sell Babycham, and I profess it's unlikely in these days of so-called progress and sophistication, you can rest assured I'll be buying you a pint. And you better drink it up. Maybe you and Scoptal can perform your Old Faithful* trick again?

*Scotal blows his hot load down the back of the Caravanman’s throat, gives him a pint of fizzy Babycham and make him guzzle it down in one. Then, he shakes CVM's head vigorously back and forth to recreate the "Old Faithful Geyser" effect. It's a great way to impress both friends and new acquaintances alike.
That's the working of a sick mind. I like it.

See you next week thumbup

Cara Van Man

29,977 posts

254 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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Oh god, i got suckered into answering again.





fk it. I'm off to play football then go home.


8,751 posts

282 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
quotequote all
Cara Van Man said:
Andy Zarse said:
If DD's sell Babycham, and I profess it's unlikely in these days of so-called progress and sophistication, you can rest assured I'll be buying you a pint. And you better drink it up. Maybe you and Scoptal can perform your Old Faithful* trick again?

*Scotal blows his hot load down the back of the Caravanman’s throat, gives him a pint of fizzy Babycham and make him guzzle it down in one. Then, he shakes CVM's head vigorously back and forth to recreate the "Old Faithful Geyser" effect. It's a great way to impress both friends and new acquaintances alike.
That's the working of a sick mind. I like it.
You've read the bit in small Nick? and you "like it"? Jesus.


9,871 posts

246 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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Custud, if you want cheering up, why not pop down to the DD drinks next week?

Edited by tonyvid on Wednesday 18th March 14:56


57 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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tonyvid said:
Custud, if you want cheering up, why not pop down to the DD drinks next week?

Edited by anonymous-user on Wednesday 18th March 14:56
Please can somebody post in the 'pictures that you spill your coffee thread' i cannot find it. not even with search thing


8,751 posts

282 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
quotequote all
tonyvid said:
Custud, if you want cheering up, why not pop down to the DD drinks next week?
Dirty Dicks and Custud, not sure if that's an old school desert or a film of dubious content.


9,871 posts

246 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
quotequote all
scotal said:
tonyvid said:
Custud, if you want cheering up, why not pop down to the DD drinks next week?
Dirty Dicks and Custud, not sure if that's an old school desert or a film of dubious content.
I would probably start nearer the former and end up as the latter!!!


3,728 posts

189 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
quotequote all
tonyvid said:
scotal said:
tonyvid said:
Custud, if you want cheering up, why not pop down to the DD drinks next week?
Dirty Dicks and Custud, not sure if that's an old school desert or a film of dubious content.
I would probably start nearer the former and end up as the latter!!!

Have you ever been to DDs?

After we have said grace and taken the charity collection, we have tea and a couple of scones (I know, naughty!) before heading out to give food and the word of God to the less fortunate of the Liverpool Street parish.

Back to DDs by 10 for a quick medicinal dry sherry before heading off.

How dare you suggest otherwise.

Custard, it's not just worthy, it's fun. Do come.


8,751 posts

282 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
quotequote all
G'kar said:
tonyvid said:
scotal said:
tonyvid said:
Custud, if you want cheering up, why not pop down to the DD drinks next week?
Dirty Dicks and Custud, not sure if that's an old school desert or a film of dubious content.
I would probably start nearer the former and end up as the latter!!!

Have you ever been to DDs?

After we have said grace and taken the charity collection, we have tea and a couple of scones (I know, naughty!) before heading out to give food and the word of God to the less fortunate of the Liverpool Street parish.

Back to DDs by 10 for a quick medicinal dry sherry before heading off.

How dare you suggest otherwise.

Custard, it's not just worthy, it's fun. Do come.
You would make such a fabulous vicar.


3,728 posts

189 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
quotequote all
scotal said:
You would make such a fabulous vicar.
Bless you for noticing.

Andy Zarse

10,868 posts

250 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
quotequote all
G'kar said:
scotal said:
You would make such a fabulous vicar.
Bless you for noticing.


8,751 posts

282 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
quotequote all
Andy Zarse said:
G'kar said:
scotal said:
You would make such a fabulous vicar.
Bless you for noticing.
Hallelujah, will you be bringing your own take on the popemobile Brother Zarse, complete with Mankini Jesus?

Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
quotequote all
tonyvid said:
Custud, if you want cheering up, why not pop down to the DD drinks next week?

Edited by tonyvid on Wednesday 18th March 14:56
DD ?? Is this a meet up? I ahve to say I ahve nver really been to a PH meet, except one in Notts ages ago.


8,751 posts

282 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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ETA, dont bring the car. There's nowhere to park.

Edited by scotal on Wednesday 18th March 16:08


2,584 posts

214 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
quotequote all
scotal said:

ETA, dont bring the car. There's nowhere to park.
..and your driving may be impaired drink

Cara Van Man

29,977 posts

254 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
quotequote all
Andy Zarse said:
G'kar said:
scotal said:
You would make such a fabulous vicar.
Bless you for noticing.


15,855 posts

232 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
quotequote all
Cap'n Custud said:
DD ?? Is this a meet up? I ahve to say I ahve nver really been to a PH meet, except one in Notts ages ago.
It's more like a meeting of alcoholics anonymous members that are in remission to be honest, still a bloody good laugh when I popped along and plan on joining them again this time.


3,728 posts

189 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
quotequote all
Lucie said:
Come for a night out on the raz! Split up with my boyfriend today after a long struggle, could do with some man-questioning company!
Oh dear god.

This will be interesting.


9,871 posts

246 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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7,137 posts

214 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
quotequote all
Lucie said:
Split up with my boyfriend today after a long struggle, could do with some man-questioning company!
Course you have.