Are you rich?

Poll: Are you rich?

Total Members Polled: 535

Yes my net assets are above £120,000: 88%
No my net assets are below £120,000: 12%


9,575 posts

228 months

Saturday 8th June
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Are we including pension pot in this?

Kind of an irrelevant question, because apparently I am rich regardless of the answer. By some way if it is. Which begs the obvious question how the hell are most people surviving?


Original Poster:

7,821 posts

112 months

Saturday 8th June
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NRG1976 said:
If you’re poor suck it up. There is a chance your life may be considerably worse than a super rich person. That’s life, it isn’t fair, it just is the way it is. Just live within your own means and stop comparing or try to rationalise away to try to make things “make sense”.

All these stories of “I knew a guy who had £10m and he died
before he was even born..or I know a bloke who had £50m and the day he retired he died” are tiresome.

Here’s the thing, if you are poor and yet are in good health / came from a family with a home, it is likely because you made piss poor life decisions or just didn’t want to accumulate wealth through making sacrifices. I can point to 1000s of immigrants who are wealthier than their white counterparts despite coming to this country with nothing, except humility and work ethic.

Edited by NRG1976 on Saturday 8th June 14:15
Is that a parody post?

If not, how did you get so brainwashed? You really have bought into the BS of its all down to hard work. Stockholm syndrome.

Can’t help think of this.


9,575 posts

228 months

Saturday 8th June
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GT03ROB said:
DT said:
According to the ONS, the median average UK pension pot is £32,700, yet this varies significantly depending on age and pension type. For 25-34 year olds, it's £9,300, but for 55-64 year olds it rises to £107,300.1 Apr 2024
AllyM said:
Those median pension figures are grim. Young people really need to learn the merits of compounding and start looking out for their future.
I'd say those figure show an issue with all age groups. Median pot for somebody about to retire of 107k..... that buys nothing.

It seems the young have not been set a good example by their elders

Mine is significantly bigger than those figures, still with 19 years before I get a state pension, I always wonder if it is enough!


7,871 posts

95 months

Saturday 8th June
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TwigtheWonderkid said:
Baldchap said:
Real wealth is in the ability to choose.
Lots of people have to choose between heating and eating. I doubt they consider themselves rich.
Obviously not the choice I'm talking about. Clearly.

The Gauge

2,316 posts

16 months

Saturday 8th June
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okgo said:
The Gauge said:
The only real measure of success is knowing you can afford to buy the branded food in the supermarket yet you buy their own brand instead, and do so with a knowing smirk on your face as you watch the 'ten bob millionaire's grabbing at the Heinz beans. You can then emerge from the supermarket feeling smug as you walk to your Fiesta knowing you could afford the Range Rover parked next to you.
The poundshop Aesop strikes again.

Is this stuff your way of coping with other people having stuff you don’t? It’s a bit unusual to say the least.
Be careful of parrots stting on you as they fly over you.


1,707 posts

145 months

Saturday 8th June
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Skeptisk said:
What was the definition of “self-made”?

I suspect that a large percentage of rich people had lots of help getting there, in one form or another.
Just finished Arnold Schwarzenegger's Be Useful and he says don't ever call me self made and rattles off a list of people (and countries - USA) without whom he wouldn't have "made it".

The Gauge

2,316 posts

16 months

Saturday 8th June
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bhstewie said:
The Gauge said:
The only real measure of success is knowing you can afford to buy the branded food in the supermarket yet you buy their own brand instead, and do so with a knowing smirk on your face as you watch the 'ten bob millionaire's grabbing at the Heinz beans. You can then emerge from the supermarket feeling smug as you walk to your Fiesta knowing you could afford the Range Rover parked next to you.
Not sure if this is satire?
It was, but okstop couldn't see that but it has al least exposed his nasty side.

At least you clearly understood the point of what I said, there are wealthy folk about who you'd never realise were wealthy as they choose not to have all the things that many see as symbols of success.

Edited by The Gauge on Saturday 8th June 15:34


38,666 posts

201 months

Saturday 8th June
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The Gauge said:
Be careful of parrots stting on you as they fly over you.
I would have assumed satire aged I not seen your other posts on the thread.

The Gauge

2,316 posts

16 months

Saturday 8th June
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okgo said:
I would have assumed satire aged I not seen your other posts on the thread.
Then your mistake was judging someone based purely on words typed on the internet. Quite amusing.


7,076 posts

162 months

Saturday 8th June
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funinhounslow said:
Just finished Arnold Schwarzenegger's Be Useful and he says don't ever call me self made and rattles off a list of people (and countries - USA) without whom he wouldn't have "made it".
Well, the clever bit is herding and directing all those influences to create your success.

Many others might have gotten nowhere with the same input.

Otherwise being able to call yourself self made would necessitate growing up on a lava field with no one to talk to and nothing to eat.


27,681 posts

274 months

Saturday 8th June
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The Gauge said:
bhstewie said:
The Gauge said:
The only real measure of success is knowing you can afford to buy the branded food in the supermarket yet you buy their own brand instead, and do so with a knowing smirk on your face as you watch the 'ten bob millionaire's grabbing at the Heinz beans. You can then emerge from the supermarket feeling smug as you walk to your Fiesta knowing you could afford the Range Rover parked next to you.
Not sure if this is satire?
It was, but okstop couldn't see that but it has al least exposed his nasty side.

At least you clearly understood the point of what I said, there are wealthy folk about who you'd never realise were wealthy as they choose not to have all the things that many see as symbols of success

Edited by The Gauge on Saturday 8th June 15:34
You have a serious chip on your shoulder IMHO.

The Gauge

2,316 posts

16 months

Saturday 8th June
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funinhounslow said:
Just finished Arnold Schwarzenegger's Be Useful and he says don't ever call me self made and rattles off a list of people (and countries - USA) without whom he wouldn't have "made it".
His autobiography is a brilliant read if you like the guy, think he said he'd become a millionaire from property ownership before ever appearing behind the camera, all thanks to the USA and what the country gave him.

The Gauge

2,316 posts

16 months

Saturday 8th June
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Shnozz said:
You have a serious chip on your shoulder IMHO.
What about, pray tell?


27,681 posts

274 months

Saturday 8th June
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The Gauge said:
Shnozz said:
You have a serious chip on your shoulder IMHO.
What about, pray tell?
Money, in the main. And those who have it.


775 posts

76 months

Saturday 8th June
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Surely the definition of 'rich' on a PH forum is if your owned (not leased) car(s) is/are worth more than £120,000?

You're not rich in the UK if your net assets are £120,000, not even £1.2 million really. I would suggest that really 'rich' starts at £5 million.

I would suggest £120,000 means you are comfortable, i.e. not in immediate risk of financial difficulty.

By the definition of the question I am 'rich', but I'm 58 and due to retire when I'm 60, so if I haven't got assets of considerably more than £120,000 that retirement isn't going to happen, is it?

Edited by Enut on Saturday 8th June 16:05

The Gauge

2,316 posts

16 months

Saturday 8th June
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Shnozz said:
The Gauge said:
Shnozz said:
You have a serious chip on your shoulder IMHO.
What about, pray tell?
Money, in the main. And those who have it.
I have no idea how you come to that conclusion, which is incorrect, care to expand?


7,968 posts

250 months

Saturday 8th June
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I was going to tap out a reply to this yesterday after reading it in the morning, but forgot.

Shortly afterward my missus came back from dropping my son off at school and told me one of the mums there, who is 38 and has 3 kids, was diagnosed with an aggressive form of bowel cancer which has spread and it aint looking all that good.

She and her husband are GPs and are loaded but I suspect they would trade their wealth for a change in fortunes at the moment.

I think most people forget health is the ultimate form of wealth, so this is just a little reminder (which I also needed to be fair).

Speed Badger

2,800 posts

120 months

Saturday 8th June
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I consider myself comfortable if whatever the most expensive thing in my home/car/life can break and I've got enough money to replace it immediately, at any point in the year. At the moment, I could just about muster a new lightbulb biglaugh

Chicken Chaser

7,966 posts

227 months

Saturday 8th June
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princeperch said:
I was going to tap out a reply to this yesterday after reading it in the morning, but forgot.

Shortly afterward my missus came back from dropping my son off at school and told me one of the mums there, who is 38 and has 3 kids, was diagnosed with an aggressive form of bowel cancer which has spread and it aint looking all that good.

She and her husband are GPs and are loaded but I suspect they would trade their wealth for a change in fortunes at the moment.

I think most people forget health is the ultimate form of wealth, so this is just a little reminder (which I also needed to be fair).
Amen to that.


26,738 posts

234 months

Saturday 8th June
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I have a pot to piss in so I must be rich.