Ungrateful/Argumentative wife

Ungrateful/Argumentative wife



3,368 posts

143 months

Monday 10th June
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Again - Keep Willy in pants!
Find the strength to leave.
Good luck.


2,014 posts

76 months

Monday 10th June
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A lot of women are naturally argumentative. Learning to ignore it helps. If you argue back it just encourages them to come back with more, even when they have no evidence to back up their argument. They just roll to something else you 'did wrong'.

As much as you may not like it, ignore all the little stuff and agree. She gets the impression she has 'won' and you get some peace!

Other than that, same as everyone else, if you hate it, just end it. If you've talked to her about how she makes you feel and she still carries on, there is no future.


20,772 posts

194 months

Monday 10th June
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This was a fking car crash from the very first post you did a while back OP.

Divorce and get on with your life for the sake of your sanity.


12,522 posts

221 months

Monday 10th June
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E92 335d


25,849 posts

196 months

Monday 10th June
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g3org3y said:
This was a fking car crash from the very first post you did a while back OP.

Divorce and get on with your life for the sake of your sanity.
That. Thanks for saving me the effort of typing it.


14,373 posts

141 months

Monday 10th June
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InformationSuperHighway said:
Whatever you do... DO NOT have a baby.
The best advice you’ll ever get in this situation. So not stick a kid into this situation, for their sake.


4,972 posts

181 months

Monday 10th June
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Stop sticking your dick in crazy.


7,495 posts

196 months

Monday 10th June
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g3org3y said:
This was a fking car crash from the very first post you did a while back OP.

Divorce and get on with your life for the sake of your sanity.
This is his 3rd post on the subject,do you think he'll listen this time ?
If he doesn't his 4th post in another years time doesn't bear thinking about


76,790 posts

285 months

Monday 10th June
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Bluevanman said:
g3org3y said:
This was a fking car crash from the very first post you did a while back OP.

Divorce and get on with your life for the sake of your sanity.
This is his 3rd post on the subject,do you think he'll listen this time ?
If he doesn't his 4th post in another years time doesn't bear thinking about
Well, having read all the replies, I think he should try to have a couple of kids. And report back in two years' time. biggrin


27,861 posts

128 months

Monday 10th June
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Can you think of three reasons in which a baby will be a good choice in this situation?

If you think she's argumentative now just wait until she's pregnant?

I don't pretend to know your situation but I think you already know what the answer is, the real question are you ready to do the really hard thing & pull the trigger or do you want to stay in a toxic relationship.

Only you can really answer this.


76,790 posts

285 months

Monday 10th June
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Castrol for a knave said:
and has really small hands that can reach the crank position sensor on a 928.
I thought you were going to write something rude there.


3,111 posts

100 months

Monday 10th June
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jules_s said:
Pretty much every post above is a repeat of all posts made last time(s) the OP has started a thread on his wife...
Strewth. How sad.


3,796 posts

153 months

Monday 10th June
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Like everyone else has said, get out now.
I wouldn't normally tell the male in a marriage to walk out of the family home, but you should, or you will end up a lot worse.

She obviously just wanted her meal ticket for life.


311 posts

179 months

Monday 10th June
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Bin her. Pronto.


8,584 posts

179 months

Monday 10th June
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Hoofy said:
Castrol for a knave said:
and has really small hands that can reach the crank position sensor on a 928.
I thought you were going to write something rude there.
My immediate thought was Deadpool, hand the size of a KFC spork / it's gonna feel huge...

And OP? Run like fk and then run some more. If you get out now without any kids you'll get a clean break and be able to disappear to another town/county/country if needs be. If you have a child with her she will ruin both your life and that of the kid and that's unfair on you and plain fking cruel to the child.


1,642 posts

133 months

Monday 10th June
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The other side - sounds like she's bored, mentally unchallenged, has everything done for her so has lost confidence, feels insecure and worthless. Petulance and arguing are the only way she feels in some sort of control.


20,099 posts

189 months

Monday 10th June
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Buy yourself a t-shirt that says "Feminist" and demand she starts pulling her weight.


809 posts

109 months

Monday 10th June
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TheGreatDane said:
Went abroad for our 1 year anniversary which I paid for...
I don 't understand how within a marriage the finances can be separate?


6,399 posts

204 months

Monday 10th June
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Do not have a kid, repeat do not impregnate!!

Going through a divorce must be pretty hellish but once done it's done. If you have a child with the wrong person it can be hellish, expensive and the biggest lesson in how to bite your tongue. It's been a decade for me and there was no marriage but I have a daughter who's nearly 11 now. My ex (and her husband) are still difficult, manipulative and gaslight. I digress.

Good luck OP, it doesn't sound like a happy situation and your other half sounds distinctly hard work. Out of interest does she ever have moments of clarity when she's not being really difficult?

Fast and Spurious

1,406 posts

91 months

Monday 10th June
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Where is she on the hot/crazy matrix?