Conspiracy theorists... are they all just a bit thick?

Conspiracy theorists... are they all just a bit thick?



Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 29th December 2020
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paulguitar said:
V6 Pushfit said:
The flash and dust of an explosion which happens before the cloud.

I just don’t get why people get excited about this kind of stuff.
This is a sort of mini 911 conspiracy thing already. Amazing to witness.
And quite pathetic that there are people with so little understanding of science they make up something bizarre.

Is the world really heading backwards to where we start to worship the strange yellow round thing in the sky?


Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 29th December 2020
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paulguitar said:
V6 Pushfit said:
paulguitar said:
V6 Pushfit said:
The flash and dust of an explosion which happens before the cloud.

I just don’t get why people get excited about this kind of stuff.
This is a sort of mini 911 conspiracy thing already. Amazing to witness.
And quite pathetic that there are people with so little understanding of science they make up something bizarre.

Is the world really heading backwards to where we start to worship the strange yellow round thing in the sky?
We are in the very early days of the internet, and this sort of thing is one of the side-effects. It will be interesting to see where it all goes, but unfortunately, the Facebook fool gets the same opportunity to spread an opinion as a scientist. That's the way it is, and we can see there are plenty of people who seem to be influenced by both equally, or in some cases, due to distrust of 'them', they are more taken in by the village idiot.
It will get worse if it overtakes education. Strange isn’t it that basic nuts n bolts education now has to be better than the internet to prevent mankind being doooomed.


Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 29th December 2020
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Shuvi McTupya said:
V6 Pushfit said:
And quite pathetic that there are people with so little understanding of science they make up something bizarre.

Can you give an example?
Of course, here’s an example:

Shuvi McTupya said:
Can anyone here offer any explanation as to what the little smoke 'plume' might have been before the big explosion?

I know people will ask what I think it might have been...

Cards on the table, if the video is real, the only thing i think it COULD be was something coming from the sky...but it doesnt really look like that, so I am stumped.
When Reality says:

It was an explosion

Nothing else to see here


Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 29th December 2020
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Strange things happen in times of crisis and it makes the conspiracy theorists job easier

Take 9/11. If someone had run a poll on here a couple of days before along these lines

A known to be hijacked plane is flying directly towards the pentagon area of Washington from about 30 minutes out. How close will the plane get before there is any reaction? Any attempt to stop it?

I’m pretty sure not many people would say that there would be no reaction at all and the plane would be allowed to fly unhindered into the pentagon building.

That’s teeing things up pretty nicely for no end of conspiracy theories to get up and running


Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 29th December 2020
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Shuvi McTupya said:
V6 Pushfit said:
And quite pathetic that there are people with so little understanding of science they make up something bizarre.

I must have missed something, assuming you are talking about the bombing, who has made up anything bizarre?

Can you give an example?

I certainly dont think I have made anything up, all i have done is discuss the evidence that is available.
I’m pointing out you thought it could be ‘something coming from the sky’ until I pointed out a bit of science that explosions have an instant shock wave before a plume of smoke.

Hence it’s an explosion with nothing odd going on, contrary to your suspicions.


Original Poster:

57 months

Tuesday 29th December 2020
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Shuvi McTupya said:
V6 Pushfit said:
I’m pointing out you thought it could be ‘something coming from the sky’ until I pointed out a bit of science that explosions have an instant shock wave before a plume of smoke.

Hence it’s an explosion with nothing odd going on, contrary to your suspicions.
Show me another explosion that has a little column of smoke that appears before the main blast then.

sorry, but you are way off if you are saying that was a bloody shockwave...

You are not as clever as you think..or maybe you didnt even look at what i was talking about? The little plume of smoke about half a second before the blast?

I am not saying i know what is it, or that it was signs of a missile or ANYTHING, just that it was unusual and i was curious if anyone else could explain it.

You obviously can not.
Look, I do not know what your problem is, but it’s related to believing anything you’re told which is a good place to start for a Conspiracy Cadet.

As I’ve said, it’s the shock wave of part of it. I’m sure you’ve seen large explosions before. Anything of a projectile size gets thrown out immediately. An engine, a wheel, or even a head.

What I don’t get is some Yank putting a video up with a daft observation, and I get even less naive people latching onto it without thinking first. The initial chunk of whatever shoots out momentarily before the main plume and is obviously from the same location exactly as would be expected, but to Yank & Co it’s something strange that may therefore presumably be from a Deep State operation.

You’ve been played, largely by your own imagination.


Original Poster:

57 months

Wednesday 30th December 2020
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Possibly the biggest conspiracy theory so far is that surrounding the US election, and keenly promoted by their Commander In Chief !


Original Poster:

57 months

Thursday 31st December 2020
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Alex@POD said:
Shuvi McTupya said:
Just to add a little coal to the fire of the Trump/Biden voter irregularity 'conspiracy'...

The latest Gallup pole results are in for the most admired people, voted for by Americans.

Donald Trump and Michelle Obama are the most admired man and woman with 20% of the vote each.

6% voted for Biden. The man who just got more votes than any other presidential hopeful in the history of the US is apparently only admired by a third as many people as the man he beat..

Now , I am aware that people will now say, who trusts polls...I would be the first to agree.

Gallup polls though have had Barrack Obama as the most admired man for the last 12 yrs running, all throughout both his and Trumps presidencies, so they can't exactly be accused of being biased towards Trump!
I've not followed this thread for very long, but... Sometimes you ask interesting questions, but the longer it goes on the more I think you're just trolling...

I mean, this is the exact definition of cherry picking bits of published evidence to support a fabricated conclusion.


Original Poster:

57 months

Thursday 31st December 2020
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paulguitar said:
Anyone who, by this point, is not aware of what sort of a person trump is, has entirely lost control of their critical reasoning faculties.

How anyone can admire, respect or like someone such as Trump is genuinely beyond me.

He very clearly only cares about himself, and is only interested in saving his own skin. Look at the way he is currently scamming millions out of the public for his 'fight the election fraud' fund, when obviously 99% of it is going straight into his own pocket.

He is a liar, a fraud, a narcissist, a racist, a bigot, a misogynist, he hates minorities, he mocks the disabled, he treats women with contempt, he panders to right-wing lunatics and conspiracy nutters.

Psychologists the world over have had a field day analysing his petulant child-like behaviour.

You can't even say with a straight face that he is a competent businessman.

As for his claims that he has somehow revitalised the economy and got people back to work, this largely isn't true either. There are many reports out there that anyone can read that go into detail about how Trump has had little, if any, impact on the economy. It was merely following trends that were happening before he became President. Some sectors have performed worse under Trump.

Quite simply, he has made no genuine efforts to solve any problems in the US.

The only reason I can possibly think of as to why people like him, is that they see him as defending 'their values', and quite frankly anyone who has those kind of values needs to seriously reconsider their choices in life.


Original Poster:

57 months

Thursday 31st December 2020
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paulguitar said:
Anyone who, by this point, is not aware of what sort of a person trump is, has entirely lost control of their critical reasoning faculties.
Or is very young, poorly educated and quite vulnerable to coercion.


Original Poster:

57 months

Thursday 31st December 2020
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Shuvi McTupya said:
How does your argument hold up with biden only being admired by 6% of americans?

Shouldnt he only have got 6% of a vote with two people in the running?

Or something..hehe
You’ve lost it completely! Well done as it’s NYE so what the heck it doesn’t matter.

However Trump is a proven liar, scammer and would be fraudulent in every way possible to achieve his goal - and all of this has been amplified in the last 7 weeks but has been going on in plain sight since 2016.

He’s played his base well and resorted to the repeated lying over the election results and successfully got the lie across as a truth. It’s been amazing to watch.

As for your support of him? No comment but a great New Year’s Eve resolution would be to check what he says and see how far twisted from reality it’s got.


Original Poster:

57 months

Thursday 31st December 2020
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bigandclever said:
I don’t really care, just curious why you chose an image from pre-Covid 2018 (Houston, October 22) of Trump endorsing Cruz’s Senate campaign then argue Biden’s mob didn’t show up during the election because they were social distancing.
Because apparently to the ignorant the size of a rally crowd (in this case ANY crowd) or the US popularity contest takes precedent over a secure election.


Original Poster:

57 months

Friday 1st January 2021
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Getragdogleg said:
DanL said:
Shuvi McTupya said:
A question for you guys who look down on 'conspiracy theorists' .

Do you trust those in power to do what's best for you before they do what is best for them?
Honest answer? I don’t care, as long as it doesn’t negatively impact my life.

If there’s a shadowy cabal ruling the world, good luck to them - they’ve not stopped me from doing anything I’ve wanted to do. biggrin

I’d also say that I don’t particularly look down on conspiracy theorists as a general thing. In my limited experience they’re just drawing conclusions that I wouldn’t draw from the same set of data for one reason or another.

I do find those who profit from fuelling conspiracy theories annoying though - they’re basically con artists.
I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I also don't trust anyone in power to have the morals to consistently do the right thing.
Do you live in South Africa?


Original Poster:

57 months

Friday 1st January 2021
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Shuvi McTupya said:
I guess we haven't finished yet, but atleast lets keep it civil, and this is kind of a fresh subject.

Is it fair to use the 'worldometer' website to check statistics on Corona deaths?

If so, the USA and the UK are running neck a neck in corona deaths per capita. (actually, we are doing slightly worse)

Perhaps its not fair to compare 'Boris's results' to 'Trump's results' when other countries are doing much better? I suppose we could also argue about population density, culture etc smile

My point is that it doesnt appear to be any more (or less) of a disaster over there than it is here, atleast on the face of it.

Edited by Shuvi McTupya on Thursday 31st December 17:15
It’s not good to compare the US figures with those of the UK, or indeed any country with the UK. We seem to be in the top three worst affected even before the new variant, and Govt haven’t given recovered numbers since April last year when it was stuck at 344 for 4 weeks before becoming ‘n/a’. One day it will be released what the hospital death rate was in the first wave and it won’t be good reading.

There is no doubt the US could and should have done a lot more and Trump politicising masks and making safe=weak is despicable.


Original Poster:

57 months

Saturday 2nd January 2021
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Shuvi McTupya said:
Just for the hell of it, I just had a look at your posting history Scotty.

The last thread you started was querying the situation with the nightingale hospitals.

Do you not believe the official narrative or something?

Sorry, but that was just too easy hehe

Before the internet it was just the Flat Earth Society and Elvis down at the Chip Shop. You’d have been so bored!


Original Poster:

57 months

Saturday 2nd January 2021
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The worrying thing is that the likes of Whitty, Valance, Van Tam and Hancock will see that and start swabbing everything that breathes for flu and insisting on masks and social distancing to save us all.


Original Poster:

57 months

Sunday 3rd January 2021
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wisbech said:
No masks here in Perth, though the Govt has been clear they will mandate if they think needed.

The government actions have been popular, as they have worked. They’ve also been clear and fair in their application. No eyesight check up trips... I think it also helped that Australia has always had strict bio security for agricultural reasons, so idea of quarantine isn’t seen as some evil new thing.

For example, tens of thousands of Australians are stuck overseas due to quarantine places being limited (think c 3000 people a week are allowed in). But this hasn’t caused a fuss, because everyone was given notice that the borders were closing, and told to come back before then or be on their own. A doctor friend of mine here who used to FIFO to his family in Chiang Mai now hasn’t seen them for almost a year (now his kids have finished school there they have quarantine places for January).

When we did have the drastic lockdown, it wss adhered to.
The one thing this pandemic has uncovered is just how many governments are are willing to turn to totalitarian methods 'to protect you' - and how many citizens are willing to exchange their freedom and liberty for the promise of 'protection'.

You make this sound positive. It really isn't.

And you still have to face up to this pandemic at some point, or remain in this purgatory forever.


Original Poster:

57 months

Sunday 3rd January 2021
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wisbech said:
To the first point - well, yes, this is the whole point of 'The Leviathan' by Hobbes. Or any non-libertarian political theory. I rely on the government to use totalitarian methods like gaols and fines to protect me from murderers, rapists and thieves as well. Anarchy doesn't work.

The second point - not true. I am not sure how much you know of the history of the WHO, but post WW2, with travel becoming fast and cheap, the assumption was that pandemics would be a massive problem. The WHO was formed, with vaccine cards etc. (for example, if you had been to a yellow fever endemic country, no country would let you in unless you could show yellow fever inoculation) The WHO is maybe the most successful UN organisation (though there is also a case for FAO and the Green Revolution)

The same will happen for COVID, vaccines and rapid tests, coupled with quarantining positive cases, will allow Australia & New Zealand to open up, without facing up to the pandemic.
Last paragraph - totalitarian control will 'help you beat it'.

Seriously, have a proper think about that.

We have entered a new era of health apartheid and discrimination. How can you believe this is a positive move?

This pandemic is a testing and social media pandemic - if it had happened 20 years ago, we'd barely have noticed it.


Original Poster:

57 months

Sunday 3rd January 2021
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bigothunter said:
Landcrab_Six said:
The one thing this pandemic has uncovered is just how many governments are are willing to turn to totalitarian methods 'to protect you' - and how many citizens are willing to exchange their freedom and liberty for the promise of 'protection'.
Yup yes Society demands cosseted safety and expects to be led like sheep regardless of the penalty to personal liberty. Era of the sheeples is here rolleyes
What is the alternative? You would prefer we weren’t told what to do to avoid Covid?

Well that would work out well, wouldn’t it.

May I advise you take your ‘freedom and Liberty’ and completely ignore all government advice for a few weeks and see where it gets you. It sounds like the winner would be the rest of society.


Original Poster:

57 months

Sunday 3rd January 2021
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Monkeylegend said:
7990 according to the Gvt website for the 2019-2020 flu season.

A quick google tells you smile

It also gives you the figures for the previous 3 years.

Edited by Monkeylegend on Sunday 3rd January 09:01
I wouldn’t fan his flames. As flu will be a fraction this year we’ll probably get a lecture on how flu never even existed and Covid has shown the NHS weren’t able to make up figures to show how ‘busy’ the are in winter this time.