In "theory"... is it reasonable

In "theory"... is it reasonable



1,166 posts

222 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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Surely some planning regs have been avoided here? Really piss em off and talk to council


Original Poster:

11,876 posts

254 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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RDMcG said:
A flock of inflatable sheep balanced with their tails in the air, and some spring flowers using them as vases........
Less is more. Less is more.

Phillipa Hole, gaffa taped to a tree on 'our' side of the 'fence' (not really a fence, more like green chicken wire they just put up) and looking in a suprised way at their picnic zone I think expresses our own shock....

We are calling our installation 'an expression of arboretum loss... in pvc.....'

We might later extend this to a collection using different mediums. Maybe even via the mime... or the dance. Who knows.

Noony GTO

113 posts

185 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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parakitaMol. said:
It was rhetorical....

Of course

Yes, will post pics.

Yes we are *sad* enough to purchase Phillipa Hole for the sole purpose. At £14.99 was considered a bargain.
have been on said tour and she looks lovely, BUT
could you wipe her nose, looks awful, must have a really bad cold. laugh


3,074 posts

192 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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You'll have to go out and reinflate her every couple of days for the full effect however.

Or just leave her permanently connected to an airbed pump set at 5psi perhaps.


35,829 posts

274 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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Darkslider said:
Or just leave her permanently connected to an airbed pump set at 5psi perhaps.
That might work with my missus.


9,699 posts

277 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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parakitaMol. said:
Yes we are *sad* enough to purchase Phillipa Hole for the sole purpose. At £14.99 was considered a bargain.
On the contrary it shows a great deal of constructive humour and community spirited bonding.


35,829 posts

274 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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Swilly said:
parakitaMol. said:
Yes we are *sad* enough to purchase Phillipa Hole for the sole purpose. At £14.99 was considered a bargain.
On the contrary it shows a great deal of constructive humour and community spirited bonding.
I'd have loved to have seen the face of the bloke who sold her to you.


9,699 posts

277 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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Darkslider said:
You'll have to go out and reinflate her every couple of days for the full effect however.

Or just leave her permanently connected to an airbed pump set at 5psi perhaps.
Actually i think a perpetual inflate/deflate cycle of about 5 minutes would be an incredible improvement to the scheme... hehe


35,829 posts

274 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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Does Phillipa have an RVA?

Realistic vibrating anus


Original Poster:

11,876 posts

254 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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Soovy said:
Swilly said:
parakitaMol. said:
Yes we are *sad* enough to purchase Phillipa Hole for the sole purpose. At £14.99 was considered a bargain.
On the contrary it shows a great deal of constructive humour and community spirited bonding.
I'd have loved to have seen the face of the bloke who sold her to you.
It was a girl. She was unsurprised.

This is the size of what they have just cleared. Yes, it's on their property but it loops behind and it's a steep slope so it's really overlooking. The X marks their table and chairs - about 20feet higher than our living room window and garden deck.

Edited by parakitaMol. on Sunday 29th March 19:35


35,829 posts

274 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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Look, I am free next weekend. I'll come over and give them the full treatment.

I am sure they'll able to see my ballsack from there.

snowy slopes

39,086 posts

190 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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Soovy said:
Look, I am free next weekend. I'll come over and give them the full treatment.

I am sure they'll able to see my ballsack from there.
Not sure if i want to know what you would be doing for them to see your ballsack soovy, but i know i dont want to see it!!tongue out


Original Poster:

11,876 posts

254 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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anonymous said:
They have a faux wishing well in the centre of their roundabout drive and a water butt with faux hand pump.... I suspect they have acquired the correct consent.

They also wear comfortable elasticated beige clothes.

Will check though - just to be sure - thanks!

Cpn Jack Spanner

2,632 posts

208 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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For some reason I've long had a desire to fill a few dozen inflatable sheep with helium and let them go...

On a slight tangent, when housing inspectors make appointments to call to 're-evaluate' the value of my home, is it okay to download the most vile pornography you can possibly find on the web - that would disturb almost everyone - to make big giant posters and decorate every wall so there is no safe direction to turn when they visit?

Bring it on, I say.


7,132 posts

222 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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a lot of wooded areas in Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire are protected and need planning consent even for crowning!!

btw we need pics!!


14,180 posts

185 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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anonymous said:
If it's in a conservation area, more than likely a Tree Preservation Order would have been slapped on each and every one of those trees. Hefty fine for each one lopped down....


Original Poster:

11,876 posts

254 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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Really interesting info there - thanks for that. No signs were visible. The lane is a private lane with around 10 or so properties - each owns a tenth of a woodland/field... purchased as a group to prevent development... you can see the trees that have been chopped are (were) mature the firs at the front are around 70ft high and have preservation orders on them - have to be managed by mutual consent so thinking about it then they may well have acted inappropriately.

Just a little consieration would have been adequate - they have totally stolen all privacy - it's a completely different garden to this time last year and it's not nice - they could have left a reasonable 'shield' of trees and erected (I said erected) a decent fence instead of the green chicken wire - I know the doll is a little childish but it's harmless - unlike their tree hackery which is permanent and intrusive


70,090 posts

232 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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Yes, AND to be sure, put a sign in her hand which says "take a picture of my house nosey, it lasts longer"...


90,809 posts

258 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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Shall we all dress up a pikeys and have a pissup in your garden next time they conduct their tour...?


17,529 posts

200 months

Sunday 29th March 2009
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Insatiable Sadie,
My inflatable lady,
Arrived in the post today.



In the heat of passion,
I gave her a lovebite,
and out the window she was gone.

Has anyone got the rest of the words to that?