What are your unpopular opinions? (Vol. 2)

What are your unpopular opinions? (Vol. 2)


Dr Jekyll

23,820 posts

264 months

Saturday 25th January 2020
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db said:
Dr Jekyll said:
db said:
At some point in my life, I'm going to die anyway.
My folks are old and won't be around for that much longer. My nieces and nephews will soon be old enough to reproduce, which will only increase the demand on earth's finite resources.
Perhaps your nieces and nephews will be the ones to find a way of using resources more efficiently, or just find more resources, or find a way of turning something that is currently useless gunge into a resource.
And perhaps they wont. And still the population increases creating a further drain on finite resources.
We can't continue in the hope that "perhaps" someone might find a solution to increased drain on finite resources.
But people are finding solutions all the time. Which is why despite massive growth in population poverty has decreased, life expectancy increased, and famine is fast becoming a thing of the past.
What we can't do is abandon the growth that makes that progress possible just on the assumption that 'perhaps' people will suddenly stop finding solutions.


9,090 posts

149 months

Saturday 25th January 2020
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janesmith1950 said:
Ever been to Holland?


9,090 posts

149 months

Saturday 25th January 2020
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ging84 said:
janesmith1950 said:
Ever been to Holland?
And if land really is a resource it is one of the most infinitely reusable resources.


57 months

Saturday 25th January 2020
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Food production and water, not just living space.

We are hugely overpopulated in many areas of the planet and we cannot sustain this rate of growth.

Dr Jekyll

23,820 posts

264 months

Saturday 25th January 2020
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janesmith1950 said:
Food production and water, not just living space.

We are hugely overpopulated in many areas of the planet and we cannot sustain this rate of growth.
Food production has increased massively in the last few decades, a third of the planet is covered in water, and population growth is already tailing off so the problem of whether we can sustain it doesn't arise.

Which particular areas are hugely overpopulated?


5,340 posts

255 months

Saturday 25th January 2020
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ging84 said:
janesmith1950 said:
Ever been to Holland?
They are not making more land, just moving what already exists from one place to another.


34,175 posts

249 months

Saturday 25th January 2020
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Dr Jekyll said:
janesmith1950 said:
Food production and water, not just living space.

We are hugely overpopulated in many areas of the planet and we cannot sustain this rate of growth.
Food production has increased massively in the last few decades, a third of the planet is covered in water, and population growth is already tailing off so the problem of whether we can sustain it doesn't arise.

Which particular areas are hugely overpopulated?
I think it's rather more than a third, more like 70% The Indian subcontinent for one.


9,090 posts

149 months

Saturday 25th January 2020
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janesmith1950 said:
Food production and water, not just living space.

We are hugely overpopulated in many areas of the planet and we cannot sustain this rate of growth.
Water is completely reusable
And food is something we produce at a rate far beyond what we consume. A 3rd of all food for human consumption is wasted.


1,056 posts

63 months

Saturday 25th January 2020
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Dr Jekyll said:
Food production has increased massively in the last few decades, a third of the planet is covered in water, and population growth is already tailing off so the problem of whether we can sustain it doesn't arise.

Which particular areas are hugely overpopulated?

Only an area of 2.02 sq.kl. but with a 26 000 pop.


34,175 posts

249 months

Saturday 25th January 2020
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ging84 said:
janesmith1950 said:
Food production and water, not just living space.

We are hugely overpopulated in many areas of the planet and we cannot sustain this rate of growth.
Water is completely reusable
And food is something we produce at a rate far beyond what we consume. A 3rd of all food for human consumption is wasted.
Sounds like there's no problem then.

Until you look at it a little less simplistically.


911 posts

60 months

Saturday 25th January 2020
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My most unpopular opinion is that people should research the topic of conversation to ensure that their ‘contributions’ are relevant, accurate and germane.
Because of this I often campaign against those who assert their feelings as though they were facts.
The facts don’t care about your feelings!!


43,984 posts

153 months

Saturday 25th January 2020
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mikal83 said:
ging84 said:
janesmith1950 said:
Ever been to Holland?
They are not making more land, just moving what already exists from one place to another.
Hawaii. I think volcanoes on the big island add about 7kmsq a year.


57 months

Saturday 25th January 2020
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Glenn Hughes was a disaster for Deep Purple and sowed the seeds of their destruction as early as the first post Burn album gigs.
His stage manner was all shriek shrieky "i'm the star" approach. From his white suit through his exaggerated pretend the bass is a lead guitar poses and culminating in his ludicrous improvised lyrics tacked onto classic songs

The California Jam thing is a great example of his self indulgent, attention seeking attitude.
The guy did for Deep Purple


5,340 posts

255 months

Saturday 25th January 2020
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TwigtheWonderkid said:
mikal83 said:
ging84 said:
janesmith1950 said:
Ever been to Holland?
They are not making more land, just moving what already exists from one place to another.
Hawaii. I think volcanoes on the big island add about 7kmsq a year.
Land from below ground, to the surface!


43,984 posts

153 months

Saturday 25th January 2020
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mikal83 said:
TwigtheWonderkid said:
mikal83 said:
ging84 said:
janesmith1950 said:
Ever been to Holland?
They are not making more land, just moving what already exists from one place to another.
Hawaii. I think volcanoes on the big island add about 7kmsq a year.
Land from below ground, to the surface!
By definition, land is only on the surface. The sea bed isn't land, and neither is molton rock in the bowels of the Earth.


29,293 posts

206 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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in the wider context of social controls and restrictions, and with the way social media operates these days, this 'clap for carers' thing is like something out of 1984. Population, in 60 seconds time will begin the prescribed applause time. Ensure that you are visibly present and appropriately celebratory. Transgressors will be severely punished. Look it's not that I don't feel gratitude for front line workers, I just don't want to be told how to express it or pressurised to be a certain way. Surely donating money or volunteering is a far better way to help than to stand outside your house (mostly breaking social distancing rules it seems if the footage on the news is representative of the public at large) like the mooing grateful deferent prole that you are.

Dr Jekyll

23,820 posts

264 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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Milk chocolate Bounty tastes better than plain.


22,154 posts

111 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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Dr Jekyll said:
Milk chocolate Bounty tastes better than plain.
Yep I agree


24,668 posts

116 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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Blown2CV said:
in the wider context of social controls and restrictions, and with the way social media operates these days, this 'clap for carers' thing is like something out of 1984. Population, in 60 seconds time will begin the prescribed applause time. Ensure that you are visibly present and appropriately celebratory. Transgressors will be severely punished. Look it's not that I don't feel gratitude for front line workers, I just don't want to be told how to express it or pressurised to be a certain way. Surely donating money or volunteering is a far better way to help than to stand outside your house (mostly breaking social distancing rules it seems if the footage on the news is representative of the public at large) like the mooing grateful deferent prole that you are.
I think the idea is that after a long shift, dealing with stuff that most of us can't comprehend, a doctor or nurse might see this applause on the TV and get a bit of a lift from it.

Justin Case

2,195 posts

137 months

Thursday 2nd April 2020
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Opinions are not facts