Is PH just a bunch of Victor Meldrews?

Is PH just a bunch of Victor Meldrews?



34,441 posts

306 months

Thursday 2nd December 2004
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As a community of people who aren't out robbing, theiving, abusing the social security system, claiming for falling off ladders, we are a bunch of people who know the real value of money - having earned it.

As such we are more likely to be offended by the way the Government piss our money up the wall. Hence the tone of discussions on here.


18,764 posts

264 months

Thursday 2nd December 2004
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PetrolTed said:
As a community of people who aren't out robbing, theiving, abusing the social security system, claiming for falling off ladders, we are a bunch of people who know the real value of money - having earned it.

As such we are more likely to be offended by the way the Government piss our money up the wall. Hence the tone of discussions on here.

Say no more, Guv.

Eric Mc

122,373 posts

268 months

Thursday 2nd December 2004
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Life's great.

PH is a moaning chamber - but there's nothing wrong with having a moan now and then. As long as you can get on with real life when you need to.


Original Poster:

11,239 posts

247 months

Thursday 2nd December 2004
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PetrolTed said:
As a community of people who aren't out robbing, theiving, abusing the social security system, claiming for falling off ladders, we are a bunch of people who know the real value of money - having earned it.

As such we are more likely to be offended by the way the Government piss our money up the wall. Hence the tone of discussions on here.

Bravo that man! Well played sir!

Very good to see that our great and glorious leader is so completely in tune with his acolytes.



970 posts

209 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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How things change.

Or stay the same


Eric Mc

122,373 posts

268 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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It's always a bit scary seing something I wrote years ago suddenly resurfacing. I don't recall penning those words at all. Even more scary.


271 posts

199 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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Holy thread resurrection!

Just a reflection on the world and life really. Lot's of peeps having a tough time at the moment.


13,553 posts

208 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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452 posts

193 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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muley said:

...and I keep finding bloody crisp packets in my front garden as well!
You too huh? Why do they end up in my garden, I'm miles from the shop?


6,249 posts

225 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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Think we're all in need of a good moan now! grumpy

Racing Rod

1,353 posts

270 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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aussiebruce said:
muley said:

...and I keep finding bloody crisp packets in my front garden as well!
You too huh? Why do they end up in my garden, I'm miles from the shop?
Take one feral man pup, who after staying out until 0200hrs on a school night up to no good in countless ways, as nobody in its clan/pack gives a bugger, is rudely awoken by its feckless snarling parent, with the all inspiring call, "Time to get up you lazy st or you'll be late for f**king school and I'll get another f**king letter from the f**king headmaster.

The so called parent, with loose connections to a member of the human race, or at least those included in the count with I Q's below 1, someone who only exceeds the pups age by between 13 and 15 years, and suffered a curtailed education at the age of 12 having been expelled 6 times from as many different schools needs to get to the benefit office to draw out funds in order to stock up on the 5000 calories a day food and alcohol intake it, and the rest of the pack consumes.

The pup dresses itself in unwashed articles vaguely conforming to what passes as a uniform, winter kit being, no coat, an off white shirt, unevenly buttoned and with tails flying, with stains where even "Vanish" admits defeat, half a tie, grey flannel trousers with torn pockets worn below the buttocks thus enabling the advertising of Calvin Tw-at underpants, and shoes that think polish is something to do with people who live north of Germany.

The pup ambles downstairs from its lair to find that there is nothing to eat for breakfast unless a concoction of cigarette ends and Stella dregs would pass as edible. The pup then drags itself up the road and into the nearest shop where it skulks around just out of sight of the watchful staff and CCTV units and nicks a large packet of crisps before running off down the street.

Having consumed the contents, the packet is discarded and ends up on your lawn. smile


28,377 posts

287 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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Hello, Rod. Long time no read.

Just driven into work in the Chimaera we bought off you and Johnathan almost TEN years ago.

It's still ace. yes


3,728 posts

189 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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Racing Rod said:
Take one feral man pup, who after staying out until 0200hrs on a school night up to no good in countless ways, as nobody in its clan/pack gives a bugger, is rudely awoken by its feckless snarling parent, with the all inspiring call, "Time to get up you lazy st or you'll be late for f**king school and I'll get another f**king letter from the f**king headmaster.

The so called parent, with loose connections to a member of the human race, or at least those included in the count with I Q's below 1, someone who only exceeds the pups age by between 13 and 15 years, and suffered a curtailed education at the age of 12 having been expelled 6 times from as many different schools needs to get to the benefit office to draw out funds in order to stock up on the 5000 calories a day food and alcohol intake it, and the rest of the pack consumes.

The pup dresses itself in unwashed articles vaguely conforming to what passes as a uniform, winter kit being, no coat, an off white shirt, unevenly buttoned and with tails flying, with stains where even "Vanish" admits defeat, half a tie, grey flannel trousers with torn pockets worn below the buttocks thus enabling the advertising of Calvin Tw-at underpants, and shoes that think polish is something to do with people who live north of Germany.

The pup ambles downstairs from its lair to find that there is nothing to eat for breakfast unless a concoction of cigarette ends and Stella dregs would pass as edible. The pup then drags itself up the road and into the nearest shop where it skulks around just out of sight of the watchful staff and CCTV units and nicks a large packet of crisps before running off down the street.

Having consumed the contents, the packet is discarded and ends up on your lawn. smile


3,274 posts

186 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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Racing Rod said:
aussiebruce said:
muley said:

...and I keep finding bloody crisp packets in my front garden as well!
You too huh? Why do they end up in my garden, I'm miles from the shop?
Take one feral man pup, who after staying out until 0200hrs on a school night up to no good in countless ways, as nobody in its clan/pack gives a bugger, is rudely awoken by its feckless snarling parent, with the all inspiring call, "Time to get up you lazy st or you'll be late for f**king school and I'll get another f**king letter from the f**king headmaster.

The so called parent, with loose connections to a member of the human race, or at least those included in the count with I Q's below 1, someone who only exceeds the pups age by between 13 and 15 years, and suffered a curtailed education at the age of 12 having been expelled 6 times from as many different schools needs to get to the benefit office to draw out funds in order to stock up on the 5000 calories a day food and alcohol intake it, and the rest of the pack consumes.

The pup dresses itself in unwashed articles vaguely conforming to what passes as a uniform, winter kit being, no coat, an off white shirt, unevenly buttoned and with tails flying, with stains where even "Vanish" admits defeat, half a tie, grey flannel trousers with torn pockets worn below the buttocks thus enabling the advertising of Calvin Tw-at underpants, and shoes that think polish is something to do with people who live north of Germany.

The pup ambles downstairs from its lair to find that there is nothing to eat for breakfast unless a concoction of cigarette ends and Stella dregs would pass as edible. The pup then drags itself up the road and into the nearest shop where it skulks around just out of sight of the watchful staff and CCTV units and nicks a large packet of crisps before running off down the street.

Having consumed the contents, the packet is discarded and ends up on your lawn. smile
North of Germany - that'll be those Scandinavians Poles then laugh


3,201 posts

186 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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Bill Bailey said:
I am English and therefore crave disappointment
Sums it up. We would be bored were it not for complaining.

Lefty Guns

16,270 posts

205 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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Just the Pie & Piston.

Racing Rod

1,353 posts

270 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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Don said:
Hello, Rod. Long time no read.

Just driven into work in the Chimaera we bought off you and Johnathan almost TEN years ago.

It's still ace. yes
Hi Don,

Good to hear the Chim is still going strong, got to be one of the better TVR's as I never get any good comments about speed 6's hehe

Been out of the trade for several years now, Jonathan is now running Hawthorns Cars up at Station Hill so do pop in if you get the chance, he'll be pleased to hear from you.

Still involved in Motorsport though, can't get away from it, running a 996 GT3 and having some success of late in Britcar, can't wait for the season to start again.

Stay well, and keep it on the black stuff wink

Racing Rod

1,353 posts

270 months

Thursday 26th March 2009
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ianash said:
North of Germany - that'll be those Scandinavians Poles then laugh
One step north and 9,999,999 steps east hehe

Always seems cold and snowy when I go there so it felt north wink