What are your unpopular opinions? (Vol. 2)

What are your unpopular opinions? (Vol. 2)



9,340 posts

206 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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Justin Case said:
Opinions are not facts
Shh! You will provoke a mass nervous breakdown on PH if you reveal that fact...


34,175 posts

249 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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Makeup is silly. Young girls see older girls and women doing it, and so they want to do it too. After a while the habit is formed and most women are unable to break it.

Pieces of metal in the face are silly. Nobody would even think of doing it if they hadn't seen other people doing it.

Tattoos are silly.


312 posts

114 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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Blown2CV said:
in the wider context of social controls and restrictions, and with the way social media operates these days, this 'clap for carers' thing is like something out of 1984. Population, in 60 seconds time will begin the prescribed applause time. Ensure that you are visibly present and appropriately celebratory. Transgressors will be severely punished. Look it's not that I don't feel gratitude for front line workers, I just don't want to be told how to express it or pressurised to be a certain way. Surely donating money or volunteering is a far better way to help than to stand outside your house (mostly breaking social distancing rules it seems if the footage on the news is representative of the public at large) like the mooing grateful deferent prole that you are.
Despite our differing opinions on the other thread (and calling each other names) I would have to agree here. I do not like feeling forced to clap at my door as if my appreciation for the NHS is not valid unless I do this. I have hated being asked by people since last Thursday whether we did it or not because we did not and their response is revulsion.

I hate public displays like that or whooping and cheering etc, I'm an introvert in many ways and prefer to show my appreciation quietly in my own way. I just find the clap the NHS thing to be more about advertising that I am appreciative rather than about actually being appreciative.

Einion Yrth

19,575 posts

247 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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DoubleD said:
Dr Jekyll said:
Milk chocolate Bounty tastes better than plain.
Yep I agree
I don't, but it's a matter of personal taste, can't see why it would be an unpopular opinion.


9,090 posts

149 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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The police are overzealously enforcing overzealous guidance of social distancing.

Going for a drive with no intention to get out the car isn't allowed just in case i have an accident, I've had far more DIY and mountain biking accidents than I have had car accidents.


9,340 posts

206 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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ging84 said:
The police are overzealously enforcing overzealous guidance of social distancing.

Going for a drive with no intention to get out the car isn't allowed just in case i have an accident, I've had far more DIY and mountain biking accidents than I have had car accidents.
Well, if you've had so many accidents then you are accident prone, and you really should keep out of the car. Does that count as an unpopular opinionsmile?


22,154 posts

111 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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ging84 said:
The police are overzealously enforcing overzealous guidance of social distancing.

Going for a drive with no intention to get out the car isn't allowed just in case i have an accident, I've had far more DIY and mountain biking accidents than I have had car accidents.
And you also use more fuel, so will have to fill up more often, as will the people who supply the petrol stations, then more people needed for that admin and servicing faulty vehicles that are required more often to supply the petrol stations.....and so it goes on.


9,138 posts

253 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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singlecoil said:
Makeup is silly. Young girls see older girls and women doing it, and so they want to do it too. After a while the habit is formed and most women are unable to break it.

Pieces of metal in the face are silly. Nobody would even think of doing it if they hadn't seen other people doing it.

Tattoos are silly.
Yup, agree with all that.


6,702 posts

54 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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Blown2CV said:
in the wider context of social controls and restrictions, and with the way social media operates these days, this 'clap for carers' thing is like something out of 1984. Population, in 60 seconds time will begin the prescribed applause time. Ensure that you are visibly present and appropriately celebratory. Transgressors will be severely punished. Look it's not that I don't feel gratitude for front line workers, I just don't want to be told how to express it or pressurised to be a certain way. Surely donating money or volunteering is a far better way to help than to stand outside your house (mostly breaking social distancing rules it seems if the footage on the news is representative of the public at large) like the mooing grateful deferent prole that you are.
I came here to say similar. Well said.


24,498 posts

189 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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unident said:
Blown2CV said:
in the wider context of social controls and restrictions, and with the way social media operates these days, this 'clap for carers' thing is like something out of 1984. Population, in 60 seconds time will begin the prescribed applause time. Ensure that you are visibly present and appropriately celebratory. Transgressors will be severely punished. Look it's not that I don't feel gratitude for front line workers, I just don't want to be told how to express it or pressurised to be a certain way. Surely donating money or volunteering is a far better way to help than to stand outside your house (mostly breaking social distancing rules it seems if the footage on the news is representative of the public at large) like the mooing grateful deferent prole that you are.
I came here to say similar. Well said.
I'm glad I live down a dead end lane. The only people likely to hear me not clap are very unlikely to hold it against me.

Plus I'm fairly sure there are no NHS employees in hearing distance.


29,293 posts

206 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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paulguitar said:
Blown2CV said:
in the wider context of social controls and restrictions, and with the way social media operates these days, this 'clap for carers' thing is like something out of 1984. Population, in 60 seconds time will begin the prescribed applause time. Ensure that you are visibly present and appropriately celebratory. Transgressors will be severely punished. Look it's not that I don't feel gratitude for front line workers, I just don't want to be told how to express it or pressurised to be a certain way. Surely donating money or volunteering is a far better way to help than to stand outside your house (mostly breaking social distancing rules it seems if the footage on the news is representative of the public at large) like the mooing grateful deferent prole that you are.
I think the idea is that after a long shift, dealing with stuff that most of us can't comprehend, a doctor or nurse might see this applause on the TV and get a bit of a lift from it.
A guy from our area posted a picture on social media of his wrecked cheese grater that he was banging on the wall like some of demented idiot. The premise of the post was REGARD HOW MUCH I LOVE THE NHS, I LOVE IT MORE THAN ANY OF YOU. The whole thing has taken on some kind of weirdness about it, no doubt tainted by the fact that many of the public are actually losing their marbles stuck in their houses. Now it's happening every week there is the whole topic of when should it actually stop. The TV even issue commands to do it. It's nothing to do with NHS really now, it's just virtue signalling to the neighbours. Give it a few weeks and at least one of your neighbours will be making notes of how long you clapped for, so don't get caught out otherwise you'll end up in room 101.

Justin Case

2,195 posts

137 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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Clapping to show your appreciation of what NHS people and carers are doing is a worthwhile thing. Posting photos of yourself doing it on social media is unforgivable.

Afterthought. it is likely that this may not be such an unpopular opinion, so I will broaden to include all people who post anything about what they have done they think* is virtuous on social media as vain shallow and hateful. The act of doing it in itself should be sufficient.


22,154 posts

111 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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Justin Case said:
Clapping to show your appreciation of what NHS people and carers are doing is a worthwhile thing. Posting photos of yourself doing it on social media is unforgivable.

Afterthought. it is likely that this may not be such an unpopular opinion, so I will broaden to include all people who post anything about what they have done they think* is virtuous on social media as vain shallow and hateful. The act of doing it in itself should be sufficient.
Very well said.


3,765 posts

160 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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I personally find all the clapping pretty patronising. I'm pretty sure that the neighbours in my cul de sac are judging us pretty harshly right now, but I genuinely find it all a bit cringey and north korea esque.

"Clap clap clap, well done for risking your lives every day, whilst putting up with low wages, aw bless, clap clap clap, please continue, clap clap clap fking clap"

I am genuinely appreciative of our NHS, always have been, but society thesedays will only believe you if you make an obvious gesture of support along with everyone else.


22,154 posts

111 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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DoubleD said:
Justin Case said:
Clapping to show your appreciation of what NHS people and carers are doing is a worthwhile thing. Posting photos of yourself doing it on social media is unforgivable.

Afterthought. it is likely that this may not be such an unpopular opinion, so I will broaden to include all people who post anything about what they have done they think* is virtuous on social media as vain shallow and hateful. The act of doing it in itself should be sufficient.
Very well said.
Saying that I didnt clap.


9,631 posts

258 months

Friday 3rd April 2020
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Justin Case said:
Clapping to show your appreciation of what NHS people and carers are doing is a worthwhile thing. Posting photos of yourself doing it on social media is unforgivable.

Afterthought. it is likely that this may not be such an unpopular opinion, so I will broaden to include all people who post anything about what they have done they think* is virtuous on social media as vain shallow and hateful. The act of doing it in itself should be sufficient.

Erm, you know what I mean.


7,931 posts

95 months

Friday 3rd April 2020
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I got a round of applause driving through the village last night. It was nice of everyone to reward my efforts.

I don't work for the NHS, I'd been to a house we're selling to fix the electric gates. I guess the clappers just liked my driving or my car or something.

It made me feel warm inside.


5,580 posts

152 months

Friday 3rd April 2020
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Dr Jekyll said:
Milk chocolate Bounty tastes better than plain.
All uk brands of chocolate now are now tasteless insipid oily and flavourless.
The health police have dictated that they contain too much sugar and therefore have coerced the makers to change the recipe and now we have crappy chocolate.


34,175 posts

249 months

Friday 3rd April 2020
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It's my opinion that most euphemisms such as 'passed' or 'passed over' instead of 'died', and 'slept with' instead of 'had sex with' are silly. Especially the latter. Say what you mean FFS.


634 posts

53 months

Friday 3rd April 2020
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singlecoil said:
It's my opinion that most euphemisms such as 'passed' or 'passed over' instead of 'died', and 'slept with' instead of 'had sex with' are silly. Especially the latter. Say what you mean FFS.

And this clapping thing, it's a bit silly really.