The 2024 Noteworthy Deaths Thread

The 2024 Noteworthy Deaths Thread



5,317 posts

208 months

Thursday 11th January
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SpudLink said:
Seven7 said:
Blathering? Do you enjoy being condescending?

So I'm ignorant for not knowing that singers wife? You, of course, know all about her, yes?
It's impossible to know everyone. But the fact that you or I don't know (or care) who someone is does not mean that person's death is not worthy of note on this thread.
Would be nice to have this pinned ... it will happen regularly throughout the year as it does every year. It appears changing "celebrity" to "noteworthy" hasn't helped!

I actually find the people I know nothing about more interestingyes


Original Poster:

4,937 posts

215 months

Thursday 11th January
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Mark-C said:
SpudLink said:
Seven7 said:
Blathering? Do you enjoy being condescending?

So I'm ignorant for not knowing that singers wife? You, of course, know all about her, yes?
It's impossible to know everyone. But the fact that you or I don't know (or care) who someone is does not mean that person's death is not worthy of note on this thread.
Would be nice to have this pinned ... it will happen regularly throughout the year as it does every year. It appears changing "celebrity" to "noteworthy" hasn't helped!

I actually find the people I know nothing about more interestingyes
Agreed, there’s plenty posted so far who I don’t know, last year one of the most interesting was a plane builder who certainly wasn’t a celebrity but led me down a deep wiki hole!

I’ve added Spud’s comment to the first post. By the end of the month things should settle down as usual!

Biker's Nemesis

39,278 posts

211 months

Thursday 11th January
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mikeiow said:
Biker's Nemesis said:
Seven7 said:
I'm not saying this to be 'edgy and aloof' but in the last 2 pages the only ones I've heard of are Beckenbauer and JPR Williams.
I've not heard of either of them not being into Football or Rugby.
Odd comment: just because you aren’t into something doesn’t mean you won’t have heard of the stars of that game, surely? Why bother posting?!
Because I was making a point to the person I had quoted regarding his point of mentioning that he had not heard of anyone other than the 2 above persons mentioned.

I hope that clears it up.


If you can't follow a thread I don't know why you bother posting.

Eric Mc

122,399 posts

268 months

Thursday 11th January
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FourWheelDrift said:
Jennell Jaquays, 67, American game designer (Dungeons & Dragons) and video game artist (Pac-Man, Donkey Kong).

Now you have all heard of at least Pac-Man surely.
I'd even heard of Donkey Kong - used to play it with my stepson when he was a young lad.


8,241 posts

208 months

Thursday 11th January
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Sadly, Mary Lou Retton may be appearing here soon.


17,115 posts

169 months

Thursday 11th January
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Seven7 said:
Eric Mc said:
JPR Williams was one of the most famous Rugby Union players in history.

I don't know everybody, especially modern singers and actors - but it doesn't mean others don't know who they are.

To be honest, we pick up on who has passed away by learning about the event in news stories - usually carried by the usual organs of mainstream news i.e. TV news, internet news websites or newspapers. If those organs think that a death is newsworthy, then that should be sufficient reason for someone to post the fact here.

Blathering on about not knowing who someone is is not down to the person not being newsworthy, it's down to one's own ignorance.

Look on this thread as PH Obituaries Column. If you read obituary columns in newspapers, you will come across all sorts of people you may or may not have heard of - but who were significant in whatever field or profession they were involved in - and who's life might still be interesting to read about.
Blathering? Do you enjoy being condescending?

So I'm ignorant for not knowing that singers wife? You, of course, know all about her, yes?
Yes. Not knowing some person or fact is, by definition, ignorance of that person or fact.
No. You are not ignorant (necessarily) because you haven't been exposed to some person or fact.

It's just how things are. There are levels of awareness too.

I'd expect ANYONE of my generation who had more than a passing interest in Rugby Union to be at least "aware" of who JPR Williams was.
Anyone with a serious interest in Rugby? They'd be able to describe him to you sufficient for police to arrest the right fella.
More recent generations? Hit and miss. Welsh Rugby fans, I'd suggest, still revere the man and his accomplishments. Younger English/Scottish/Irish fans would be excused for not knowing who he was. Folk who roll their eyes and change the TV channel at the mere mention of either code of Rugby? Why would they know even the name of a man who was worshipped as a God-like entity by young boys on windswept school rugby pitches all over Wales at the height of his career, and since? So while it's "technically ignorance", it doesn't make them "ignorant" in respect of the common use of the word.

As for James Morrison? For a while, I was a fan of his work. Then I got back into other genres of music and his output left me behind. Radio stations I listen to don't play his stuff. But to read that his wife died at such a young age? It struck me, personally, as being noteworthy. At the same time, I can see your point as to why the owner of a sandwich shop/cafe dying is, in itself, unworthy of note outside the community in which she lived and traded. Fair point, and one of those times when it isn't worth arguing about the rights and wrongs of relevance to the thread title, imho...


17,115 posts

169 months

Thursday 11th January
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Mark-C said:
SpudLink said:
Seven7 said:
Blathering? Do you enjoy being condescending?

So I'm ignorant for not knowing that singers wife? You, of course, know all about her, yes?
It's impossible to know everyone. But the fact that you or I don't know (or care) who someone is does not mean that person's death is not worthy of note on this thread.
Would be nice to have this pinned ... it will happen regularly throughout the year as it does every year. It appears changing "celebrity" to "noteworthy" hasn't helped!

I actually find the people I know nothing about more interestingyes
Agreed. So many times i've opened this thread and my initial reaction has been "Who? Never heard of them..." Then I've pasted the name into Google and realised that I've seen their work, or benefited from their knowledge in some way throughout my life. In many cases, I feel no guilt from not knowing their names because they weren't at the top of the bill, or didn't work in a field I was interested in. In other cases I feel terribly ignorant, especially when it's a "noteworthy person" from a science, engineering, or IT background. But no-one knows everything, so being ignorant of a fact or person isn't always something to be embarrassed about...


41,113 posts

193 months

Thursday 11th January
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pingu393 said:
Sadly, Mary Lou Retton may be appearing here soon.
And Sven Goran Eriksson frown


1,146 posts

15 months

Thursday 11th January
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The Noteworthy backlash has started.


41,113 posts

193 months

Thursday 11th January
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Biker's Nemesis said:
Seven7 said:
I'm not saying this to be 'edgy and aloof' but in the last 2 pages the only ones I've heard of are Beckenbauer and JPR Williams.
I've not heard of either of them not being into Football or Rugby.
I'm not a footballist either but I'm "...of an age..." where 'Kaiser' Franz was (possibly) as well known as Beckham


44,591 posts

200 months

Thursday 11th January
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Beckham who?



1,146 posts

15 months

Thursday 11th January
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DodgyGeezer said:
I'm not a footballist either but I'm "...of an age..." where 'Kaiser' Franz was (possibly) as well known as Beckham
Yes, it's osmosis, hearing a name on TV, putting a name to a face,
I have no interest at all in Cricket or Horse Molesting but
I know, or knew of Dettori, Botham, Piggott, Gooch, Boycott.


17,115 posts

169 months

Thursday 11th January
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Blib said:
Beckham who?

Beckham Rye - he's quite famous, though. He was even referenced in the theme tune to that classic Mini heist picture, 'The Italian Job'...


88,902 posts

287 months

Thursday 11th January
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Blib said:
Beckham who?

Beckham Putra, he's an Indonesian professional footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder for Liga 1 club Persib Bandung. I thought everyone knew that.


41,113 posts

193 months

Thursday 11th January
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Anywho - back on to sad news... Tony Clarkin (Magnum guitarist), 77


44,591 posts

200 months

Thursday 11th January
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yellowjack said:
Blib said:
Beckham who?

Beckham Rye - he's quite famous, though. He was even referenced in the theme tune to that classic Mini heist picture, 'The Italian Job'...


44,591 posts

200 months

Thursday 11th January
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FourWheelDrift said:
Blib said:
Beckham who?

Beckham Putra, he's an Indonesian professional footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder for Liga 1 club Persib Bandung. I thought everyone knew that.


12,392 posts

191 months


1,146 posts

15 months

Friday 12th January
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Journalist, DJ, tv presenter Annie Nightingale died at 83.


12,392 posts

191 months

Friday 12th January
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Legacywr said:
The same one as this?