Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



35,661 posts

153 months

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DickyC said:
Biker's Nemesis said:
Bobberoo said:
slopes said:
Bobberoo said:
I've arrived home to a lovely invitation to pay either £30 now or £100 if it's over 14 days just for the pleasure of eating at the Ladybower Inn the same as glenrobbo has, great, like I need anymore fking st to deal with.

Mrs Bobbers has taken the decision out of my hands and paid it, she keeps asking if there's anything she can do to help, I wish there was but ultimately I'm down as representative for him which means I have to deal with it.
I'm n ot sure i follow this....i might be being a bit Tim Awfully Nice but Dim but why after having been to the Ladybower Inn, have you had a bil for £30.
Is it for parking by any small chance?
Correct slopes, none of us saw any parking notices and the staff of the Ladybower Inn neglected to inform us of the need to register our vehicles.
Jesus Christ Bobberroo.

I've never heard of anything like that before. Hit them where it hurts, give a bad google review.
Bad review in CAPITAL LETTERS.
After receiving a Parking Charge Notice from Simple Intelligent Parking kindly offering me the early bird discounted charge of a mere £30 now, or £100 later, I telephoned the Manageress of the Ladybower Inn, she said she remembered our visit, and explained that we should have entered our car registration details on an eyepad tablet at the bar.
When I told her that it was pity that no member of staff had informed us of this procedure, she apologised and suggested that I phone the contact number given in the PCN to explain that we were bona fide customers at the Inn, and it would be a reasonable expectation to have the charge cancelled. She said that unfortunately she had no retrospective control over the matter, as the car park was no longer owned by the Ladybower, it had been sold off to the Highway Robbers a separate entity.
I phoned the number and an automated answer gave a list of seven (7) options. I selected Option 3 (three) to speak to a yeuman been. A further recorded message said "We are unable to speak to you due to staff shortages and high call levels. Please contact us online via our website."

So I have submitted an eloquently phrased appeal, using very civilised and restrained language, detailing our bonar phides as genuine paying customers who had dined and drank refreshments at the Inn, and that none of our party had seen any parking notices in or around the car park as we entered and left,both by car and on foot (The car park is across the busy road opposite the Ladybower Inn). And also that none of the staff had told us to enter our car registration details when we ordered our drinks and food.
I would therefore reasonably expect that this PCN would be cancelled.

Shortly after sending this off to SiP, they sent an automated response saying that it had been received and to allow up to 28 days for their decision.

We'll see how it goes...


It's all such a shame because it was a very nice meal. frown

Edited by glenrobbo on Tuesday 2nd July 11:02


35,661 posts

153 months

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DickyC said:
glenrobbo said:
DickyC said:

Wilson, Keppel and Betty.
Butch Battert, Dicky The Sand Dance Kid and Mrs Brassington?
Mrs Brassington? You scoundrel. If you deny me the Greenfield girls as Betty and First Reserve Betty I'm going to take my Wurlitzer and go.
Sorry Dicky, no offence, but the Greenfield girls are not as easy to pin down / be pinned down by as Mrs Brassington, so I plumped for the easier option. whistle


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

quotequote all
glenrobbo said:
DickyC said:
glenrobbo said:
DickyC said:

Wilson, Keppel and Betty.
Butch Battert, Dicky The Sand Dance Kid and Mrs Brassington?
Mrs Brassington? You scoundrel. If you deny me the Greenfield girls as Betty and First Reserve Betty I'm going to take my Wurlitzer and go.
Sorry Dicky, no offence, but the Greenfield girls are not as easy to pin down / be pinned down by as Mrs Brassington, so I plumped for the easier option. whistle
Apology accepted. I wasn't sure how I was going to remove the Wurlitzer on my own anyway.

This all goes back to an incident where I was sure I overheard Mrs Brassington mentioning me and using the phrase, "Get my teeth into." I had to join the Trivton Self Help Group.


35,661 posts

153 months

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witteringon said:
A quick shufti at tripadvisor confirms that the Ladybower Inn is not a welcoming place
I have visited the Ladybower many times over past years, often organising pre-bookings for up to 50 lunches for our TVR Car Club members during our scenic tours of the Peak District. It had always been an enjoyable experience, with plenty of favourable comments from our participants. Never were there any parking charges.

I had not been back there since the Covid pandemic, apparently the Ladybower was hard hit, and suffered a decline in standards. Unknown to me, it was sold off, ( presumably the car park was sold separately frown
) the Inn was refurbished and re-opened under new management.
I have to say, I enjoyed the meal, but the car parking thing has left a bitter taste in my mouth.

I suppose this is symptomatic of this Brave New Post-Pandemic World. :sigh:

Legalised Remote Highway Robbery by Scammeras. shoot


35,661 posts

153 months

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Byker28i said:
Bobberoo said:
Today will be interesting as I'm hosting a major customer on site to review product process due to issues with quality, I'm not doing it solo but still daunting for me.
Dominate from the start. Snap on the blue gloves - SNAP- "right who's here for their review" biggrin

Love it!!! Hahahaha!


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

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Backhanders at work?

When I was trade plating I stayed at a Travelodge or Premier in a Motorway Services. I mentioned the two (2) hour maximum parking and the receptionist said they contacted the parking company as a matter of course. A few days later I received a bill for unauthorised overnight parking. I contacted them, they denied hearing from the motel, the motel said they'd check blah, blah, blah. Quite a lot of effort to have the bill deaded and I wondered if the fines for the people who paid rather than argued included a fee for the hotel staff to conveniently forget.

/old cynic


35,661 posts

153 months

quotequote all
DickyC said:

There is precedent.
Satisfying, uplifting, heartwarming. biggrin

But sadly taken from us prematurely at the tender age of just 73 years



35,661 posts

153 months

quotequote all
DickyC said:
Backhanders at work?

When I was trade plating I stayed at a Travelodge or Premier in a Motorway Services. I mentioned the two (2) hour maximum parking and the receptionist said they contacted the parking company as a matter of course. A few days later I received a bill for unauthorised overnight parking. I contacted them, they denied hearing from the motel, the motel said they'd check blah, blah, blah. Quite a lot of effort to have the bill deaded and I wondered if the fines for the people who paid rather than argued included a fee for the hotel staff to conveniently forget.

/old cynic
That is a very cynical view, Dicky. nono

But I wouldn't put it past them.

Do you think they would be capable of pursuing a septaguanarian old fart with a dicky ticker all the way through the courts to jail?

Hmmmm... scratchchin

...And So It Be On To This...


5,976 posts

146 months

quotequote all
glenrobbo said:
DickyC said:

There is precedent.
Satisfying, uplifting, heartwarming. biggrin

But sadly taken from us prematurely at the tender age of just 73 years

I reckon 73 was a pretty gude innings back then. H likely survived smallpox, cowpox, chickenpox, scurvy, Ricketts, late onset black plague. Probably didn't own enuf teefs to chew a kid's rusk, ne'ermind gum a good filet steak. Had he been sexually suck cess ful, he'd prolly 'ave shrimped dick syndrome & numerous ovver poxxxxes & desperately need th (not yet invented ) wheeelchair t ease his gout-bloated hooves.

Regardez th parking dispute wiff th Hand Maiden's Inn - I'd suggest a nincendiary device ( don't be tempted by russo-korean glide bombs - they explode in one's own territory)

G'morneve chaps, tis fcken cold here, blowin a gale such that th ferries be cancellated.


35,661 posts

153 months

quotequote all
paua said:
glenrobbo said:
DickyC said:

There is precedent.
Satisfying, uplifting, heartwarming. biggrin

But sadly taken from us prematurely at the tender age of just 73 years

I reckon 73 was a pretty gude innings back then. H likely survived smallpox, cowpox, chickenpox, scurvy, Ricketts, late onset black plague. Probably didn't own enuf teefs to chew a kid's rusk, ne'ermind gum a good filet steak. Had he been sexually suck cess ful, he'd prolly 'ave shrimped dick syndrome & numerous ovver poxxxxes & desperately need th (not yet invented ) wheeelchair t ease his gout-bloated hooves.

Regardez th parking dispute wiff th Hand Maiden's Inn - I'd suggest a nincendiary device ( don't be tempted by russo-korean glide bombs - they explode in one's own territory)

G'morneve chaps, tis fcken cold here, blowin a gale such that th ferries be cancellated.
Paua, I did ask you kindly not to reveal information regarding my current medical conditions.
Now everyone on here will be green with jealousy, except Bobbers, who will be excitedly donning his blue gloves in eager anticipation.
Thank goodness you forgot to mention my abundant clusters of ripe juicy haemorrhoids jostling for space amongst the dangleberries adorning my rusty sherrif's badge.


Oh well, better out than in, as they say.

Paua, your 42S weather sounds very similar to our current balmy early July meteorological situation here at 53N
Even though the ferries have been cancelled, the canal boats are mostly safely moored up in sheltered basins.
Let's hope none if them are sunk by trees blown down by the wind from all those ruddy wind turbines.


5,976 posts

146 months

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GR, before ye let young Bobbers don those blue nitrile hand covers in th vicinity of yer gude self, be certain that he uses a new pair. Last pair looked a bit crusty.
Never shake hands wiff a vet - Ah've seen All Creatures Gt & Small & knowws where that Magellan of th alimentary canal has had his blu nitrile paws.


19,005 posts

214 months

quotequote all
DickyC said:
Biker's Nemesis said:
Bobberoo said:
slopes said:
Bobberoo said:
I've arrived home to a lovely invitation to pay either £30 now or £100 if it's over 14 days just for the pleasure of eating at the Ladybower Inn the same as glenrobbo has, great, like I need anymore fking st to deal with.

Mrs Bobbers has taken the decision out of my hands and paid it, she keeps asking if there's anything she can do to help, I wish there was but ultimately I'm down as representative for him which means I have to deal with it.
I'm n ot sure i follow this....i might be being a bit Tim Awfully Nice but Dim but why after having been to the Ladybower Inn, have you had a bil for £30.
Is it for parking by any small chance?
Correct slopes, none of us saw any parking notices and the staff of the Ladybower Inn neglected to inform us of the need to register our vehicles.
Jesus Christ Bobberroo.

I've never heard of anything like that before. Hit them where it hurts, give a bad google review.
Bad review in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Was this one of these private managed car parks where you have to enter vehicle details on a tablet at the pub bar?


35,661 posts

153 months

quotequote all
paua said:
GR, before ye let young Bobbers don those blue nitrile hand covers in th vicinity of yer gude self, be certain that he uses a new pair. Last pair looked a bit crusty.
Never shake hands wiff a vet - Ah've seen All Creatures Gt & Small & knowws where that Magellan of th alimentary canal has had his blu nitrile paws.
Oh I see. Thanks, paua. thumbup in that case, I'll ask him to use plenty of soap.

scratchchin Err... which bit of a vet are we supposed to shake then? confused


62,299 posts

220 months

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paua said:
. Probably didn't own enuf teefs to chew a kid's rusk, ne'ermind gum a good filet steak.
My Nan told me that when she was young, girls having all their teeth removed was considered the perfect gift for a 21st birthday or a newly married bride, to spare them from a lifetime of pain.

She was born 1903...


35,661 posts

153 months

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fatboy18 said:
as this one of these private managed car parks where you have to enter vehicle details on a tablet at the pub bar?
Apparently Yes, fatboy.
But the staff did not inform us about this, and none of us noticed any signs to that effect inside or outside the pub, nor in or around the car park.

When I phoned up the Ladybower at the weekend to protest the PCN, the Manageress said that the car park was no longer actually owned by the Inn.

Ho hum... irked


1,593 posts

44 months

quotequote all
DickyC said:
Apology accepted. I wasn't sure how I was going to remove the Wurlitzer on my own anyway.

This all goes back to an incident where I was sure I overheard Mrs Brassington mentioning me and using the phrase, "Get my teeth into." I had to join the Trivton Self Help Group.
Blast. It looks like we're stuck with him now - and he's only just come back from his month's sabbatical.


5,976 posts

146 months

quotequote all
Byker28i said:
paua said:
. Probably didn't own enuf teefs to chew a kid's rusk, ne'ermind gum a good filet steak.
My Nan told me that when she was young, girls having all their teeth removed was considered the perfect gift for a 21st birthday or a newly married bride, to spare them from a lifetime of pain.

She was born 1903...
Or their husband's discomfort, no doubt. wink
A strange world, my own Grandmater was born in 1904 - her teachers used th ruler upon her knuckles to discourage th evil of left-handedness.

Biker's Nemesis

39,228 posts

211 months

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Debbie Harry was 79 years old yesterday.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

quotequote all
Byker28i said:
paua said:
. Probably didn't own enuf teefs to chew a kid's rusk, ne'ermind gum a good filet steak.
My Nan told me that when she was young, girls having all their teeth removed was considered the perfect gift for a 21st birthday or a newly married bride, to spare them from a lifetime of pain.

She was born 1903...
My gran, who was also born in 1903, had all her teeth out in 1948, in one go. This was one week before my mum's wedding. Her reasoning for the timing wasnt recorded. She had my mum's wedding dress to make, rhe bridesmaids' dresses and my mum's wedding cake to make, all in a time of rationing. She pushed her bike home from the dentist and she looks a bit drawn in the wedding photos.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

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My other three (3) grandparents were all born in the 1890s and all died in the 1970s. My mum's mum, born in 1903, died in 2003, just shy of her telegram.