I feel sick


Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Friday 6th March 2009
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Cara Van Man said:
Landlord said:
Topboy said:
Cap'n Custud said:
oh st, I am now doomed!
How fit (in the sense of looks) are you?
Dude, we established earlier in the thread (first page) that she has a vagina. Therefore, fitness doesn't enter in to it.
neither does her boyfriend any more...

Love it. It's such a simple equation, isn't it?

Vagina, check.
Eligible, check.
rofl you lot are craking me up.

Had a horrible morning and come in to work to find a gorgeous picture of scrotal and the news that Cara Van Man is a wizz in the bedroom (Literally)

Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Friday 6th March 2009
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Cara Van Man said:
Cap'n Custud said:

Was than an eerily accurate typo?
oops whistle

I think he should change his name to that though. I am thinking of changing my name. Don't know what yet!

ExBF is sending emails of denial now, making me feel awful. He wont admit its over.

Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Friday 6th March 2009
quotequote all
Cara Van Man said:
Cap'n Custud said:
Cara Van Man said:
Cap'n Custud said:

Was than an eerily accurate typo?
oops whistle

I think he should change his name to that though. I am thinking of changing my name. Don't know what yet!

ExBF is sending emails of denial now, making me feel awful. He wont admit its over.
Email back that picture of you bend over my bunk bed with a plate of instant rice. That should final nail it home for him. thumbup

I think that would just get me a kick up the lady bits next time he sees me!

but...if the plate was of the plastic variety then I could consider it. Don't want dangerous china in the van when its rocking!

Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Friday 6th March 2009
quotequote all
Cara Van Man said:
Cap'n Custud said:
Cara Van Man said:
Email back that picture of you bend over my bunk bed with a plate of instant rice. That should final nail it home for him. thumbup

I think that would just get me a kick up the lady bits next time he sees me!
I could do that also, for a small pre-arranged fee.

That or a packet of fruit gums.
I have to pay you for a kick?

Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Friday 6th March 2009
quotequote all
vixta said:
hiya ! wavey
wavey Hey chick! Have you come to save me from thes randy internet warriors?

Or come to join in the virtual gang bang in a caravan?

Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Friday 6th March 2009
quotequote all
tonyvid said:
Landlord said:
Cap'n Custud said:
He wont admit its over.
Now would be a good time to "unleash the vagina!" on another man.
Ok, I'll sacrifice myself to this worthy cause, it's what being a PHer is all about...
You too, and I thought you were such a gentleman. Just goes to show..

Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Friday 6th March 2009
quotequote all
Cara Van Man said:
Cap'n Custud said:
Cara Van Man said:
Cap'n Custud said:
Cara Van Man said:
Email back that picture of you bend over my bunk bed with a plate of instant rice. That should final nail it home for him. thumbup

I think that would just get me a kick up the lady bits next time he sees me!
I could do that also, for a small pre-arranged fee.

That or a packet of fruit gums.
I have to pay you for a kick?
Yes. I don't pleasure women for free you know.

In fact, come to think of it. I don't pleasure women.

Oh well, pot noodle do you as the rice was used up by Smutbag?

and bring a waterproof sleeping bag as the van is a bit damp from where I hosed it out last night.
So how much do you charge Mrs Cara Van Man? Did you let her know you had to be paid for, every time a rogering was on the plate, before you married her?

Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Friday 6th March 2009
quotequote all
madbadger said:
vixta said:
Cap'n Custud said:
vixta said:
hiya ! wavey
wavey Hey chick! Have you come to save me from thes randy internet warriors?

Or come to join in the virtual gang bang in a caravan?
I don't think you need saving just at the minute ! hehe

I think she might. wink


Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
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Update: Well I am sat at my friends on a sunday and feeling like st! The ex asked me to go over last night to "say goodbye" aka goodbye sex. I couldn't bring myself to go. I sent hime a message as couldn't face the conversation with him. I have turned into such a coward and hate myself for it.

Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Sunday 15th March 2009
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I am an idiot. Just popped round for a cup of tea, I shouldn't have gone but hindsight is a wonderful thing. He is in total denial, tried to kiss me goodby and when I said no he said just give it time! Watching the rugby now, GO ENGLAND! woohoo

Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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Ok, so I ask the questin to the PH Massive. What do you do when your ex just wont let go?

I get a cross between innundated with nasty messages followed by even more pledging undying love and begging me to come back.

I don't want to be mean to him but I am lost as to what to do....

Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
quotequote all
tonyvid said:
JonRB said:
Cap'n Custud said:
Ok, so I ask the questin to the PH Massive. What do you do when your ex just wont let go?

I get a cross between innundated with nasty messages followed by even more pledging undying love and begging me to come back.

I don't want to be mean to him but I am lost as to what to do....
Restraining order? smile

The nasty messages are a form of harassment. If it's not too great of an inconvenience, change your number(s) and don't tell him the new one(s).
It's not as easy as that if you have been together a long time, well, it is but its a bit mean I think.

The nasty bit is just an expression of confusion, he is an emotional mess and doesn't know which way to face. Unless he has been a complete bd to you, let it pass, it will go away with time. Does he fully understand why you split up?
He doesn't understand and is completely ignoring my reasons as to why I don't want us to be together anymore.

Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
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ali_kat said:
He doesn't want to lose you (and who can blame him!!!???)

He is confused, hurt and upset.

Put yourself in his shoes, if it were the other way around how would you want to be dealt with?

Ignoring him is cruel, but any hope and he'll continue. No win situation.
I am thinking of one last visit to him before i get my gear out (homeless until the 1st) I don't know what to say to him though.

Today he emailed me a colour scheme for the bedroom asking my opinion!

Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Wednesday 18th March 2009
quotequote all
tonyvid said:
Custud, if you want cheering up, why not pop down to the DD drinks next week?

Edited by tonyvid on Wednesday 18th March 14:56
DD ?? Is this a meet up? I ahve to say I ahve nver really been to a PH meet, except one in Notts ages ago.

Cap'n Custud

Original Poster:

1,184 posts

212 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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madbadger said:
Jesus. It gets worse.

Can't help much as I don't know what you should do, other than to say we are thinking about you. Hope it works out.

Thanks, and thanks to Andy and Tony. Just in need of sympathy right now. I am at rock bottom.