These pictures make my teeth itch

These pictures make my teeth itch



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212 months

Wednesday 31st December 2014
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xRIEx said:
Funk said:
xRIEx said:
anonymous said:
Given the number of oafs who can't use the words 'literally', 'have/of', 'bought/brought' and 'less/fewer', not to mention the number of self-proclaimed petrolheads who don't know the difference between 'brake' and 'break', these things have ceased to surprise me.

They have seized to surprise you.
They have forcibly grabbed me to surprise me? Well theoretically that would surprise me, but in this case it's the cessation of surprise I'm talking about.

Norwegian blue, please.
hehe I actually winced when I forced myself to write it wrong.


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26,409 posts

212 months

Wednesday 14th January 2015
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212 months

Monday 2nd February 2015
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Those exhausts....!


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212 months

Monday 2nd February 2015
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That looks like one of the spars has been snapped off.


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212 months

Thursday 26th March 2015
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Stugots said:

FFS wobble
Jesus, that's terrible!


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212 months

Friday 3rd April 2015
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212 months

Saturday 4th April 2015
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212 months

Tuesday 14th April 2015
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And you must never buy more books or throw any away!


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212 months

Saturday 25th April 2015
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Once you 'draw the circles' though you can see why they've done it - I don't mind it personally. I have a Seiko very similar albeit with normal numbers not roman numerals.

xRIEx said:
What about it? It uses the additive rather than subtractive form?
Pretty much all watches with RN that I've ever seen use IIII rather than IV.

If you want fked-up, try this which was posted in the Show Us Your Seiko thread:

Edited by Funk on Saturday 25th April 17:09


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26,409 posts

212 months

Tuesday 28th April 2015
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Mine annoyed me too, I did the same:

The only issue was the bulb was a little more 'pink' when lit but then I could count on one hand the number of times I used the fog lights on my car in the 3 years I owned it.


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26,409 posts

212 months

Saturday 2nd May 2015
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That could be easily solved by moving the handles to a vertical position in line with the cupboards below.

Very funny though!


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26,409 posts

212 months

Saturday 2nd May 2015
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iva cosworth said:
I don't have a pic because I can't remember the title but there's

a film being promoted on large bill boards.

The 3 leads are on it with names above the wrong people.

Timothy Dalton is one of them.
It's because they're listed by order of 'star power' ie. most important first. This isn't necessarily reflected in the position of the actors in the artwork for the billboard etc.


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26,409 posts

212 months

Wednesday 3rd June 2015
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I think some of these are really stretching the point. I have no idea what's 'wrong' with the bike.


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212 months

Tuesday 9th June 2015
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They didn't even bother fitting a dust cap...


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212 months

Monday 15th June 2015
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Whatever it is, it's pretty tasteless!


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212 months

Monday 15th June 2015
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stain said:
Funk said:
Whatever it is, it's pretty tasteless!
You should see the interior then. Pics on the spotted thread.
I daren't look..


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26,409 posts

212 months

Saturday 4th July 2015
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CB2152 said:


Original Poster:

26,409 posts

212 months

Saturday 4th July 2015
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hornetrider said:
Funk said:

1,2,4,3 mad
I meant you can solve the problem completely with Adblock. If they don't exist, they can't be in the wrong order.


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26,409 posts

212 months

Thursday 9th July 2015
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Blown2CV said:
Einion Yrth said:
Can't stand those "squidgy nipple" mouse substitutes anyway. Bin it.
after years of lenovo and ibm lapys i can't use a one without the nip! I hate trackpad things, always hit it with my thumb by accident
I loved my nipples too when I had T30, X31, X60 and X61.

Once you mastered it, it made the laptop a doddle to use.


Original Poster:

26,409 posts

212 months

Wednesday 29th July 2015
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