OMFG I'm bored......

OMFG I'm bored......


MK4 Slowride

10,028 posts

211 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Get GTA IV for the PSP.

Oh & get a PSP.


Kermit power

28,980 posts

216 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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andy400 said:
Kermit power said:
I completely sympathise! When the company I worked for was taken over by a much larger company, we went through a period of about 7 months when there was really practically nothing whatsoever that we could do. Having to be there, pretending to be all keen and ready to go was absolutely soul-destroying.

You say your employer has blocked the internet. Would you get into trouble for taking in a laptop with a 3G card in it? Even if you've not got a laptop, you can get them bundled free with wireless broadband deals now for £50 or less per month, which has to be a small price to pay if it helps preserve your sanity!

Alternatively, is there any reason you want to avoid getting another job?
Due to the nature of my employment, your fine ideas are no good to me! Comsec prevents me using any wireless devices in the office. Can't leave this job until my employers decide where to send me next (military).
Ah.. Fair enough! How long have you got left until your next posting? Would it be an option to go up the chain of command and request the ability to do some form of training while you work? If the job really doesn't require any degree of interaction, they'd be getting a better trained person without having to actually lose any of your time to do it, wouldn't they?


24,438 posts

231 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Not bored, as I have loads to do including a casting for a TVC that involves lots of brunette beauties, but that can get boring after a while....

I'm fking hungry though - Chinese has been ordered and I'm now simply waiting for the feast.

Have a nice day.


15,087 posts

264 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Try inventing something. That bloke with the toaster did very well.

Practice your handwriting? Design the optimum paper aeroplane? re arrange the contents of your, wallet/nose/trousers for a few hours
get the dictionary and learn five new words, do some lower legs stretches and try to work up to one hundred consequtive pressups ?

Ponder the big questions, why are we here, does anyone care, is there a dog, why do women put their feet on the dashboard ?

Buy a tendo ds ?

look for another job - if the british military are a little dull, have you thought about joining the Afghan army, interesting work and travel ?


5,666 posts

195 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Get a Nintendo DS for C.£100, spend hours doing brain training, playing Zelda - Phantom Hourglass, and best of all GTA - Chinatown Wars. Job done.


Original Poster:

10,559 posts

234 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Kermit power said:
andy400 said:
Kermit power said:
I completely sympathise! When the company I worked for was taken over by a much larger company, we went through a period of about 7 months when there was really practically nothing whatsoever that we could do. Having to be there, pretending to be all keen and ready to go was absolutely soul-destroying.

You say your employer has blocked the internet. Would you get into trouble for taking in a laptop with a 3G card in it? Even if you've not got a laptop, you can get them bundled free with wireless broadband deals now for £50 or less per month, which has to be a small price to pay if it helps preserve your sanity!

Alternatively, is there any reason you want to avoid getting another job?
Due to the nature of my employment, your fine ideas are no good to me! Comsec prevents me using any wireless devices in the office. Can't leave this job until my employers decide where to send me next (military).
Ah.. Fair enough! How long have you got left until your next posting? Would it be an option to go up the chain of command and request the ability to do some form of training while you work? If the job really doesn't require any degree of interaction, they'd be getting a better trained person without having to actually lose any of your time to do it, wouldn't they?
Should be out of here in late July or August (fingers crossed!). I've missed the opportunity to start an OU course or something similar, largely because I've been fked about - they told me I'd be out of here last Summer, then by Christmas, then by today (perhaps that's why I'm a bit down scratchchin ), now maybe summer - could still be bullst but at least there's a plan forming. So that's why I didn't start anything - if only I'd known. Next posting should be much more interesting.


Original Poster:

10,559 posts

234 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Gargamel said:
have you thought about joining the Afghan army, interesting work and travel ?

hehe Where's their careers office?

BoRED S2upid

19,848 posts

243 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Welcome to my world.

Theres PH's, lots of unblocked sites like BBC, Channel 4 and such like. I presume your allowed your mobile phone so can text mates, and ofcourse there is toilet breaks, make the most of these. Lunch break should be spent either having a 30 minute walk or doing shopping, NOT eating, if your allowed to eat at your desk do so and I mean breakfast and Lunch thus breakfast lasts from 9am - 10am with some PH's inbetween, lunch is a 30 min walk followed by an hour of eating and PH's, each toilet break is 15 mins. You soon get through the day.


5,219 posts

284 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Log into DELC and do a course with them (free and LOTS to choose from). Your login should be the same as for JPA or just give em a call.

Kermit power

28,980 posts

216 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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andy400 said:
they told me I'd be out of here by Christmas.
You fell for that old military chestnut? rofl


5,339 posts

244 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Sounds like my job Andy! I had an escape plan but the global recession has pretty much fked up that plan for the foreseeable future frown


Original Poster:

10,559 posts

234 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Kermit power said:
andy400 said:
they told me I'd be out of here by Christmas.
You fell for that old military chestnut? rofl
I fell for it three times! What a numpty.....


5,719 posts

209 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Learn to do little majic tricks like hiding coins and the auto trader and go shopping with an imaginary budget that you would have if you didnt have any responsibilities, make towers out of your business cards, buy top gear and evo and octane and have a read


827 posts

206 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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A mate of mines whiles away long car journeys with a game of 'spot the fit kid'....


Original Poster:

10,559 posts

234 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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S6PNJ said:
Log into DELC and do a course with them (free and LOTS to choose from). Your login should be the same as for JPA or just give em a call.
Not a bad idea. I did my ECDL with them a few months back, just because.

BoRED S2upid

19,848 posts

243 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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dienamic said:
A mate of mines whiles away long car journeys with a game of 'spot the fit kid'....
He does what? I presume hes signed the register.


17,111 posts

220 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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dienamic said:
A mate of mines whiles away long car journeys with a game of 'spot the fit kid'....


70,090 posts

232 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Buy a Nintendo Wii and take it to work?


5,153 posts

195 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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andy400 said:
Imagine, if you will, a job that requires an intelligent, responsible and highly-trained man* to be manning a desk 24/7, 364 days a year. This job, despite the level of responsibility and skill necessary, rarely requires much work and never, I repeat never requires any interesting work.

Well, here I am and that's my job, and I'm really bored. Bored of my book. Bored of the internet (blocked my thoughtful employers so that the only vaguely interesting thing available is PH. Even eBay is banned!). Bored of drinking coffee. Bored of looking out of the window. Bored of eating biscuits. Bored of thinking about plans for when I get home next. Bored of.... well, you get the idea.

Any ideas how to relieve the boredom? I get a half hour for lunch soon - and that's pretty much the main highlight of my day!

* I slipped through the net...... 

Edited by andy400 on Tuesday 31st March 11:44
Could you register for an Open University Degree and do it in your spare work time.

Lord Croker

7,072 posts

192 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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dienamic said:
A mate of mines whiles away long car journeys with a game of 'spot the fit kid'....
A 'friend' you say..?