Blast from the past - remind us of a thing

Blast from the past - remind us of a thing



9,927 posts

211 months

Tuesday 20th June 2023
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blueg33 said:
fax machines that used one continuous sheet of shiny paper. A 200 page contract was longer than the office!
I was a band tour manager back in the nineties, we would jump in the van and set off round Europe for months, armed only with a massive folder filled with venue maps that had been faxed to us by the gig promoters. These maps were usually just a full page black square.


44,615 posts

254 months

Tuesday 20th June 2023
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2 sMoKiN bArReLs said:
john2443 said:
2 sMoKiN bArReLs said:
I also had an Acetylene lamp. (At least I think that's what it was). You dropped a solid into water & it made a highly flammable gas. Whoever thought giving that to a six year old boy was a good idea? hehe
Calcium Carbide. Water dribbled onto it creates Acetylene. Early cars, bikes, motorbikes used them and remarkably, considering electric lights had been around for a long time, you could still buy it from bike shops in the early 70s.

I was fascinated by it!
My Dad was born in the very early part of the 20th century. He always told the tale of his very first ride in a car at 5 years old. Car broke down or had a puncture or something, so it was dark before they got home, his contribution was to pee in the carbide tank so they could light up.


5,078 posts

209 months

Tuesday 20th June 2023
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shed driver said:
bigpriest said:
brownspeed said:
bigpriest said:
Yep - "Bookmark" I think it was called smile
WOW!!! Moorfield walk, just up from the fibreglass seals* (*WTF??)
Golden Way these days, if you don't mind. The seals were killed off long ago. Town centre had a re-vamp about 10 years ago - there is Banksy-style artwork showing a young girl with a seal in recognition of the original 3 seals. Originals must have been dreamt up by a 1960's town planner on an acid trip.
Another ex-Urmstonian here, I loved the seals!
Blimey, it's like a meeting place for Urmstonians here! The town was even featured on Portillo's train prog tonight!

I bought my first CD from Blockbuster on the corner opposite the station! The Seals were ace for climbing on, there was a call for them to be returned but it's gone quiet frown


328 posts

144 months

Tuesday 20th June 2023
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Glass bottles of Lucozade which always seemed to be the stickiest things know to man.


1,153 posts

92 months

Tuesday 20th June 2023
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john2443 said:
2 sMoKiN bArReLs said:
I also had an Acetylene lamp. (At least I think that's what it was). You dropped a solid into water & it made a highly flammable gas. Whoever thought giving that to a six year old boy was a good idea? hehe
Calcium Carbide. Water dribbled onto it creates Acetylene. Early cars, bikes, motorbikes used them and remarkably, considering electric lights had been around for a long time, you could still buy it from bike shops in the early 70s.
To be fair, acetylene does produce a lot of light, and was brighter than dynamo lights and cheaper than the rubbish dry cell batteries.
I think it's a combination of halogen bulbs, alkaline AA batteries and the first rechargeables that killed them off!


7,072 posts

108 months

Tuesday 20th June 2023
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EdmondDantes said:
Glass bottles of Lucozade which always seemed to be the stickiest things know to man.
And mum only gave it toys if we were ill!


2,378 posts

174 months

Tuesday 20th June 2023
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EdmondDantes said:
Glass bottles of Lucozade which always seemed to be the stickiest things know to man.
Don't forget it was also wrapped in a weird yellowie cellophane.


15,083 posts

217 months

Tuesday 20th June 2023
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markymarkthree said:
EdmondDantes said:
Glass bottles of Lucozade which always seemed to be the stickiest things know to man.
Don't forget it was also wrapped in a weird yellowie cellophane.
Which you could use to turn any white light to amber smile


16,005 posts

211 months

Tuesday 20th June 2023
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Those green BT phonecards.

Naff Naff jackets, spiffy jeans(?), or for the hardcore - Technics jacket.

Impulse O2

Hooch and Two Dogs

A real range of pop music - rock n roll, electronica, pop, with all the sub cultures and fashion attached. It seems very generic now.


11,249 posts

212 months

Tuesday 20th June 2023
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7,839 posts

173 months

Tuesday 20th June 2023
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Saw the title and for some reason my first car registration popped in my mind. DHD 645Y


50,434 posts

201 months

Tuesday 20th June 2023
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Fireball XL5

Watching it as a little lad, I was concerned about how out of scale everything was in the extravehicular activity scenes.

An unfortunate consequence of this is I have been annoying fellow television viewers with my observations ever since.

Wacky Racer

38,554 posts

250 months

Tuesday 20th June 2023
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Has anyone mentioned Spokey Dokies yet?


50,434 posts

201 months

Tuesday 20th June 2023
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Wacky Racer said:
Has anyone mentioned Spokey Dokies yet?
bohdi at 16.36


I'm sorry, it stuck in my mind.


17,128 posts

169 months

Tuesday 20th June 2023
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peanuthead said:
Saw the title and for some reason my first car registration popped in my mind. DHD 645Y
PHL 836X


7,072 posts

108 months

Tuesday 20th June 2023
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yellowjack said:
peanuthead said:
Saw the title and for some reason my first car registration popped in my mind. DHD 645Y
PHL 836X
SGR 873R


590 posts

26 months

Wednesday 21st June 2023
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Scoring a pound deal

mart 63

2,081 posts

247 months

Wednesday 21st June 2023
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Pinching my mums Embassy coupons to buy single cigarettes at the local shop.
Putting cardboard in your shoes, to cover the holes in the soles. Horrible when it was raining.
Jumping over a hedge to get into Glastonbury.

cobra kid

5,040 posts

243 months

Wednesday 21st June 2023
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Pen top bangers. Fold the caps along their length and try to stuff as many as you can into a biro lid. Then stuff in a couple of matches so the tips are just above the caps. Strike the match in a long arc and throw at the end of the arc so you didn't blow your fingers off.


8,743 posts

273 months

Wednesday 21st June 2023
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When the coal men came, humping coal in sacks from their lorry, through the garden and onto our pile...
used to be 7 tons of coke and 3 tons of anthracite.... coke for the Aga and anthracite for the fires... (early 50s Edinburgh)
AND different bins.....
pig bin (he came round with a small lorry with a curved sliding roof)
ash bin
rubbish bin
paper sack
glass, we took back to the shop

And 2 postal deliveries daily, one around 9 the other at midday......