Ungrateful/Argumentative wife

Ungrateful/Argumentative wife


MC Bodge

22,096 posts

178 months

Sunday 16th June
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TheGreatDane said:
Her family came over, explain the situation.

They've taken her whilst they give me time to think. Not going to change my mind.

The comment above about discussing with family and trying to salvage it, I get it but I'm more western in my life/beliefs so that has no bearing on my decision.

Can't live a life of pain to appease a bunch of 65+ year olds.
That sounds to be the right attitude.

I wish you well.


20,772 posts

194 months

Sunday 16th June
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TheGreatDane said:
Her family came over, explain the situation.

They've taken her whilst they give me time to think. Not going to change my mind.

The comment above about discussing with family and trying to salvage it, I get it but I'm more western in my life/beliefs so that has no bearing on my decision.

Can't live a life of pain to appease a bunch of 65+ year olds.
Good to hear this. Important step here.


2,687 posts

185 months

Sunday 16th June
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There’s been some fantastic responses and advice given on this thread and I have nothing else to add to it other than add a little more weight to what has already been said.

A close friend of mine went through this with his narcissistic partner, something which he kept secret from us for many years.
They have been apart for nearly 5 years, and while she is still trying to ruin his life with little to no success, his life now without her is infinitely better.


44,558 posts

200 months

Sunday 16th June
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TheGreatDane said:
Her family came over, explain the situation.

They've taken her whilst they give me time to think. Not going to change my mind.

The comment above about discussing with family and trying to salvage it, I get it but I'm more western in my life/beliefs so that has no bearing on my decision.

Can't live a life of pain to appease a bunch of 65+ year olds.
Be aware that her family are at least partially responsible for your wife's behaviour.

They've enabled her attitude by not challenging it well before you two ever met.

They will probably find it difficult to square that circle and take an objective view. More likely that they'll assume that the problem is you.

Denial can be a powerful thing.


3,584 posts

126 months

Sunday 16th June
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Jimjimhim said:
He needs to get out and fast!
Absolutely he does.

Nothing to do with cultures, just on a human level, this isn’t going to improve.

Get. Out.

Sebastian Tombs

2,064 posts

195 months

Sunday 16th June
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As she isn't there, get all the locks changed now.


3,495 posts

149 months

Sunday 16th June
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Sebastian Tombs said:
As she isn't there, get all the locks changed now.
That’s not going to help, if it’s her house he can’t not let her in!


3,542 posts

149 months

Sunday 16th June
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TheGreatDane said:
They've taken her whilst they give me time to think.
I know this sounds mercenary, but - you've been married less than a year, and if I remember the house was entirely yours before marriage? And she is now not on the premises for a whiile?

In the nicest possible way, I'd be taking steps to ensure that not-on-the-premises situation continues. Be wary of the legalities of it (hence others' advice to get a solicitor asap)

At the very least, draw-out your "thinking about it" phase until you have taken legal advice and put at least some of it in place.


16,763 posts

208 months

Sunday 16th June
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EmailAddress said:
E92 335d


780 posts

68 months

Sunday 16th June
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Just my 2p but if the OP's parents are willing to risk family "dishonour" and loss of face within the community then the poor guy's wife must be totally bat st mental

I did notice earlier in the thread that he said he gave as good as he got and I wonder if this has contributed? People with ADHD (which the wife might have) can't back down and it sounds like the OP is taking the fight to her. Don't get drawn in. Sometimes a simple "Uh, huh. Yes dear. How was your day?" de-escalates the situation.


18,891 posts

184 months

Sunday 16th June
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Taken her to give you time to think?? NO

You've thought and you want out, they're imposing themselves already under the guise of helping

MC Bodge

22,096 posts

178 months

Sunday 16th June
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Yazza54 said:
Taken her to give you time to think?? NO

You've thought and you want out, they're imposing themselves already under the guise of helping
Those were exactly my thoughts.

She sounds like a nightmare and OP knew it before he even married her.


3,584 posts

126 months

Sunday 16th June
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I’m so tempted to say “the things a bloke will do…” (etc), but I suspect that’s borderline rude, so I won’t.


3,796 posts

153 months

Sunday 16th June
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TheGreatDane said:
Her family came over, explain the situation.

They've taken her whilst they give me time to think. Not going to change my mind.

The comment above about discussing with family and trying to salvage it, I get it but I'm more western in my life/beliefs so that has no bearing on my decision.

Can't live a life of pain to appease a bunch of 65+ year olds.
That's good, I think you are moving in the right direction.

It's hard to get the world to understand that domestic abuse against men is a thing. I've been there. It's depressing, because the man is always assumed to be in the wrong. That's my opinion anyway, having spoken to many at the time.


70,090 posts

232 months

Sunday 16th June
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TheGreatDane said:
I've been married for 1 year and if you look at my post history it's been a very turbulent year. We argue all the time over the most mundane things and not being biased here, but I never ever start it.
I am not sure if you had a loving relationship prior to getting married but I think you already know what you need to do. This is not a marriage, it is not a relationship. If this was a friend you would have removed them from your life by now.

Short Grain

2,988 posts

223 months

Sunday 16th June
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Time to think my arse! Get legal advice OP. If the house was owned by you prior to marriage, you need to talk to a solicitor, and soon. If you're determined to get out of what sounds like an awful situation, you need to defend your assets as well! Good Luck!


5,572 posts

133 months

Monday 17th June
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Short Grain said:
Time to think my arse! Get legal advice OP. If the house was owned by you prior to marriage, you need to talk to a solicitor, and soon. If you're determined to get out of what sounds like an awful situation, you need to defend your assets as well! Good Luck!
Good luck, OP!


5,255 posts

187 months

Monday 17th June
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Can only echo the “speak to a lawyer” right now, if you haven’t already.

The family/her will likely try and throw a lot of things at you, but in most things, the law is the law and having someone navigate those choppy waters for you will pay dividends down the line, and may even stop the process being derailed.

Fast and Spurious

1,406 posts

91 months

Monday 17th June
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She must be utterly filthy, that's all I can think.

MC Bodge

22,096 posts

178 months

Monday 17th June
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Fast and Spurious said:
Not appropriate here.