CSA / Private Agreement?

CSA / Private Agreement?



408 posts

215 months

Sunday 5th April 2009
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Merlot said:
nownek said:
If she's on benefits then the csa will have to get involved. Any money received from the father will be offset against her benefits ie she won't receive the cash from him.
So, for example, if she was to receive £500 p/m benefits, this would be reduced by the same amount the father gave her as child support? (Ie, if it was £300 she would end up taking £200 benefits?).

I guess this is better than living purely on the state?
She'd get her benefits as normal and his payments would go to the state which is the same thing in effect.

At least this was the way when I worked for the agency (a while ago now)


Original Poster:

4,121 posts

211 months

Sunday 5th April 2009
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NiceCupOfTea said:
Merlot said:
NiceCupOfTea said:
What a mess. A completely avoidable mess.

Don't have a great deal of sympathy with either, presumably they know that there is a good chance of unprotected sex producing babies? But, hey, that's OK, just tax me a bit more to pay for it rolleyes

Sorry, nothing much useful to add - first step is to approach him about it. If he denies "ownership" I suppose a DNA test is on the cards. Then if he still doesn't step up, CSA?
I completely agree with you, although to be fair I do think it was a case of a broken Durex and a failure of the morning after pill to work.
If that is the case then I am more sympathetic - however, as others have said her stance on abortion doesn't sit well with her stance on one night stands / morning after pills. Are you sure it's not a "meal ticket"?

Having said that, you would have to be incredibly unlucky to have a condom break AND M.A.P. failing (if taken correctly). IMHO a lot of "pill didn't work" / "condom broke" accidents are due to not following the instructions correctly.
Maybe. I don't know. I don't know her that well to be honest and I'm only going on what I'm told!


3,274 posts

186 months

Sunday 5th April 2009
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bigTee said:
ianash said:
Merlot said:
bigTee said:
get the CSA involed and all three are fked.
Why? (Genuinely interested, I have never had any call to even think about the CSA before!)

If he refuses to pay any child support privately, why should the CSA not get involved? Looking at their website it would suggest that he would need to pay in the order of £280-£300 per month.
If he's the father he should pay, willingly or not. Why should the rest of us pay for his night of passion.
says somebody who had never dealt with the CSA!!!
You're right I've not had that presumably unpleasant experience. I feel that parent's should pay for the upbringing of their children, both parents.
I don't think the mother should be relieved of her obligation to work and contribute to the costs. I presume they both agreed to the copulation, why should the state (taxpayer) have to house, feed and educate the fruits of their act. Adults should be made to face up to their responsibilities in these matters. Don't want (to pay for) children, use a condom or have a vasectomy.


161 posts

187 months

Sunday 5th April 2009
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CSA won't want to know until there is actually a child produced... if he denies being the father then I think the onus is on her to prove he is (not the other way 'round). If he is then he should pay toward the upbringing of the child, who, let's face it, is the unfortunate one in the situation!

If he IS the the father then the best thing is to see if they can agree something outside of the judicial and CSA system but have it in writing and make sure he gets receipts and she keeps good records - she has to declare it as income though or she will get prosecuted for benefit fraud.

It does sound as if he will refuse and if that is the case then the CSA is the only option other than for her to exclude him from her life and get on with it on her own. (Not necessarily the worst option for her and the child although the most costly to the state (i.e. us!) )

Accidents happen, unfortunately it is the rest of us who tend to end up paying the penalty.


3,274 posts

186 months

Sunday 5th April 2009
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anonymous said:
I think if she and he can't, or won't, pay to bring up the child, adoption ought to be mandatory.

Rocky Balboa

1,308 posts

203 months

Sunday 5th April 2009
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Penny-lope said:
And of course a nice visit to the Jeremy Kyle Show
hehe I can picture it now....


3,242 posts

185 months

Sunday 5th April 2009
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Where ma cheque!?


12,803 posts

219 months

Monday 6th April 2009
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should have had the abortion would have been the best thing for the woman the fella the baby and the tax payer.