Missing sister - help me find her car?

Missing sister - help me find her car?



4,225 posts

28 months

Sunday 16th June
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Thoughts to you and family/friends.

Super Sonic

5,563 posts

57 months

Sunday 16th June
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Absolutely heartbreaking. :.(
My thoughts are with you and your family.

Castrol for a knave

4,891 posts

94 months

Sunday 16th June
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As with others, just to add my thoughts to you and your family.


15,977 posts

211 months

Sunday 16th June
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I’m so sorry to read this - I hoped that the update would be good news.

Just big love to you and yours.


5,809 posts

235 months

Sunday 16th June
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Remember reading this at the time, hope you get resolution for you & your family soon OP.


4,660 posts

284 months

Sunday 16th June
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In my thoughts. It must be very difficult to cope with this. Stay strong.


9,359 posts

222 months

Sunday 16th June
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I also can’t believe it’s been a year already.

I’m sorry to read you have absolutely no updates.

Just awful situation.


Original Poster:

17,071 posts

243 months

Monday 17th June
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Thank you all.


41,048 posts

193 months

Monday 17th June
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skwdenyer said:
A year ago today, my Sister went missing. Today we’re no further forward: no sightings, no vectors, no remains, no end to the emotional rollercoaster or the family pain. Not helped by the untimely death of another close family member in January.

If any other PHers have suffered a loss remotely like this, you have my greatest sympathies.

Edited by skwdenyer on Sunday 16th June 20:26
My loss is different. I, sadly, know what's happened to my sister - to not know at all must be just... well I can't express how poorly I would do/cope in such a position.

You have my deepest and heartfelt sympathy on this unthinkable situation frown

Edited by DodgyGeezer on Monday 17th June 09:12


3,993 posts

100 months

Monday 17th June
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skwdenyer said:
A year ago today, my Sister went missing. Today we’re no further forward: no sightings, no vectors, no remains, no end to the emotional rollercoaster or the family pain. Not helped by the untimely death of another close family member in January.

If any other PHers have suffered a loss remotely like this, you have my greatest sympathies.
Still thinking your family, we got reminded of how distressing this was, when a friend of our daughter went missing recently (fortunately found after a couple of days).

Our thoughts are with you.


5,474 posts

58 months

Monday 17th June
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I'd hoped for your sake that there was a conclusion to this when I saw it appear again this morning.

I'm really sorry to hear she's still missing.

Edited by TGCOTF-dewey on Monday 17th June 10:17


2,611 posts

161 months

Monday 17th June
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Stopped at Loch Doon a couple of days ago and thought of you all so sorry you've not had any closure


11,999 posts

190 months

Monday 17th June
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Saddened to see this pop up (and stunned its a whole year), I had hoped that with no updates that she might have turned up and a line been drawn under it all. Really sorry thats not the case at all, cannot begin to think what it must be like for you all.


9,202 posts

229 months

Monday 17th June
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So sorry OP.
Your PH friends are all thinking of you and your family at this time.


17,512 posts

192 months

Monday 17th June
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Sorry OP I can only imagine how hard the last year has been. My wife and I were thinking about you a few weeks ago when we were up in that area.


14,958 posts

217 months

Monday 17th June
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Your sister crossed my mind earlier when I heard there was an appeal here in Ayr for another woman who went missing over the weekend.

I'm sorry to hear you are not any further forward after 12 months and cannot imagine what you and your family are going through without any closure.


7,165 posts

147 months

Monday 17th June
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This must be so difficult for you, your brother-in-law and their daughters. I hope you get some answers soon.


76,768 posts

285 months

Monday 17th June
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Sorry to read that there's no good news after a year. Fingers crossed you find her safe and well.


Original Poster:

17,071 posts

243 months

Monday 17th June
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Thank you for all the kind words.

For those with any interest (either in this case, or in finding people in general), this is the sort of terrain we're dealing with:

The bracken is around waist height or higher (meaning somebody laying in the bracken a metre or two to the side of you would be invisible) and with dense fronds (meaning drone searching has to be carried out at bracken-top height). The trees are so densely-planted as to in places be all-but impossible to get between - we need Star Wars style "orbs" able to autonomously navigate through the trees to search properly.

The aerials shots above are from my drone. As you can see, it is incredibly hard to conduct any sort of aerial search. By the time the bracken has died down, snow appears, or the weather is so bad as to prevent flying.

Nevertheless, this terrain has been searched extensively out to about 900 metres radius from where her car was found. To search fully the potential area (2 hours' walk, so say up to 5 miles' radius) is an area of over 200 million square metres, of which about 75% is land which can be properly and completely searched in metre-wide strips at the rate of as low as 2000 square metres per hour. Even at 4000 sq m / hr, that's 37,500 man-hours, or over 20 man years (working full time hours with breaks).

Hence I'm still investigating what additional aerial tech may be used to fully rule out her remains being present on land. And why I'm so interested in the tech problem more generally to help ensure this never happens to anyone else.

As for the water, extensive sonar searching has been carried out in the relevant areas, but by no means the whole Loch. Again, the problem is time and resource. Water-borne "drones" (ROVs in aquatic parlance) do exist, but the Loch is not the clear waters of the Bahamas. It *might* be possible to "fingertip" search the Loch bed with an ROV, but I don't yet know how to get that done with available resources.

Now, if anyone has any friends at the NSA or similar who could get me access to really high-resolution satellite imagery for specific dates, that would be terrific...


12,480 posts

221 months

Monday 17th June
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Were dogs ever involved in the search? I presume there was a finite resource available.