Things that annoy you beyond reason...(Vol. 7)

Things that annoy you beyond reason...(Vol. 7)



27,138 posts

164 months

Thursday 20th June
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My families time keeping.

When I say we're leaving at 10am that means pulling away from the house, not the time you start getting your st together.

Saying you can't find your shoes (at 10:10) is not mitigation, it just makes me more annoyed.

Deranged Rover

3,509 posts

77 months

Thursday 20th June
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beagrizzly said:
Our council held an open consultation to see if those wanting garden bins would like to either have them free but only for half the year when stuff is growing and the bin is more needed, or to pay for it and have it all year.

Response overwhelmingly in favour of free for 6 months. Council response was obviously to ignore that and choose the option that would bring in money. rolleyes
Our council started charging for green waste collection about 6 years ago. £70 per year for one bin or £80 for two.

Given that, if I do all the hedges and the lawns in one go, I generally fill somewhere around four Lidl XL garden bags and seven of those bags that you buy a tonne of shingle or earth in, I realised I'd still be visiting the dump regularly anyway, and so decided not to bother.

And before you ask, no I don't compost. Firstly because the pile would be visible from space by now and, secondly, I gather that grass snakes and slow worms are rather fond of them.


10,590 posts

234 months

Thursday 20th June
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Deranged Rover said:
beagrizzly said:
Our council held an open consultation to see if those wanting garden bins would like to either have them free but only for half the year when stuff is growing and the bin is more needed, or to pay for it and have it all year.

Response overwhelmingly in favour of free for 6 months. Council response was obviously to ignore that and choose the option that would bring in money. rolleyes
Our council started charging for green waste collection about 6 years ago. £70 per year for one bin or £80 for two.

Given that, if I do all the hedges and the lawns in one go, I generally fill somewhere around four Lidl XL garden bags and seven of those bags that you buy a tonne of shingle or earth in, I realised I'd still be visiting the dump regularly anyway, and so decided not to bother.

And before you ask, no I don't compost. Firstly because the pile would be visible from space by now and, secondly, I gather that grass snakes and slow worms are rather fond of them.
What's the problem with slow worms and grass snakes?

(Nice stealth 'my garden is huge' boast BTW hehe )


12,611 posts

98 months

Thursday 20th June
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C5_Steve said:
Eh? Sorry but what the hell are you on about rofl

The app has nothing to do with the story except to point out the fuel was ALREADY PAID FOR (or rather authorised). Had we wanted to pay cash/card, the outcome would have been the same in that the staff wouldn't have switched the pump on as they ran the reg and checked it matched the car.

As for "apps are universally terrible" I think that's a you problem (in the nicest way possible). The Shell app works perfectly fine and saves me time walking and paying at the kiosk. As do all the other apps I use smile

Edited by C5_Steve on Thursday 20th June 13:40
Erm your own admission said it didn't work, so you had to go and get help.

That alone tells me the app is not reliable.

Which is why I don't use them. Can't remember the last time I went to a shell either, usually the most expensive.


3,054 posts

224 months

Thursday 20th June
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98elise said:
My families time keeping.

When I say we're leaving at 10am that means pulling away from the house, not the time you start getting your st together.

Saying you can't find your shoes (at 10:10) is not mitigation, it just makes me more annoyed.
Sorry, 98elise, I'm not having a pop at you in any way, but as we're on a thread about being annoyed beyond reason, I'm baffled by some people not knowing the difference between family's and families.

If it's something to do with your family, in this case, time keeping, it's "my family's time keeping".

If you're talking about more than one family, it's families. If you were talking about the time keeping of more than one family, it would be "the families' time keeping".

As for the sentiment, I agree. Leaving at 10am should mean exactly that, not starting to get ready at that time. That is most definitely annoying beyond reason.


776 posts

246 months

Thursday 20th June
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Unnecessary pedantry.


12,611 posts

98 months

Thursday 20th June
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drmotorsport said:
Unnecessary pedantry.
I'd normally agree but if there is one thread where it's appropriate it's here.


18,165 posts

275 months

Thursday 20th June
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I've said it multiple times on this thread, but anything to do with fking Microsoft. Their software is just so, so, so fking bad it's unreal. I'm not going to go into details but I just hate it with every fibre of my being.

How do I make peace with this, I'd actually enjoy my job if it wasn't for their crap fking software, but I have no choice.

Being proficient with it seems to involve finding workarounds for every stupid mother fking problem it throws in your way. Just get the fk out of my way and let me do my job, I don't want to fix something every fking day.

One thing it is good at is winding me up beyond reason though.


21st Century Man

41,192 posts

251 months

Thursday 20th June
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Trip Advisor top ten things to do/see in Holmfirth.

Manchester walking tour
Windermere and lake district tour
Wales sightseeing from Manchester
Manchester City River tour
Snowdonia & Chester
Manchester food tour
Manchester City Stadium
Chatsworth House
Rock & Gaol tour Manchester
The Lake District



4,020 posts

94 months

Thursday 20th June
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298 posts

143 months

Thursday 20th June
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Nexus Icon said:
Triumph Man said:
Difference between church bells and the call to prayer is that church bells are a pleasant chiming sound, whereas the call to prayer is usually delivered through a crappy PA system, crackly, and unintelligible. Nothing racist about that. If someone played church bells through a PA system it would probably be the same!
A lot of church bells ARE played through a crappy PA system nowadays. Too few religious campanologist types, it seems.
I very much doubt that is true, at least in the UK. Can you point to any evidence to support the assertion?


6,325 posts

281 months

Thursday 20th June
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21st Century Man said:
Trip Advisor top ten things to do/see in Holmfirth.

Manchester walking tour
Windermere and lake district tour
Wales sightseeing from Manchester
Manchester City River tour
Snowdonia & Chester
Manchester food tour
Manchester City Stadium
Chatsworth House
Rock & Gaol tour Manchester
The Lake District

But I've been to Holmfirth and this is absolutely true.

21st Century Man

41,192 posts

251 months

Thursday 20th June
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Voldemort said:
21st Century Man said:
Trip Advisor top ten things to do/see in Holmfirth.

Manchester walking tour
Windermere and lake district tour
Wales sightseeing from Manchester
Manchester City River tour
Snowdonia & Chester
Manchester food tour
Manchester City Stadium
Chatsworth House
Rock & Gaol tour Manchester
The Lake District

But I've been to Holmfirth and this is absolutely true.
Sid's cafe and Nora Batty's house should at least get a look in.


61 posts

2 months

Thursday 20th June
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21st Century Man said:
Voldemort said:
21st Century Man said:
Trip Advisor top ten things to do/see in Holmfirth.

Manchester walking tour
Windermere and lake district tour
Wales sightseeing from Manchester
Manchester City River tour
Snowdonia & Chester
Manchester food tour
Manchester City Stadium
Chatsworth House
Rock & Gaol tour Manchester
The Lake District

But I've been to Holmfirth and this is absolutely true.
Sid's cafe and Nora Batty's house should at least get a look in.

As much as I like Holmfirth there is not a lot to do there, good for a Sunday afternoon stroll, cup of coffee, an ice cream, maybe fish and chips cooked in beef fat, look at the ducks in the stream and that's about it.

Good hardware shop from memory and plenty of barbers.

Parking used to be a beggar, people parked a mile up Huddersfield road and walked in, don't know what its like now.


25,952 posts

196 months

Thursday 20th June
quotequote all
Nexus Icon said:
Triumph Man said:
Difference between church bells and the call to prayer is that church bells are a pleasant chiming sound, whereas the call to prayer is usually delivered through a crappy PA system, crackly, and unintelligible. Nothing racist about that. If someone played church bells through a PA system it would probably be the same!
A lot of church bells ARE played through a crappy PA system nowadays. Too few religious campanologist types, it seems.
The bell tower is too rickety, ours has had a PA since the 70s. It must have been a bit of shock when it was installed as there's only one bell but the sample track sounds like it was recorded at a cathedral with a dozen bells.

21st Century Man

41,192 posts

251 months

Thursday 20th June
quotequote all
CammyN said:
21st Century Man said:
Voldemort said:
21st Century Man said:
Trip Advisor top ten things to do/see in Holmfirth.

Manchester walking tour
Windermere and lake district tour
Wales sightseeing from Manchester
Manchester City River tour
Snowdonia & Chester
Manchester food tour
Manchester City Stadium
Chatsworth House
Rock & Gaol tour Manchester
The Lake District

But I've been to Holmfirth and this is absolutely true.
Sid's cafe and Nora Batty's house should at least get a look in.

As much as I like Holmfirth there is not a lot to do there, good for a Sunday afternoon stroll, cup of coffee, an ice cream, maybe fish and chips cooked in beef fat, look at the ducks in the stream and that's about it.

Good hardware shop from memory and plenty of barbers.

Parking used to be a beggar, people parked a mile up Huddersfield road and walked in, don't know what its like now.
Maybe, but whatever little there is should at least be listed, rather than suggesting the Eiffel Tower or The Empire State Building as Holmfirth's top ten. A cream tea and a wander about is all I'm looking for. Not feckin' Manchester or The Lake District.


6,325 posts

281 months

Thursday 20th June
quotequote all
21st Century Man said:
CammyN said:
21st Century Man said:
Voldemort said:
21st Century Man said:
Trip Advisor top ten things to do/see in Holmfirth.

Manchester walking tour
Windermere and lake district tour
Wales sightseeing from Manchester
Manchester City River tour
Snowdonia & Chester
Manchester food tour
Manchester City Stadium
Chatsworth House
Rock & Gaol tour Manchester
The Lake District

But I've been to Holmfirth and this is absolutely true.
Sid's cafe and Nora Batty's house should at least get a look in.

As much as I like Holmfirth there is not a lot to do there, good for a Sunday afternoon stroll, cup of coffee, an ice cream, maybe fish and chips cooked in beef fat, look at the ducks in the stream and that's about it.

Good hardware shop from memory and plenty of barbers.

Parking used to be a beggar, people parked a mile up Huddersfield road and walked in, don't know what its like now.
Maybe, but whatever little there is should at least be listed, rather than suggesting the Eiffel Tower or The Empire State Building as Holmfirth's top ten. A cream tea and a wander about is all I'm looking for. Not feckin' Manchester or The Lake District.
Well if you learned to use TripAdvisor properly you'd see the list of top attractions and not the list of 'Tours near Holmfirth' which is, admitedly unhelpfully, listed before the list of top attractions.

That said, I stand by what I said - there are no attractions in Holmfirth

21st Century Man

41,192 posts

251 months

Thursday 20th June
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Fair, but also unfair.

I scrolled the immediate results tiles horizontally, rather than scrolling down. That might make me a little lax, but it makes them weapons grade.

Antony Moxey

8,265 posts

222 months

Thursday 20th June
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The England football team.


25,479 posts

195 months

Friday 21st June
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Our local parking enforcement.

Last year I got 3 parking tickets and a wheel clamp (and was apparently only a few hours from my car being towed!) for parking on a road where I have a residents parking permit. Now a friend of ours has got a ticket on our road whilst on our visitors permit. Surely it's all on a couple of databases that the system can just check, how can they fk it up?