Violent Britain

Poll: Violent Britain

Total Members Polled: 137

Britain is more violent now than 20 yrs ago : 67%
Britain is less violent now than 20 yrs ago: 4%
It's about the same: 28%


Original Poster:

16,484 posts

247 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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Technonotice said:
I would say crime/violence has increased, but not at the level the media would have us believe.

How about you middle class keyboard warriors go and do something about it?
That's what I pay the police and politicians to do.

You see, I don't want to go an risk my valuable life and the wleebing of my family by confronting some jacked up hoodie over a trivial transgression.

I've done it before, when I was single, and again a few years ago (my missus was justifiably angry). I wouldn't do it now I have responsibilities.


17,999 posts

252 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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anonymous said:
Totally agree with you 100%, why should we put our welfare at risk when we contribute towards an infrastructure that should police our country adequately enough for us not to be put into risky situations. Unfortunately my job, like other jobs, can put me in the thick of it so I need/have no choice at times to do the decent thing, although I do understand anyone who chooses to safeguard their own interests. It would help if we had enough Police on the streets!! - in my borough which covers 200 square miles I have it first hand that there were only 9 beat coppers on duty, one busy night ..... Cut backs ?
Yet this same borough council want to use our council tax to fund 400-450 cab and private hire drivers to the tune of £1,800 each to take a poxy 'taxi drivers NVQ'.

In short - try to teach cab drivers common sense at a cost to the tax payer, yet, let the ferals take the piss out of law and order furious

So when I see the MP on the other thread take the PM to task over where priorities lie I totally understand where he is coming from.


1,036 posts

214 months

Friday 27th March 2009
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I went to secondary school in Lee and did my A levels there around 20 years ago. Nobody got murdered in any bakeries there back then, so YES Britain has become more violent yes