Went ballistic at my OH browsing my facebook

Went ballistic at my OH browsing my facebook



28,506 posts

248 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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I occasionally leave the laptop logged into Facebook as me - no issue with the OH seeing it at all. She'll usually log me out as she wants to see her messages, not mine.


Original Poster:

3,713 posts

186 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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V8mate said:
isee said:
V8mate said:
isee said:
V8mate said:
I'll give it seven days until you post again bleating about your wife having left you.
in 7 days maybe but at this precise moment in time i feel like i'd help her pack her things.
If you want to play 'secret messages' with other women - unless you are asking their advice on buying your OH a fk-off huge diamond - you have no business being married.
I am not married.
Then why call her your "mrs"?

Is it just a malicious rumour, or are you really just some attention-seeking school-kid?
As I have stated before, English is not my frist language, I was udner the impression that "mrs" can be used instead of other half, girlfriend and is not exclusively reserved to the actual title reserved for married women, more like a slang really.


7,238 posts

221 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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V8mate said:
isee said:
V8mate said:
I'll give it seven days until you post again bleating about your wife having left you.
in 7 days maybe but at this precise moment in time i feel like i'd help her pack her things.
If you want to play 'secret messages' with other women - unless you are asking their advice on buying your OH a fk-off huge diamond - you have no business being married.

Edited by V8mate on Tuesday 31st March 16:55
Not sure having a mrs means you automatically must sever links with anything else with boobs


868 posts

206 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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It wont be the first time she has been checking up on you I guarantee it. She obviously doesnt trust you, otherwise why is she snooping?
I think you may have seen her true colours, whats even worse is she is making it your fault.

Seems like you might have a lucky escape if you ditch her now.


88,873 posts

287 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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You use Facebook. It's your own fault.


7,134 posts

214 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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FourWheelDrift said:
You use Facebook. It's your own fault.


45,899 posts

192 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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collateral said:
V8mate said:
isee said:
V8mate said:
I'll give it seven days until you post again bleating about your wife having left you.
in 7 days maybe but at this precise moment in time i feel like i'd help her pack her things.
If you want to play 'secret messages' with other women - unless you are asking their advice on buying your OH a fk-off huge diamond - you have no business being married.
Not sure having a mrs means you automatically must sever links with anything else with boobs
Did I say that it did?


948 posts

202 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Tony*T3 said:
Epic trust fail by her.

Epic 'nothing to hide' fail by you.

If you've got nothing to hide then there's nothing wrong with letting her look at that sort of stuff... but she should have asked first.


13,489 posts

224 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Well your reaction is going to tell her there is something to hide that much is for sure. Whether anything incriminating is on there or not, she now won't believe you, that is also for sure. If your relationship wasn't strong before, I'd say it's pretty much pooped now, caused by your overreaction

Lesson learned for you, assume anything you post on the internet or send on the internet will be read by the other half sometime. Then ask yourself if thats what you really want to say or if it's really what you mean.


17,111 posts

220 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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What the fk? Why are people siding with the psychotic, jealous bunny boiler in this?

Mate, you did absolutely the right thing and the reason she's giving you the silent treatment is because she's embarrassed that you caught her.


17,111 posts

220 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Georgiegirl said:
I see why you are a bit annoyed, but that level of reaction means one thing to women - you are very very guilty!
Girls response. Ignore.


7,238 posts

221 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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V8mate said:
collateral said:
V8mate said:
isee said:
V8mate said:
I'll give it seven days until you post again bleating about your wife having left you.
in 7 days maybe but at this precise moment in time i feel like i'd help her pack her things.
If you want to play 'secret messages' with other women - unless you are asking their advice on buying your OH a fk-off huge diamond - you have no business being married.
Not sure having a mrs means you automatically must sever links with anything else with boobs
Did I say that it did?
You said you shouldn't be married.

There's no guessing what kind of sensitive messages might be sitting in someone's private in-box. Even if my in-box was empty I'd be annoyed in the OP's position


869 posts

212 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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escargot said:
Georgiegirl said:
I see why you are a bit annoyed, but that level of reaction means one thing to women - you are very very guilty!
Girls response. Ignore.
Hey I'm trying to help the guy out here, let him into the female psyche - it helps to know your opposition!

Cara Van Man

29,977 posts

254 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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isee said:
Caught my mrs browsing my facebook on the iphone, reading the messages from my female friends etc.
There was nothing incriminating on there but that really pissed me off in principle.
I confiscated the phone and told her in strong language that what she did is just not on.
To make a long story short she is now upset with ME and is not talking to me unless she has to...

Have I overreacted?
I suppose I made myself look guilty in her eyes by reacting so strongly. I have nothing to hide but it doesn't mean it's ok to read my personal inbox. I never read her messages whenever she leaves her mailbox open on my pc. I never browse through her text messages on her phone either.

I do believe that if you are looking for something you will find it eventually though...

It pisses me off that rather than apologising I am the guilty one now. Not sure how that works but if she keeps that up I am tempted to throw in the towel.
Hello, may I be so presumptious as to ask how old you are?

I'm guessing about 12?

Either that or you met your missus at the 'special needs' school disco.


4,381 posts

203 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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escargot said:
What the fk? Why are people siding with the psychotic, jealous bunny boiler in this?

Mate, you did absolutely the right thing and the reason she's giving you the silent treatment is because she's embarrassed that you caught her.
+1. Do NOT marry the bh.

SHE has a guilty conciense. How many affairs has she had with married/attached men I wonder that you dont know about, and she is projecting this onto you.


45,899 posts

192 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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collateral said:
V8mate said:
collateral said:
V8mate said:
isee said:
V8mate said:
I'll give it seven days until you post again bleating about your wife having left you.
in 7 days maybe but at this precise moment in time i feel like i'd help her pack her things.
If you want to play 'secret messages' with other women - unless you are asking their advice on buying your OH a fk-off huge diamond - you have no business being married.
Not sure having a mrs means you automatically must sever links with anything else with boobs
Did I say that it did?
You said you shouldn't be married.

There's no guessing what kind of sensitive messages might be sitting in someone's private in-box. Even if my in-box was empty I'd be annoyed in the OP's position
FFS. I even gave you an opportunity to prove you can read.

I said:

"If you want to play 'secret messages' with other women...."

'If' is a conditional statement. Your selective quote is based upon choosing to carry out that conditional statement.

Sheets Tabuer

19,212 posts

218 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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You should rightly be annoyed with her.

Next time you have sex do it a bit angrier, that will learn her.


869 posts

212 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Chainguy said:
escargot said:
What the fk? Why are people siding with the psychotic, jealous bunny boiler in this?

Mate, you did absolutely the right thing and the reason she's giving you the silent treatment is because she's embarrassed that you caught her.
+1. Do NOT marry the bh.

SHE has a guilty conciense. How many affairs has she had with married/attached men I wonder that you dont know about, and she is projecting this onto you.
Blimey and they say women overanalyse and read too much into things! (Joking)


36,010 posts

287 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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What is face book? An autobiography?

A3 Lucie

3,473 posts

185 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Georgiegirl said:
I see why you are a bit annoyed, but that level of reaction means one thing to women - you are very very guilty!
Personally it wouldnt bother me if someone looked at my email, facebook, phone.....anything really
TBH I've looked at my boyfriend's phone and he was so mad about it 'I've got nothing to hide, it's just my private phone'....which screams guilt to most women. I'm happy to leave my phone around, my facebook/emails open, if he wanted to look at anything he could but he is so cagey!