PH occasional Euromillions syndicate (vol 2)

PH occasional Euromillions syndicate (vol 2)



Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Friday 29th September 2023
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Mr MXT said:
Damn just spotted this. Suspect I’m too late but paid anyway smile
Your lucky day! You can have the extra one as you posted whilst I was doing the admin.


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Thursday 23rd November 2023
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We will be in.


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Wednesday 29th November 2023
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Feel free to send. Will try and sort email stuff later today


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Friday 1st December 2023
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Condi said:
Everyone does know you don't have to reply with "paid" or "in", right? The only thing which matters is that the money is in his account, not that you've posted here. hehe
Gets that notification right up there, though! hehe

Just sent out a quick lunchtime email reminder for those who haven't seen the thread recently. Should be home and sorting stuff just after 5 with any luck.

Speaking of which, is anyone else just tortured by work at the moment? I'm trying to do my business stuff on the side (which is very slow to grow) and so I need to keep doing a day job. But schools (and I'm guessing any job dealing with the public at the moment) is just horrendous with abuse on a daily basis. I've worked across a large number of schools in the Yorkshire area in the last few years in various roles and many are now struggling to staff themselves in core subjects as it's got that bad. One school I currently work with basically doesn't have a maths department after Christmas as they're almost all leaving and they can't get replacements.

So, just a random shot in the dark - if anyone has jobs going in the Sheffield/South Yorks area then hit me up! Willing to take a pay cut to leave.


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Friday 1st December 2023
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andburg said:
spud___ said:
Condi said:
Everyone does know you don't have to reply with "paid" or "in", right? The only thing which matters is that the money is in his account, not that you've posted here. hehe
Gets that notification right up there, though! hehe

Just sent out a quick lunchtime email reminder for those who haven't seen the thread recently. Should be home and sorting stuff just after 5 with any luck.

Speaking of which, is anyone else just tortured by work at the moment? I'm trying to do my business stuff on the side (which is very slow to grow) and so I need to keep doing a day job. But schools (and I'm guessing any job dealing with the public at the moment) is just horrendous with abuse on a daily basis. I've worked across a large number of schools in the Yorkshire area in the last few years in various roles and many are now struggling to staff themselves in core subjects as it's got that bad. One school I currently work with basically doesn't have a maths department after Christmas as they're almost all leaving and they can't get replacements.

So, just a random shot in the dark - if anyone has jobs going in the Sheffield/South Yorks area then hit me up! Willing to take a pay cut to leave.
Eh up!

I dont know of anything but I didnt realise you were a local!

teaching is a horrid profession with the million ofsted targets requiring 12 hour days 6 days a week to be outstanding and the parents being oblivious to the demands it makes. Wife got out 5 years ago and we've never looked back despite the paycut.
I'm in Aughton on the main road as it goes down the hill to Ulley.


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Friday 1st December 2023
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Ultra Sound Guy said:
Sorry Spud, only just noticed, money paid, hopefully in time?
Yep, I got delayed, as usual. Almost done


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Tuesday 5th December 2023
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70 quid of rollover tickets purchased and 132 ones for tonight. Done on phone as got Ofsted in. Will show proof later!


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Saturday 9th December 2023
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Defcon5 said:
andburg said:
Blackpuddin said:
Uncross them, it's been won by an Austrian.
I’m not Austrian frown
You didn’t buy the tickets though

Pretty sure I’ve seen Spud in lederhosen - maybe he is Austrian
I'm now rich enough to afford a super injunction, though...


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Saturday 9th December 2023
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RacingPete said:
It’s the hope that kills you… only £22.50 winnings from all those lines.
No, around 40 quid. But not our best return, that's for sure.


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Monday 22nd January
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All good for Fri!


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Monday 29th January
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nismocat said:
I never get an email thing, are they still sent?

Paid, by the way.
They are. I just didn't get chance last week and I've been away all weekend. Will be back on it from tomorrow


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Wednesday 31st January
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Ultra Sound Guy said:
1 UK winner!
Was it us?
Unfortunately not. Will sort out rollovers