Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40


Dermot O'Logical

2,668 posts

132 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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slopes said:
In a slightly less cheery trivial note, is it just me or has the level of miserable people on ph expanded rapidly recently?
See the Childless men thread for an example. Why on earth does everything anyone does have to be scrutinised to the nth degree these days? Who the fut cares if someone chooses not to have children? More to the point, why does everyone all of a sudden think their opinion is the only one that counts??

Mind you, that isn't a modern phenomenon on PH, i can go back to 2011 when one particular odious type decided that their opinion was the only one that mattered and everyone - and i do mean everyone - crowded round this particular person as if they were the second coming.

Anyway, two of the ladies i work with are displaying lots of boobage this morning, so i shall mostly be sat with an inane grin on my fizog for most of the day hehe
It's the internet. And the failure of "Care In The Community"


9,310 posts

206 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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Dermot O'Logical said:
slopes said:
In a slightly less cheery trivial note, is it just me or has the level of miserable people on ph expanded rapidly recently?
See the Childless men thread for an example. Why on earth does everything anyone does have to be scrutinised to the nth degree these days? Who the fut cares if someone chooses not to have children? More to the point, why does everyone all of a sudden think their opinion is the only one that counts??

Mind you, that isn't a modern phenomenon on PH, i can go back to 2011 when one particular odious type decided that their opinion was the only one that mattered and everyone - and i do mean everyone - crowded round this particular person as if they were the second coming.

Anyway, two of the ladies i work with are displaying lots of boobage this morning, so i shall mostly be sat with an inane grin on my fizog for most of the day hehe
It's the internet. And the failure of "Care In The Community"
That’s why this thread is such a sanctuary, and long may it stay so.


62,468 posts

220 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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Dermot O'Logical said:
It's the internet. And the failure of "Care In The Community"
Social messaging apps, seems to be the place where you show off you're better than someone whilst casting dispersion's on everyone


62,468 posts

220 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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slopes said:
Byker28i said:
Paint the whole world with a...
Is it wrong that i just hummed the theme tune in my head? hehe
This won't help then

Mind you - to offset biggrin

White Stiletto

1,157 posts

52 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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psi310398 said:
That’s why this thread is such a sanctuary, and long may it stay so.
Well said psi.

Good morning all.

It's been raining but it seems to have stopped. I've been to the bakers' and bought some bread and resisted the siren call of the Danish pastries.

Nothing much planned today but I notice there's something resembling a cricket match on TV tonight. Not the real thing but better than the rubbish 100.

That's all for now


39,122 posts

190 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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On a more cheery note, it's the TTFNSQ tonight and i am fair proud of this weeks quiz. I don't think the questions will trouble people too much but he theme might catch a few out


Original Poster:

50,338 posts

201 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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slopes said:
On a more cheery note, it's the TTFNSQ tonight and i am fair proud of this weeks quiz. I don't think the questions will trouble people too much but he theme might catch a few out
How did that happen? I read the theme might catch a few out and the theme from Crossroads started in my head. I didn't watch Crossroads.


35,670 posts

153 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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Bobberoo said:

That is a seriously impressive amount of shoes for a bloke though!!!
Or 4 pairs of Loakes...


39,122 posts

190 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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DickyC said:
slopes said:
On a more cheery note, it's the TTFNSQ tonight and i am fair proud of this weeks quiz. I don't think the questions will trouble people too much but he theme might catch a few out
How did that happen? I read the theme might catch a few out and the theme from Crossroads started in my head. I didn't watch Crossroads.
No idea, probably for the same reason as i started humming the theme tune to Married with Children earlier, haven't watched that in a long long time


35,670 posts

153 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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Gude Aftermorn Ovriboodle! wavey

Following a negative Elbow Test and a gnurly start, I have been Robbopopping since 07:40hrs, and we are now having a brunch lake.
Robbopoppetlet and I have planned a walk down to Greenfield's in a bit. We need to buy some carrots to feed the horsies in the paddock.

Do any of you need anything ( within reason ) whilst we're there?

( Sorry, I cannot divulge the answers to this evening's TTFNSQ which is scheduled to commence at the earlier time of 19:00hrs nono )


39,298 posts

101 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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I'm home......I spent the entire journey home trying to convince myself to get my lazy fat arse on my bike and go for a ride, but the minute I sat down in the front room tiredness swept over me and all I can think about now is a soak in the bath and a kip!!!!

Thanks for that video Byker28i, sat here laughing at it!!!


62,468 posts

220 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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A long walk on the coastal path completed


62,468 posts

220 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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62,468 posts

220 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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39,122 posts

190 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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Apparently, a local hospital is offering pioneering procedure for men suffering with prostate issues. Essentially, they will put some form of robot water jet up inside you and carry out some sort of procedure to reduce the swelling etc.

Sounds kinky


15,875 posts

109 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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slopes said:
In a slightly less cheery trivial note, is it just me or has the level of miserable people on ph expanded rapidly recently?
See the Childless men thread for an example. Why on earth does everything anyone does have to be scrutinised to the nth degree these days? Who the fut cares if someone chooses not to have children? More to the point, why does everyone all of a sudden think their opinion is the only one that counts??

Mind you, that isn't a modern phenomenon on PH, i can go back to 2011 when one particular odious type decided that their opinion was the only one that mattered and everyone - and i do mean everyone - crowded round this particular person as if they were the second coming.

Anyway, two of the ladies i work with are displaying lots of boobage this morning, so i shall mostly be sat with an inane grin on my fizog for most of the day hehe
It's definitely noticeable slopes, there's a lot more argey-bargeyness appearing in threads that were never touched by it before, often spread by the same dozen or so NP&E regulars who are either unhinged nutjobs on one side, or condescending bores on the other. A few of them seem to poke the bear enough to get a short ban, then return with the same tedious crap as before. My enthusiasm for cars and other PH type trivial pursuits is as strong as ever, but I visit fewer threads now than I used to. I still can't keep up with you lot(tm), but this quaint little corner of the parish is still a jaunty den of sillyness most days. No slacking now chaps, your country needs you...!

Random cheery pics for communal medicinal purposes, wot I took at Dawlish and Teignmouth fifteen years ago...



39,122 posts

190 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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Every time i see a picture of the line at Teignmouth i am reminded of the video of a Class 56 hauling logs i think, powering along and a dog on top of a footbridge barking like mad at it, then running away from the crud coming out the top of it hehe

And of course Teignmouth is famous as the birth place of one of the UK's biggest bands for some time, Muse.


Original Poster:

50,338 posts

201 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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Every time I see the word Dawlish I think of Pete and Dud as Dawlish and Barrington.


35,670 posts

153 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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slopes said:
Apparently, a local hospital is offering pioneering procedure for men suffering with prostate issues. Essentially, they will put some form of robot water jet up inside you and carry out some sort of procedure to reduce the swelling etc.

Sounds kinky
So do they basically turn your willy inside out and make you drink lots of disinfectant?


39,298 posts

101 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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A robot colonic irrigation!?!?!?
I'm sure the water cannon on the old green goddess is still working, I reckon we can scavenge the rest form around the Towers!!!!