Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



Original Poster:

50,335 posts

201 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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spikeyhead said:
I've just done some rough sums and think I have over £2k of shoes in my collection.

and on that note...
Imelda? Is that you?


35,668 posts

153 months

Thursday 31st August 2023
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DickyC said:
spikeyhead said:
I've just done some rough sums and think I have over £2k of shoes in my collection.

and on that note...
Imelda? Is that you?
Don't be silly Dicky, it's an Atom, not a Marcos! rolleyes


5,272 posts

199 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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My wrist came up like a golf ball yesterday evening had to use a cold compress and bandage. Woke me up at 4 this morning aching. I think I overdid the golf practice and lesson yesterday.

Can’t sleep now so dinking a cuppa.


39,297 posts

101 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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glenrobbo said:
DickyC said:
spikeyhead said:
I've just done some rough sums and think I have over £2k of shoes in my collection.

and on that note...
Imelda? Is that you?
Don't be silly Dicky, it's an Atom, not a Marcos! rolleyes

That is a seriously impressive amount of shoes for a bloke though!!!

Bomma R1

14,538 posts

128 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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Morning all bounce




39,297 posts

101 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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Good morrow fellow Trivialities everywherewavey
As so colourfully reminded by Bomma it is indeed FFFFRRRRIIIIIDDDAAAAAYYYY!!!! woohoo

Which means a few hours of work and then I can do whatever I feel like doing, within reason, without breaking too many laws, so long as I'm home by 1630 hrs, providing it doesn't cost too much.


5,272 posts

199 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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Morning all

Lovely cheerful Snoopy there Bomma.

Bobbers maybe you can go and test drive a Mini Clubman Cooper S. We have the hatch version and it’s just brilliant. No commitment at this stage of course.

2 hours work for me then me and Mrs H are going out for a bite to eat this afternoon probably at Fishburn Airfield where they have a superb airport cafe.


62,468 posts

220 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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Morning Snoopy
Already there


17,548 posts

200 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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It's a damp morning in Norfampton. Hopefully I'll have about 40 fewer emails to deal with today


Original Poster:

50,335 posts

201 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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spikeyhead said:
It's a damp morning in Norfampton. Hopefully I'll have about 40 fewer emails to deal with today
There's a business opportunity. Start a company called Fewer and sell emails, problems and temporary staff to a waiting world.

"Oh, yes, since we signed up with them we have Fewer emails, Fewer problems - even Fewer staff."

Everyone looks good.


9,310 posts

206 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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Bobberoo said:

That is a seriously impressive amount of shoes for a bloke though!!!
Unless you have your shoes made bespoke by a cobbler, like John Lobb, I suppose, in which case you might be lucky to own a half of a single pair! (More modestly, I have a pair of my father’s shoes made by Ducker’s of Oxford in 1952. I don’t know why as they don’t fit mesmile!

Anyway, morning all.

Mr Magooagain

10,219 posts

173 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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Good morning all.
Madame M has gone early doors to meet up with her co drivers at their depot then they will all go to another depot with two buses,leave them there,collect all the drivers from that depot and take another two buses too the main depot. A full team drivers briefing to be had there in readiness for the forth coming term. About a hundred drivers in all!
Change buses and back to her depot.

So a relaxed walk out with Mavis shortly so I can try out the new boots.

I’ve a potential buyer for the coupe so detailed photos and a video start up has to be done. Wheels off,arch mud guards off to check for any rust etc. I’m not expecting any so here’s hoping.

Buyer is in Scotland so it’s a remote sell with me delivering the car into the uk south cost somewhere. Hopefully Newhaven so I can turn round and FO back home same day and Kip on the boat overnight.

There’s been more visits from Ginette and her family as they slowly move what belongings and furniture they want out of the little house next door.
We take over the little house in October.

We’ve decided to paint all the houses and buildings different colours to resemble a poofters crossing and then maybe sell up in the next couple of years. It will take at least a couple of years to sell off all the gear in my barn!

Thanks Bomma.



39,122 posts

190 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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hammo19 said:
My wrist came up like a golf ball yesterday evening had to use a cold compress and bandage. Woke me up at 4 this morning aching. I think I overdid the golf practice and lesson yesterday.

Can’t sleep now so dinking a cuppa.
When i did use to play golf, i never had anything like that happen to me, maybe you are gripping the club too tightly. My biggest issue when i was playing golf - i haven't been a golfist for many a year now - was the speed of my swing. I could hit the ball straight, i could leather a fair few yards too with a driver but my swing speed was very high. Too high apparently but it worked for me.


wavey don't forget tonight TTFNSQ questions will be posted at the slightly earlier time of 7pm but you will have until 9pm to think about them


5,978 posts

146 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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Bobberoo said:
glenrobbo said:
DickyC said:
spikeyhead said:
I've just done some rough sums and think I have over £2k of shoes in my collection.

and on that note...
Imelda? Is that you?
Don't be silly Dicky, it's an Atom, not a Marcos! rolleyes

That is a seriously impressive amount of shoes for a bloke though!!!
Context is important - I have a pair of Meindl chainsaw boots that cost equiv of well norf of 300 of your quid. I have dive fins costing around 500.
Morneve all - 1st day of spring. Twas lovely.


39,122 posts

190 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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paua said:
Bobberoo said:
glenrobbo said:
DickyC said:
spikeyhead said:
I've just done some rough sums and think I have over £2k of shoes in my collection.

and on that note...
Imelda? Is that you?
Don't be silly Dicky, it's an Atom, not a Marcos! rolleyes

That is a seriously impressive amount of shoes for a bloke though!!!
Context is important - I have a pair of Meindl chainsaw boots that cost equiv of well norf of 300 of your quid. I have dive fins costing around 500.
Morneve all - 1st day of spring. Twas lovely.
Indeed, my last pair of motor sickle boots cost me £200 and the skid lid was north of £300 never mind the cost of the leathers yikes


62,468 posts

220 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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Paint the whole world with a...


39,122 posts

190 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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Byker28i said:
Paint the whole world with a...
Is it wrong that i just hummed the theme tune in my head? hehe

Dermot O'Logical

2,668 posts

132 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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Gud moaneve everybooby!

This morning finds me doing a spot of thumb-twiddling as I await the arrival of my new washer-dryer machine, to replace the one which crapped itself with not one,(1) not two (2) but three(3) terminal issues last week.

I could have done with it lasting another year, but clearly its time had come, and the cost of the repairs would have far outweighed the cost of a new machine.

Such is life.

In other news, my daughter is more than delighted with her new car, which is good. I followed her home from the dealer, and arrived to find her parked up on the drive with a beaming smile on her face. She's a very happy girl.

IOOTN, the equal sixth biggest container ship on the planet has just parked up in Sarfampton Docks. I might go for a walk after my white-good delivery, and take a photo.



39,122 posts

190 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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In a slightly less cheery trivial note, is it just me or has the level of miserable people on ph expanded rapidly recently?
See the Childless men thread for an example. Why on earth does everything anyone does have to be scrutinised to the nth degree these days? Who the fut cares if someone chooses not to have children? More to the point, why does everyone all of a sudden think their opinion is the only one that counts??

Mind you, that isn't a modern phenomenon on PH, i can go back to 2011 when one particular odious type decided that their opinion was the only one that mattered and everyone - and i do mean everyone - crowded round this particular person as if they were the second coming.

Anyway, two of the ladies i work with are displaying lots of boobage this morning, so i shall mostly be sat with an inane grin on my fizog for most of the day hehe


2,482 posts

54 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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Good morning playmates.
The weather gods are smiling so today will be a shed-painting day.
The Memsahib is back on her feet, thank you for kind wishes.
Not 100% yet, but she is looking for something to eat, which is a good sign
She's investigating the baguettes I made with these very hands.