Things that annoy you beyond reason...(Vol. 7)

Things that annoy you beyond reason...(Vol. 7)



357 posts

164 months

Thursday 27th June
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Gary29 said:
Sigmamark7 said:
RustyMX5 said:
I don't understand why people stir their tea or coffee, take out the spoon and put it on the counter top when the sink is literally 2 ft away. Every time I see someone do that I just want to explode.
You must have seen my girlfriend. Does this every time, in addition to putting the used cup in the sink, which is right next to the dishwasher. Better still, she claims I’m untidy.
And then put the used tea bag on the drainer at the side of the sink, instead of straight into the bin a few feet away? Please Lord, provide me with the strength and resolve to overcome this test you have given to me.
My girlfriend can do better than that. She has a ridiculous little dish to put the tea bag in, which is a couple of feet away from the bin. The dish then has to be emptied, which she doesn’t do, then washed, which she doesn’t do. In addition to claiming that I’m untidy, I also get accused of creating work!!


12,522 posts

221 months

Thursday 27th June
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Sigmamark7 said:
Gary29 said:
Sigmamark7 said:
RustyMX5 said:
I don't understand why people stir their tea or coffee, take out the spoon and put it on the counter top when the sink is literally 2 ft away. Every time I see someone do that I just want to explode.
You must have seen my girlfriend. Does this every time, in addition to putting the used cup in the sink, which is right next to the dishwasher. Better still, she claims I’m untidy.
And then put the used tea bag on the drainer at the side of the sink, instead of straight into the bin a few feet away? Please Lord, provide me with the strength and resolve to overcome this test you have given to me.
My girlfriend can do better than that. She has a ridiculous little dish to put the tea bag in, which is a couple of feet away from the bin. The dish then has to be emptied, which she doesn’t do, then washed, which she doesn’t do. In addition to claiming that I’m untidy, I also get accused of creating work!!
Saved spoon and bag is for potential second cup.

Not putting hot, wet bag straight into bin lets it cool. Otherwise you have a wet, dripping bin lid encouraging mould, or at the least, making condensed bin juice drops flap onto your sleeve next time.


1,827 posts

257 months

Thursday 27th June
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People who want to share their personal phone conversations with everyone else in public spaces via the mobile phone speaker. As is happening to me right now in the work cafeteria.

Lift the phone up to your ear and turn the speaker off.


9,872 posts

149 months

Thursday 27th June
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EmailAddress said:
Sigmamark7 said:
Gary29 said:
Sigmamark7 said:
RustyMX5 said:
I don't understand why people stir their tea or coffee, take out the spoon and put it on the counter top when the sink is literally 2 ft away. Every time I see someone do that I just want to explode.
You must have seen my girlfriend. Does this every time, in addition to putting the used cup in the sink, which is right next to the dishwasher. Better still, she claims I’m untidy.
And then put the used tea bag on the drainer at the side of the sink, instead of straight into the bin a few feet away? Please Lord, provide me with the strength and resolve to overcome this test you have given to me.
My girlfriend can do better than that. She has a ridiculous little dish to put the tea bag in, which is a couple of feet away from the bin. The dish then has to be emptied, which she doesn’t do, then washed, which she doesn’t do. In addition to claiming that I’m untidy, I also get accused of creating work!!
Saved spoon and bag is for potential second cup.

Not putting hot, wet bag straight into bin lets it cool. Otherwise you have a wet, dripping bin lid encouraging mould, or at the least, making condensed bin juice drops flap onto your sleeve next time.
This. It gives the teabag time to dry out and you don't get bin juice. I also have a small saucer on the worktop for this purpose, and empty it when a small pile has built up. Makes sense to me.


1,464 posts

136 months

Thursday 27th June
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Gary29 said:
YouTube. Has anyone else's layout changed? I watch/listen to a lot on my second screen in work, so a laptop. The comments used to appear underneath the default video view, and now they're at the side, and the recommended videos used to be at the side, and now they're underneath. I prefer the old layout by a factor of 1000, but can't see a setting to change it back.
What browser are you using? I am on Chrome and the comments are still underneath the video for me, with the recommended on the right side.


1,464 posts

136 months

Thursday 27th June
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Fermit said:
Any organisation or business, whom when you call does everything in their power for you to fk off and use their website instead.
God I hate this modern default of every organisation doing all they can to not let you speak with a human.
It fills me with rage this type of thing. I've said it before, but this type of thing needs regulating. Companies should be compelled to have strict contact and communication standards, for example:

  • Clear contact number to be listed on the website
  • Clear email address to be listed on the website
  • When a customer calls, ability to speak with a human in less than 10 minutes
Or whatever

This is mainly targeted at this bigger companies, often you're paying a fee to, like insurance, electric, broadband etc, and they don't answer the bloody phone if you can even get a number.


  • Any "automated webchat bots" Should have a clear option to speak with a human


13,189 posts

103 months

Thursday 27th June
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redrabbit29 said:
* Any "automated webchat bots" Should have a clear option to speak with a human
Ebay's is terrible for this. Any faulty item after the 30 day ebay guarantee gets a response saying 'sorry as the purchase made is outside of 30 days there's nothing we can do' Never mind the CRA2015!

A simple reply of 'small claims court' ALWAYS gets you on to a human, a gets you a return.


4,201 posts

102 months

Thursday 27th June
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redrabbit29 said:
What browser are you using? I am on Chrome and the comments are still underneath the video for me, with the recommended on the right side.
I'm on Chrome too, weird. It started doing it this week.


1,464 posts

136 months

Thursday 27th June
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Gary29 said:
I'm on Chrome too, weird. It started doing it this week.
Try clearing all cookies and cache maybe, and then re-authenticating when you visit again


1,910 posts

26 months

Thursday 27th June
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RustyMX5 said:
I don't understand why people stir their tea or coffee, take out the spoon and put it on the counter top when the sink is literally 2 ft away. Every time I see someone do that I just want to explode.
I don't understand why people add the word 'literally' to a sentence when it is perfectly good, grammatically speaking, without the 'literally'. Every time I see someone do that I just want to explode.


12,582 posts

98 months

Thursday 27th June
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Alickadoo said:
RustyMX5 said:
I don't understand why people stir their tea or coffee, take out the spoon and put it on the counter top when the sink is literally 2 ft away. Every time I see someone do that I just want to explode.
I don't understand why people add the word 'literally' to a sentence when it is perfectly good, grammatically speaking, without the 'literally'. Every time I see someone do that I just want to explode.
He wasn't even using the hyperbolic definition of literally (which literally is in the dictionary) and you're still literally triggered by it.


5,439 posts

140 months

Thursday 27th June
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Gary29 said:
YouTube. Has anyone else's layout changed? I watch/listen to a lot on my second screen in work, so a laptop. The comments used to appear underneath the default video view, and now they're at the side, and the recommended videos used to be at the side, and now they're underneath. I prefer the old layout by a factor of 1000, but can't see a setting to change it back.
The new layout is absolutely horrible. Luckily there's a Chrome extension you can install called "Enhancer for Youtube". It does many things, but most importantly for me, it can change the layout back to how it was before the latest awful change.


5,439 posts

140 months

Thursday 27th June
quotequote all
redrabbit29 said:
Gary29 said:
YouTube. Has anyone else's layout changed? I watch/listen to a lot on my second screen in work, so a laptop. The comments used to appear underneath the default video view, and now they're at the side, and the recommended videos used to be at the side, and now they're underneath. I prefer the old layout by a factor of 1000, but can't see a setting to change it back.
What browser are you using? I am on Chrome and the comments are still underneath the video for me, with the recommended on the right side.
It's been rolling out over several months. Finally happened to my account two weeks ago. Luckily there is a way to fix it, as I have just explained to Gary.


5,573 posts

152 months

Thursday 27th June
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redrabbit29 said:
Fermit said:
Any organisation or business, whom when you call does everything in their power for you to fk off and use their website instead.
God I hate this modern default of every organisation doing all they can to not let you speak with a human.
It fills me with rage this type of thing. I've said it before, but this type of thing needs regulating. Companies should be compelled to have strict contact and communication standards, for example:

  • Clear contact number to be listed on the website
  • Clear email address to be listed on the website
  • When a customer calls, ability to speak with a human in less than 10 minutes
Or whatever

This is mainly targeted at this bigger companies, often you're paying a fee to, like insurance, electric, broadband etc, and they don't answer the bloody phone if you can even get a number.


  • Any "automated webchat bots" Should have a clear option to speak with a human
We should go back to writing to them. Letter envelope stamp.
Still quicker than a call centre wait


12,522 posts

221 months

Thursday 27th June
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bristolracer said:
redrabbit29 said:
Fermit said:
Any organisation or business, whom when you call does everything in their power for you to fk off and use their website instead.
God I hate this modern default of every organisation doing all they can to not let you speak with a human.
It fills me with rage this type of thing. I've said it before, but this type of thing needs regulating. Companies should be compelled to have strict contact and communication standards, for example:

  • Clear contact number to be listed on the website
  • Clear email address to be listed on the website
  • When a customer calls, ability to speak with a human in less than 10 minutes
Or whatever

This is mainly targeted at this bigger companies, often you're paying a fee to, like insurance, electric, broadband etc, and they don't answer the bloody phone if you can even get a number.


  • Any "automated webchat bots" Should have a clear option to speak with a human
We should go back to writing to them. Letter envelope stamp.
Still quicker than a call centre wait
Or use a rotary. The digital system can't process you and has to flag you for human review.


18,160 posts

275 months

Thursday 27th June
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redrabbit29 said:
Fermit said:
Any organisation or business, whom when you call does everything in their power for you to fk off and use their website instead.
God I hate this modern default of every organisation doing all they can to not let you speak with a human.
I'd much rather do everything in writing or in a chat than speak to some fking Indian fella who I can't fking understand and who can't understand me who ends up getting everything wrong.

Also writing is great for evidence. I might miss important details or forget something I was told, or the person might deny giving that advice.

fk phone calls, quite frankly.

21st Century Man

41,188 posts

251 months

Thursday 27th June
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RowntreesCabana said:
People who want to share their personal phone conversations with everyone else in public spaces via the mobile phone speaker. As is happening to me right now in the work cafeteria.

Lift the phone up to your ear and turn the speaker off.
I wonder how these people use a landline? Do they hold the handset out at arms length in front of them?


12,582 posts

98 months

Thursday 27th June
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21st Century Man said:
I wonder how these people use a landline? Do they hold the handset out at arms length in front of them?
Pretty sure most never have.

I can't recall using a landline in the last 20 odd years that wasn't for work and even for work we've gone all softphone, so that's a headset now.


12,184 posts

245 months

Thursday 27th June
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TameRacingDriver said:
I'd much rather do everything in writing
I'd prefer to do stuff in writing, by email, but I regularly come up against businesses that don't respond to email. I'm waiting for responses from a conveyancing company who were taken on by the lawyers who are handling my late mum's estate, my first email dates back to November of last year and still has not been responded to. I phoned them a few weeks ago as I was advised (by the lawyers) that I'd get a better response (!), couldn't talk to the person handling my case, and was told they'd phone back. They haven't.

Now I read some of their online reviews, and almost all of them complain about lack of communication leading to, in some cases, house sales falling through because of lack of communication. Fortunately I'm not in that position, but I'm still not impressed.

Pit Pony

8,974 posts

124 months

Thursday 27th June
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Rich Boy Spanner said:
Langweilig said:
RayDonovan said:
I don't know whether I've noticed it more recently (or it's got worse), but the inability in the fking country to make any sort of decent progress on the road without some fking cock sucker doing 20mph under the speed limit

Absolutely boils my piss
I know. I think many drivers these days, think that it's "30mph EVERYWHERE" and they just don't understand what a National Speed Limit is.
I think England should do what Scotland does and post the actual limit instead of the national speed limit sign because so many people are totally unable to work out what is a single and what is a dual carriageway. Also maybe put the limit on the back of speed cameras to prevent muppets slamming their brakes on for them even when they are under the limit.
I used to drive past one each way on my daily comute, on the Dual carriageway that leads from the M57 towards the Runcorn Bridge.
NsL 70 mph.
For 6 years whilst I comuted that way, I don't think there was one car, I witnessed that didn't brake from 65 to 50 just before it went past.
It stopped boiling my piss eventually. I just got used to it...if the road was clear in front of me, I would drive past at the speed limit and immediately accelerate to 90 on principle.