Things that annoy you beyond reason...(Vol. 7)

Things that annoy you beyond reason...(Vol. 7)



11,338 posts

142 months

Tuesday 25th June
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FiF said:
Oh sorry forgot something else to add to the annoyance. The signed postal voting statement that is just a fraction too large to fit into the envelope is also marked "Do not fold".

Add in something very subjective that I'm also voting for someone to whom I really don't want to give my support simply because all the other options are so awful they're the least unpleasant option. How have we got to this state?
My bits of voting paper and envelopes all fitted together no problem, but you had to lick various bits to seal it; is a lickable seal more secure than a self-adhesive seal?


1,464 posts

136 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Too much licking for my liking. One lick should suffice, or else I am wasting precious saliva and tiring out my tongue.

Roofless Toothless

5,816 posts

135 months

Tuesday 25th June
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‘They’ want you to lick it …


25,849 posts

196 months

Tuesday 25th June
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RizzoTheRat said:
FiF said:
Postal voting.

The voting slip is folded in such a way that it doesn't fit into the envelope provided for it. So you have to refold it, and you know from personalexperience that the multiple ways people have of folding this is a pita to the vote counters.

Then you put sealed envelope A duly identified with the provided adhesive label into envelope B together with your signed Postal Voting Statement, which then doesn't quite fit properly into envelope B. It's just a fraction too large.

Presumably this is all done independently by each constituency rather than centrally, which must be inefficient? Mine all fitted fine and the envelope was printed rather than having a sticky label.
There does seem a common pattern, maybe the electoral commission are in charge of it? Possibly there's too much tolerance in the goo sticking the inner envelope together. Mine was ok, but it was quite snug and it wouldn't take much for the two to not fit together.

I annoyed myself beyond reason; I put the inner envelope in the wrong way up and the returning officer address was not in the window of the outer, so had to tear it open, remove and reinsert the inner and bodge it shut again with parcel tape. Stupid voter not reading and following the instructions.


44,526 posts

254 months

Tuesday 25th June
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hidetheelephants said:
There does seem a common pattern, maybe the electoral commission are in charge of it? Possibly there's too much tolerance in the goo sticking the inner envelope together. Mine was ok, but it was quite snug and it wouldn't take much for the two to not fit together.

I annoyed myself beyond reason; I put the inner envelope in the wrong way up and the returning officer address was not in the window of the outer, so had to tear it open, remove and reinsert the inner and bodge it shut again with parcel tape. Stupid voter not reading and following the instructions.
It seems to be a relatively local thing, probably interpreting rules from Electoral Commission.

For example there is no window in any envelope, the two are printed up with identifiers, and the outer one with the return address and the franking for the post payment.

The adhesive labels are simply printed with the title of the election and your voter id numbers. The basic setup is clearly designed to be used across various elections, general, local, county, parish. It's the same issues here, everytime.

Like C5_Steve I find it somewhat disappointing that they get something so basic sufficiently wrong to require a bit of bodging. Maybe it's just me being a bit on the spectrum and liking things to be neat and tidy.


14,975 posts

217 months

Tuesday 25th June
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redrabbit29 said:
Too much licking for my liking. “One lick should suffice, or else I am wasting precious saliva and tiring out my tongue.“
,he was overheard saying to his girlfriend.


2,333 posts

198 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Halmyre said:
FiF said:
Oh sorry forgot something else to add to the annoyance. The signed postal voting statement that is just a fraction too large to fit into the envelope is also marked "Do not fold".

Add in something very subjective that I'm also voting for someone to whom I really don't want to give my support simply because all the other options are so awful they're the least unpleasant option. How have we got to this state?
My bits of voting paper and envelopes all fitted together no problem, but you had to lick various bits to seal it; is a lickable seal more secure than a self-adhesive seal?
Gathering your DNA/ checking the vaccine chip is still working/ checking against cold cases/ glue contains Russian tea additive I'm sure it makes no difference


13,469 posts

247 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Halmyre said:
My bits of voting paper and envelopes all fitted together no problem, but you had to lick various bits to seal it; is a lickable seal more secure than a self-adhesive seal?
It's cheaper.


11,338 posts

142 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Wonderman said:
Halmyre said:
FiF said:
Oh sorry forgot something else to add to the annoyance. The signed postal voting statement that is just a fraction too large to fit into the envelope is also marked "Do not fold".

Add in something very subjective that I'm also voting for someone to whom I really don't want to give my support simply because all the other options are so awful they're the least unpleasant option. How have we got to this state?
My bits of voting paper and envelopes all fitted together no problem, but you had to lick various bits to seal it; is a lickable seal more secure than a self-adhesive seal?
Gathering your DNA/ checking the vaccine chip is still working/ checking against cold cases/ glue contains Russian tea additive I'm sure it makes no difference
Спасибо тебе друг


25,849 posts

196 months

Tuesday 25th June
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RicksAlfas said:
Halmyre said:
My bits of voting paper and envelopes all fitted together no problem, but you had to lick various bits to seal it; is a lickable seal more secure than a self-adhesive seal?
It's cheaper.
It's also much more secure; the other kind of self-adhesive can be peeled open. The old fashioned kind needs to be steamed and the envelope ends up looking like a used dish towel.

Turtle Shed

1,629 posts

29 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Headphones duration and volume warnings on phone

Just fk off, how long and how loud I listen is none of your business.


13,189 posts

103 months

Thursday 27th June
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Any organisation or business, whom when you call does everything in their power for you to fk off and use their website instead.

Mine, today. The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority. Back in May 2023 my wife was on the receiving end of an unprovoked road rage attack by a doasyoulikey, off his tits on god knows what. This left her with leg and neck injuries, as well as some pretty deep routed emotional trauma.

When submitting the claim last May, the advice given was that we'd hear further within 12 months. Here we are, near 14 months on, not a peep. I ring them. Lots of recorded advisories 'we will contact you in writing' 'please go away and use our website instead' type bks (tried this yesterday, no way to progress a claim, hence the call) Finally I get through to the correct option, hold for 5 minutes, then get a recording saying words to the effect of 'too busy, try again later' and the call cut off.

God I hate this modern default of every organisation doing all they can to not let you speak with a human.


7,934 posts

220 months

Thursday 27th June
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I don't understand why people stir their tea or coffee, take out the spoon and put it on the counter top when the sink is literally 2 ft away. Every time I see someone do that I just want to explode.


4,570 posts

218 months

Thursday 27th June
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Waiting 4 years for our HR department to launch a new car / cash policy for remote staff and the new policy is complete garbage.

They've effectively asked people who are in an expired lease car now to re-order a new car without seeing the choice first.

Or you can have cash, but the allowance is so pathetic you'd hardly be able to run a half decent shed.

fking HR departments.


357 posts

164 months

Thursday 27th June
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RustyMX5 said:
I don't understand why people stir their tea or coffee, take out the spoon and put it on the counter top when the sink is literally 2 ft away. Every time I see someone do that I just want to explode.
You must have seen my girlfriend. Does this every time, in addition to putting the used cup in the sink, which is right next to the dishwasher. Better still, she claims I’m untidy.


5,269 posts

33 months

Thursday 27th June
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Sigmamark7 said:
RustyMX5 said:
I don't understand why people stir their tea or coffee, take out the spoon and put it on the counter top when the sink is literally 2 ft away. Every time I see someone do that I just want to explode.
You must have seen my girlfriend. Does this every time, in addition to putting the used cup in the sink, which is right next to the dishwasher. Better still, she claims I’m untidy.
I've got one of these. Well, 3 of them, wife and dustbin lids. These sorts of people can't risk opening the dishwasher to put a used item in it, in case the dishwasher turns out to be full of clean items which need putting away. It appears to be a software feature in certain models which is utterly resistant to upgrades. See also bins. Leave rubbish on surface if bin is full, rather than empty bin. Dad's job, y'see. I hope I live long enough to watch my kids getting the same treatment from theirs.


4,201 posts

102 months

Thursday 27th June
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Sigmamark7 said:
RustyMX5 said:
I don't understand why people stir their tea or coffee, take out the spoon and put it on the counter top when the sink is literally 2 ft away. Every time I see someone do that I just want to explode.
You must have seen my girlfriend. Does this every time, in addition to putting the used cup in the sink, which is right next to the dishwasher. Better still, she claims I’m untidy.
And then put the used tea bag on the drainer at the side of the sink, instead of straight into the bin a few feet away? Please Lord, provide me with the strength and resolve to overcome this test you have given to me.


13,189 posts

103 months

Thursday 27th June
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RustyMX5 said:
I don't understand why people stir their tea or coffee, take out the spoon and put it on the counter top when the sink is literally 2 ft away. Every time I see someone do that I just want to explode.
My wife's started doing this with teabags. Her answer when questioned, hot teabags split the compostable bin bags we're now using.


44,526 posts

254 months

Thursday 27th June
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RustyMX5 said:
I don't understand why people stir their tea or coffee, take out the spoon and put it on the counter top when the sink is literally 2 ft away. Every time I see someone do that I just want to explode.
What used to make me explode in the office kitchen was folks who, rightly, used to complain about this. Bear in mind I was usually away for weeks at a time.

But then made no effort on the other domestic duties in the kitchen, cleaning the microwave (you were the last person to do it before two week business trip), taking tea towels home for washing over the weekend, throwing away the manky pot scrubber that's been in service since Christ knows when, noticing other stuff that wasn't in the job spec for the office cleaning contract. All just normal stuff that presumably you'd automatically sort out in your own kitchen.

Yet having said that noticing the state that some of them left the lavatories then maybe that last sentence is moot.


4,201 posts

102 months

Thursday 27th June
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YouTube. Has anyone else's layout changed? I watch/listen to a lot on my second screen in work, so a laptop. The comments used to appear underneath the default video view, and now they're at the side, and the recommended videos used to be at the side, and now they're underneath. I prefer the old layout by a factor of 1000, but can't see a setting to change it back.