Calling the Sexperts

Calling the Sexperts

Poll: Calling the Sexperts

Total Members Polled: 566

Probably a prostitute: 64%
Any girl would say that: 2%
Definitely wants a shag: 34%


Original Poster:

5,614 posts

258 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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LukeBird said:
Mobsta said:
or the calling card of pay-as-you-go soliciting cat flap slapping devil-fornicator?

Have to say, top form on the euphemisms tonight gents! thumbuprofl

Couldnt find her number in the back of the local rag.
Been through my mail (that which I could find) and nothing had my first name on it.
Her calling card was a hand written letter, on writing paper, envelope sealed shut.

She called out a name when knocking on my neighbours door (very respectable neighbour, seems happy with husband and newborn, looks decent) but I cant remember my neighbours bloody first name, and there was no mail in her pigeon hole when I went down to check. Tomorrow mail might confirm the neighbours name, and that they probably do know each other.

king arthur said:
How does she know which is your car? And how do you know her real name isn't Sarah?
I wondered about the name, as it was spelt, erm, like Sayrah with a y.
Only a different name. They Y was ever so slightly unusual.

Google returned zip, mobile appears squeaky clean.


Original Poster:

5,614 posts

258 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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king arthur said:
How does she know which is your car?
Probably heard me pull up, right outside the front door...


4,316 posts

213 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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Why is it taking this long for you to call her?!?! I would have thought about it for all of 2 seconds!


18,789 posts

231 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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Mobsta said:
LukeBird said:
Mobsta said:
or the calling card of pay-as-you-go soliciting cat flap slapping devil-fornicator?

Have to say, top form on the euphemisms tonight gents! thumbuprofl

Couldnt find her number in the back of the local rag.
Been through my mail (that which I could find) and nothing had my first name on it.
Her calling card was a hand written letter, on writing paper, envelope sealed shut.

She called out a name when knocking on my neighbours door (very respectable neighbour, seems happy with husband and newborn, looks decent) but I cant remember my neighbours bloody first name, and there was no mail in her pigeon hole when I went down to check. Tomorrow mail might confirm the neighbours name, and that they probably do know each other.

king arthur said:
How does she know which is your car? And how do you know her real name isn't Sarah?
I wondered about the name, as it was spelt, erm, like Sayrah with a y.
Only a different name. They Y was ever so slightly unusual.

Google returned zip, mobile appears squeaky clean.
The mobile may be squeaky clean, but how clean is her money box??

Berserker LM

1,217 posts

186 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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Sarahski £££££££££££££££££££laugh


Original Poster:

5,614 posts

258 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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deviant said:
Why is it taking this long for you to call her?!?! I would have thought about it for all of 2 seconds!
"Its a bit late" is a terrible excuse, but Im sticking with it until tomorrow wink


15,370 posts

191 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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king arthur said:
How does she know which is your car? And how do you know her real name isn't Sarah?
At this point, Mobsta remembers Sarah the cleaner...


13,757 posts

225 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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Whats wrong with you? Your poll options dont cover HALF of the possibilities.

What if she is just a decisive, forthright girl who fancied you and wanted a date?

What a shocking thought!

And you post here asdking what you should do?

Do you need me to tell you to wipe front to back, not back to front?

CALL her. Say you were pleased to get a note from her and ask when she would like to meet. Then find out for yourself what her story is.


king arthur

6,660 posts

264 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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I would just call her and find out what she wants sperm what have you got to lose?


Original Poster:

5,614 posts

258 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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308mate said:

Whats wrong with you? Your poll options dont cover HALF of the possibilities.

What if she is just a decisive, forthright girl who fancied you and wanted a date?

What a shocking thought!

And you post here asdking what you should do?

Do you need me to tell you to wipe front to back, not back to front?

CALL her. Say you were pleased to get a note from her and ask when she would like to meet. Then find out for yourself what her story is.

Sheesh? shoot

Chaps, I had and still have, no intention of calling this lady tonight and every intention of ringing her tomorrow, if only to confirm whether her entry point is rights-managed, or royalty free following pleasantries.


13,757 posts

225 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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Mobsta said:
Sheesh? shoot

Chaps, I had and still have, no intention of calling this lady tonight and every intention of ringing her tomorrow, if only to confirm whether her entry point is rights-managed, or royalty free following pleasantries.
Good news.

Then what is your question?


1,810 posts

225 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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I reckon she's royalty free...

I used to go out with a girl just like this. Very forward and didn't believe in missing out on opportunities.

Nothing wrong with her at all, she was a model and a nice girl to boot.

Give her a call (as said) and enjoy. smile


7,619 posts

227 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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So the OP chats with some girl, she leaves name and number on car and the OP posts here asking what to do ?
maybe stick to polishing cars m8, unless the OP phoned her the next day smile

if a hooker, would be easy to find out....just google the number smile


6,383 posts

211 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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You erm.....forgot to to post the rest of the number chap.

Nobody You Know

8,422 posts

196 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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Just in case she is just an upfront girl don't call her up and ask her how much....

Crimson Tide

4,951 posts

217 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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TheEnd said:
If you have a bath in your flat, stock up on icecubes. It could save your life.
I'm sorry, I need this one explaining.


Original Poster:

5,614 posts

258 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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308mate said:
what is your question?
Just the poll, after popular opinion, suspecting naievety on my own part.


1,306 posts

244 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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Crimson Tide said:
TheEnd said:
If you have a bath in your flat, stock up on icecubes. It could save your life.
I'm sorry, I need this one explaining.
Internet legend, but false.


1,521 posts

205 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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Mobsta said:
Crimson Tide said:
TheEnd said:
If you have a bath in your flat, stock up on icecubes. It could save your life.
I'm sorry, I need this one explaining.
I read that as she'll steal everything in sight, including the water hehe
Im probably miles off, mind.
She'll knock you out, remove a kidney and leave you in the ice bath so it takes longer to die. She'll probably leave a phone to call the rozzers.


3,217 posts

271 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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Crimson Tide said:
TheEnd said:
If you have a bath in your flat, stock up on icecubes. It could save your life.
I'm sorry, I need this one explaining.
For when they take a kidney - iced bath to keep you on ice. Go rent Dirty Pretty Things