PH occasional Euromillions syndicate (vol 2)

PH occasional Euromillions syndicate (vol 2)



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183 months


Original Poster:

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183 months

Wednesday 1st December 2021
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Held the rollover monies from last week with the draw being bigger.

But we will also be doing a reload for this Friday too because of the superdraw! Can send as of Weds as normal. Email to follow.


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Thursday 2nd December 2021
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Yeah, I obviously don't know what day it is. Tomorrow!


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Friday 3rd December 2021
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Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Saturday 4th December 2021
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Yep, reloading for Tues.


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Saturday 4th December 2021
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All other groups except last night now dead.

Rollover tickets (pitiful amount this time):


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Tuesday 7th December 2021
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Bought 133 tickets for tonight. Slightly down on last week, but that's probably my fault as I didn't send an email so it's down from the 160 ish it's been lately. Apologies, been a bit busy.

I'm also doing this on the work laptop, as I've had to do occasionally before. Will post some evidence of the tickets when I can get on one with screenshot software (I don't have the permissions to install Gyazo on here, obviously).

Rollover stuff was posted the other day.

Thanks! smile


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Tuesday 14th December 2021
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By the way, we have 30 quid still in the account. Haven't done the rollovers yet. Partly been ultra busy, but also thought any time I don't allows it to build up again slightly. Will use over the holidays smile


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Thursday 20th January 2022
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We will do the 4th Feb one. But it's a bit early for payments yet. I will also roll the limited existing funds to that as the draws recently haven't been worth it.

Also, I've accidentally pressed the unsubscribe button for this thread! If a mod/admin could fix it that would be great - can't see an option for it now. Only when I made the thread in the first place.


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Friday 28th January 2022
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Transfers fine from now for next week.

HOWEVER, it may be my moving day for my house. Well, it provisionally is. So I can't guarantee what my internet access is going to be at the end of the week. So I would appreciate it if everyone can transfer at the latest of Tuesday evening instead (basically just pretend it's a Tuesday draw, hence me posting about it now). I'll then try and sort the tickets on Wednesday.

I will send emails/reminders, etc.


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Saturday 29th January 2022
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pills said:
Paid ! Thanks again, did you get the house in Sheffield then?
I did, although I can't remember which one I posted about on here! There were a couple in the running, but not the one where the guy wanted stupid money, which I think I did mention.

The stupid money one was this:

He's reduced it to a guide of 300-340k now. It was previously 325-350k and I offered 330/335/337 and he kept rejecting. He basically wanted 350k or very close to and I wasn't going to pay it. It's now been for sale for 9 months. So even though it says 300-340, that's only to get people to view. He has no intention of accepting anything that's not 340. And the agent kept ringing me back asking me to reconsider but I wouldn't. He lost his chance as he's greedy. The market doesn't lie. If it was up for months then it would have sold if it was priced correctly.

So instead I turned my attention to this:

And I got it. And for less than the price advertised! It's detached, has huge scope for improvement (I plan to knock the conservatory down and build backwards to the lawn in a few years time) which would add a fourth bedroom and an ensuite above and a fully extended kitchen/diner below. I imagine it's a 100k job easily, so it's not something I can do now, unfortunately.

The only downside is it's 20 minutes drive from the town centre, right on the edge of Sheffield bordering with Rotherham. But that's why you get a lot more space, etc. and more opportunity to add future value. So I think it was one of those 'meant to be' things with not getting the semi one.

Hoping I'm not tempting fate by posting this! But with any luck it should be mine shortly.


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2,775 posts

183 months

Saturday 29th January 2022
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MrGRT said:
Hey spud, are you still sending those emails to people whenever there is a syndicate draw? Havent seen one in a while
Yep, will send one tomorrow, along with adding in the newbies who have emailed in the last couple of days.


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Sunday 30th January 2022
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Mail sent.


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Wednesday 2nd February 2022
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Didn't get around to the above last night, sorry - but it's here now. Was writing a 1,500 word complaint to Nationwide until 10pm. Catalogue of failures in my mortgage. I've had two mortgages in my life. The first, in July 2010, was also with Nationwide, and due to numerous failures in that one they paid me approximately £1,000 in compensation to stop my complaint. This one has been far, far worse, believe it or not.

However, when we win on Friday, I can just pay it off...


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Thursday 3rd February 2022
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numtumfutunch said:
Huge thanks for running the syndicate

I occasionally travel past your new gaff, dont be freaked out if youre weeding the front garden and someone calling themselves by my PH username says hello

Good luck with the move
hehe happy to chat. TTRS is up for sale though. Assuming it will have more interest in the spring, so that won't be a marker. But will get something PH again soon and maybe something dull for work.

Edited by spud___ on Friday 4th February 06:55


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Saturday 5th February 2022
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We won £82.50.

I will roll it next week or, potentially, like I did this time, wait until the next big one and roll it in that alongside the reload that we do at the time. Like I did for this one with the 20 odd quid.


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Saturday 5th February 2022
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loafer123 said:
spud___ said:

We won £82.50.

I will roll it next week or, potentially, like I did this time, wait until the next big one and roll it in that alongside the reload that we do at the time. Like I did for this one with the 20 odd quid.
Thanks, Paul.

I hope your move went well!
Nationwide had all my documents for my new mortgage from 1st Dec. They spent most of December time wasting, then ignoring all contact from my broker whilst they worked at home mid/late December. Then an update early January to say the mortgage was 'broken' and people were looking into it. Then no updates. Then an update to say it had to be 're-keyed' on the system. Then it was. Then another week until mid January when it was finally offered. Then they ignored a request for information regarding a client deed of title request from my solicitor relating to the boundary (after the offer, but the solicitor insisted) for 10 days. Then I called them up and asked about it and it was nowhere to be found. Then I got the solicitor to re-send it last week and launched a formal, 1,500 word complaint on Wednesday last week. Then they caused me to miss my moving day of Friday, despite my house being sold and me agreeing to move out. Requested call-backs/updates on various occasions - never got one.

So, to be honest, it could have been better, to put it mildly hehe. What's unbelievable is my other mortgage, also with Nationwide, in summer 2010, also went catastrophically wrong. I complained then and was given £1,000 in compensation within a few days as an acceptance of fault and to ensure I didn't take it to the FCA/FSA (or whatever they were at the time).

The problems this time have been considerably worse.

Thankfully, the lady whose house I'm moving into has allowed me to store my things there from yesterday whilst this hopefully gets sorted next week. But I'm technically homeless because of a litany of egregious errors from Nationwide.


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Saturday 5th February 2022
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4Q said:
wavey Hi Spud, I never realised that we’re nearly neighbours, S43
Hopefully some Sheffield-based PH events smile


Original Poster:

2,775 posts

183 months

Friday 15th April 2022
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Quick update:

I am keeping half an eye on jackpots.

We have £82.50 in the account - just kept it back to roll when it's bigger, seemed to make more sense!