Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



35,661 posts

153 months

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Why am I suddenly remembering the delicious flavour of Farley's Golden Rusks???



Original Poster:

50,309 posts

201 months

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glenrobbo said:
Why am I suddenly remembering the delicious flavour of Farley's Golden Rusks???

Don't tell me that. During my short and not very illustrious career in fashion retailing one of my managers liked Farleys Rusks.

And he was very odd.


62,299 posts

220 months

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DickyC said:
My other three (3) grandparents were all born in the 1890s and all died in the 1970s. My mum's mum, born in 1903, died in 2003, just shy of her telegram.
My Nan lived to be 104 and a half. At 99 she went into hospital with pneumonia and recovered buy whilst there they fixed he cataracts, and she was fitted with a pacemaker because her heart was a little irregular. I expressed concerns about her having Operations but the doc said they had no concerns about her...

I did the obituary at her funeral. She was born 6 months before the Wright brothers flew, the things she saw/lived through...
She said to me once she wished she'd made more of her lived (grandad died in 1968), which is when I pointed out she got around 500 christmas cards every year (and replied to them all). The people she'd met, touched, who wanted to stay in touch, who wrote regularly...

Oldest member of the village young wives club biggrin They made them differently then.


2,481 posts

54 months

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Byker28i said:
My Nan told me that when she was young, girls having all their teeth removed was considered the perfect gift for a 21st birthday or a newly married bride, to spare them from a lifetime of pain.

She was born 1903...
I know people alive today who had exactly this done in their youth. My friend Cathy for example, who would be only 82 if she were still among us.


2,481 posts

54 months

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paua said:
Or their husband's discomfort, no doubt. wink
A strange world, my own Grandmater was born in 1904 - her teachers used th ruler upon her knuckles to discourage th evil of left-handedness.
My childhood right there.
Sister Jacqueline was handy with a wooden rule. According to her the left was the Devil's hand. To this day I write with my starboard paw and do nearly everything else with the Southpaw. And I'm feart of nuns.
And I'm only a boy of 67.
But it was "that sort" of school.


Original Poster:

50,309 posts

201 months

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Naturally righthanded, when I slid on ice I led with my left foot. Also, on the rare occasions I was invited to join a game of football, I played on the left.

There was more ice around to slide on in those days.

Mr Magooagain

10,211 posts

173 months

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Error_404_Username_not_found said:
paua said:
Or their husband's discomfort, no doubt. wink
A strange world, my own Grandmater was born in 1904 - her teachers used th ruler upon her knuckles to discourage th evil of left-handedness.
My childhood right there.
Sister Jacqueline was handy with a wooden rule. According to her the left was the Devil's hand. To this day I write with my starboard paw and do nearly everything else with the Southpaw. And I'm feart of nuns.
And I'm only a boy of 67.
But it was "that sort" of school.
My catholic junior school was similar. Ruler,slipper and the cane. Senior school didn’t bother with the ruler but slipper,cane and if you really upset em a flying blackboard rubber.

My father was born in 1910. Never went to school,never had a father and only a mum for two years.


39,108 posts

190 months

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Decisions have been thought about, then made, then discarded again as unworkable.

New decisions have been made and are eminently workable, so a trial run will be had at the weekend and if things go well, then expect change......

Edited by slopes on Tuesday 2nd July 20:43


39,275 posts

101 months

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Busy but successful day, good feedback from our customer, which is nice.

Arrived home and straight out for a walk down to meet Mrs Bobbers.


39,275 posts

101 months

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Wow it's quiet in here tonight!!!


5,259 posts

199 months

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I managed to clean, fill holes, mastic, sand down, clean, do 2 coats on the ceiling and walls, cut in around the lights and then clean up. Just a couple of cutting in coats and then sort the shower unit before final clean should get done by close tomorrow. Currently cooking spicy wedges and chicken enchiladas.

Well don Bobbers, nice to get feedback.

I went to a C of E school with church every Friday morning then maths. Funny I’m RC so I was well confused and not sure which Lords Prayer was right.

Biker's Nemesis

39,228 posts

211 months

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I've just booked my CPCS test for Thursday after letting my credentials lapse.


39,108 posts

190 months

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I've just renewed my Operator ID with the CAA for being a Drone Pilot


20,103 posts

189 months

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I'm eating beef tonight.

Biker's Nemesis

39,228 posts

211 months

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slopes said:
I've just renewed my Operator ID with the CAA for being a Drone Pilot
Ahh, Mr Bond, you will be needing these.


19,005 posts

214 months

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dudleybloke said:
I'm eating beef tonight.
I've just put a cheap Pizza in the oven


19,005 posts

214 months

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Right, Pizza is out of the oven, I was going to have 4 slices but i'm Hungry so I've now cut it into 8 slices smile

Edited by fatboy18 on Tuesday 2nd July 23:33


17,537 posts

200 months

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I've had a very lamb dansack, followed by a few beers watching turkey beat Austria


Original Poster:

50,309 posts

201 months

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spikeyhead said:
I've had a very lamb dansack, followed by a few beers watching turkey beat Austria
You can't keep avoiding the 200 Month Club. They'll black ball you.

Or whatever it is they do.

We do.

I'll join in with when I'm up to speed.


19,005 posts

214 months

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spikeyhead said:
I've had a very lamb dansack, followed by a few beers watching turkey beat Austria
I'm now on JD lick