What would you do?


GT 1

2,056 posts

215 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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Not 'settled down' as young as i did


Original Poster:

575 posts

186 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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Personally, I would go back to year 7. And act happier. Then I would've got more friends and probably been a much better all round person.

Rather than the overly anxious stereotypical overly emotional teen I am now....

(Just thought i'd plop that in...)


10,578 posts

205 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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Would have done a different degree that didn't take 5 years hehe


6,225 posts

210 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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Oh, I might have eaten less. Then I wouldn't have had to go through those disorder issues. And I would have been more confident earlier on, rather than suddenly switching to what my Head of Year described as a 'super bh'.


14,070 posts

273 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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Wish I'd realised that having kids was the greatest thing that would ever happen to me, instead of putting it off by being one of the lads for as long as poss and in the meanwhile putting my beautiful future wife through hell waiting.
Thinking that the one and only Hammers would come along when Spurs decided(rightly!)that I wasn't worth watching anymore.Should have got off my arse and got myself out there.
Spent less time with "acquaintences" and more time with proper friends and family.


17,517 posts

213 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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When I was younger I was earning a lot of money £200k P.A.

I spent it on drugs, drink and free loaders. After 3 years of that I ended up with nothing to show and losing the contract. Due to drink, drugs and freeloaders.

However since then I have learnt to say no to people, I was a such a push over.

I would like to go back and not quite spend that much. Even a quarter of that would of been a lavish lifestyle.

Edited by elster on Wednesday 1st April 23:32


10,578 posts

205 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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elster said:
When I was younger I was earning a lot of money £200k P.A.

I spent it on drugs, drink and free loaders. After 3 years of that I ended up with nothing to show and losing the contract. Due to drink, drugs and freeloaders.

However since then I have learnt to say no to people, I was a such a push over.

I would like to go back and not quite spend that much. Even a quarter of that would of been a lavish lifestyle.

Edited by elster on Wednesday 1st April 23:32
yikes What were you doing, I want to go back and do that too hehe


17,517 posts

213 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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arryb said:
elster said:
When I was younger I was earning a lot of money £200k P.A.

I spent it on drugs, drink and free loaders. After 3 years of that I ended up with nothing to show and losing the contract. Due to drink, drugs and freeloaders.

However since then I have learnt to say no to people, I was a such a push over.

I would like to go back and not quite spend that much. Even a quarter of that would of been a lavish lifestyle.

Edited by elster on Wednesday 1st April 23:32
yikes What were you doing, I want to go back and do that too hehe
Selling parts to the railway. NR have oodles of cash!


4,812 posts

214 months

Wednesday 1st April 2009
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It's always interesting to think "what if"...

I'd be interested in knowing the path my life might have taken if I hadn't been uprooted at age 6 and moved somewhere that I didn't like/enjoy.

Would also be interested in seeing if I had taken a different degree at Uni how my life might have panned out.

But then there's lots of little "what ifs" in life. What if I had taken up the offer to travel/work abroad with that guy I met in Wales aged 19? Maybe I'd have had a fantastic time ... maybe he'd have killed me and buried me on a beach. biggrin

Not much point looking at the past, it can't be changed. You can however help decide your future.


4,316 posts

241 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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I'd go back to age 11 or 12, so pretty much start over.


2,597 posts

222 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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I would have sold the white mini and kept the brown one.


18,506 posts

250 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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I'd kiss her.


99 posts

186 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Catz said:
Not much point looking at the past, it can't be changed. You can however help decide your future.
At the age of 24, I turned down a job offer with a start-up business as it meant a 20% salary cut, but included 20% equity in the company.
8 years later the owner took it public for £50m!
Taught me to always go for the percentage, but I have probably only got back 2% of what I turned down.


11,876 posts

254 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Spent even more time with my son.


21,794 posts

228 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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F93 said:
If you could go back to any part of your life and start over again. You don't remember everything you've just lost, but you just sense to do things differently, like applying for that job, or buying that car that 'would never be a classic'

So what would you guys do if you could go back?
Should have listened to the divide by two add seven rule.


2,996 posts

203 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Cut my future neighbour's cat's dad's balls off


2,481 posts

239 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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Interesting how women on this thread mostly want to change relationship issues whereas blokes go for financial/career stuff scratchchin


951 posts

205 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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I'd have applied for the RAF rather than assume it was beyond me.


1,070 posts

199 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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okgo said:
I would go back to about 8, where summers were long, and care didn't exist..
amen to that...

Lord Pikey

3,257 posts

218 months

Thursday 2nd April 2009
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I think i wouldn't of reheated the remains of a 4 day old takeaway curry for lunch yesturday.

That was a bad idea for my stomach, and the people in the cinema last night smile