Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



17,529 posts

200 months

Byker28i said:
We have a pick up truck parked outside 4 doors down. Since 5am this morning it's alarm has been going off every minute or more. It attracted a note by 7am, another by about 10am, 2 more by lunchtime and the alarms are still going off.

Mention no names but someone has been out with huge cutters, but it seems the alarm has it's own battery...
But it will have a fuse, so it the alarm also flashes the headlights then replacing a bulb with some tin foil...


39,259 posts

101 months

Watched last weekends BTCC, had a kip, mowed the lawn, sorted out some plants in pots, deadheaded the roses, had a BBQ and fed our unexpected guest.


2,465 posts

54 months

I went to catch the bus this morning at 06:30 BST.
No bus.
No explanation.
No offer to refund my ticket money.

I went sailing instead, and had a cheese and ham roll.

I've just fed a baby bat and poured myself a gin and soda. With lime juice, since it's Sunday.

I might have a knurly knight after all that fun.

Mr Magooagain

10,190 posts

173 months

I’m watching the laughable Wendy ball!


17,529 posts

200 months

We didn't deserve to win that


5,250 posts

199 months

Error_404_Username_not_found said:
I went to catch the bus this morning at 06:30 BST.
No bus.
No explanation.
No offer to refund my ticket money.

I went sailing instead, and had a cheese and ham roll.

I've just fed a baby bat and poured myself a gin and soda. With lime juice, since it's Sunday.

I might have a knurly knight after all that fun.

Surprised you didn’t go on a 11 hour walk through rock and ravine type scenery when the bus didn’t turn up……


39,086 posts

190 months

hammo19 said:
Error_404_Username_not_found said:
I went to catch the bus this morning at 06:30 BST.
No bus.
No explanation.
No offer to refund my ticket money.

I went sailing instead, and had a cheese and ham roll.

I've just fed a baby bat and poured myself a gin and soda. With lime juice, since it's Sunday.

I might have a knurly knight after all that fun.

Surprised you didn’t go on a 11 hour walk through rock and ravine type scenery when the bus didn’t turn up……
Steady on old chap eek


35,645 posts

153 months

It's the 30th June here at 53°N, I'm sat indoors watching the F1 highlights, and I've just put on a fleece to ward off the chill.

That'll be Global Warming in action then.

Edited by glenrobbo on Sunday 30th June 20:56


35,645 posts

153 months

Bobberoo said:
Watched last weekends BTCC, had a kip, mowed the lawn, sorted out some plants in pots, deadheaded the roses, had a BBQ and fed our unexpected guest.
But he toad you he was coming, Bobbers!



17,529 posts

200 months

Time for bed,

Lunch was lovely, dinner this evening a simple but tasty sausage traybake


Original Poster:

50,291 posts

201 months

Soldiers come. Take book.


9,051 posts

149 months

DickyC said:

Soldiers come. Take book.
They've only got 5 subscribers


35,645 posts

153 months

e-honda said:
DickyC said:

Soldiers come. Take book.
They've only got 5 subscribers
Is sad. frown

I've [Url]ed it for you to activate your link.

Edited by glenrobbo on Sunday 30th June 23:38


62,202 posts

220 months

Very grey here today, looks like it might rain.


39,259 posts

101 months

Morning, it is morning isn't it? coffee
The human brain is an amazing thing, and a fking nightmare in equal measures, awoke at 0240 due to my annoying nasal drain and promptly spent the rest of the night dozing and waking and worrying about stuff I need to do with regards to sorting out my dad giving up his flat and worrying about the fact that I signed the contract for his care which implies we'll cover the costs if the council stop paying, now I'm sat here tired, fed up and still worried.


39,086 posts

190 months

Her Ladyship starts her new job today
21 miles away.
At 9am
What time did she get up and put all the lights on?
Yep, 37 minutes ago



5,250 posts

199 months

Morning team. Welcome to July and indeed another Monday. I think Snoopy reflects many of our moods this morning due to overactive brains and light interventions.


17,529 posts

200 months

Morning all

Sums and software await.

Chin up Bobbers, we're head if you need us

Dermot O'Logical

2,661 posts

132 months

Gud moaneve!

Today, I will be mostly in the company of my first-born, and for part of the time will be firing cricket (practice*) balls at him. For the rest of the time I will be doing steppage, and probably washing my car.

A packed day ahead, moustache!

*Same size and weight as a normal cricket ball, but with dimples like a golf ball. The bowling machine can be cranked up to 95mph, but as he's never likely to face Mark Wood or Jofra Archer, we keep it to around 60-65mph, the kind of pace that club bowlers can generate, although they all think they're much quicker. The cricket centre is on the outskirts of the Peoples' Republic of Basinstoke**, but it's a nice drive if you know the back roads.

**A few years ago there was a movement to re-name Basingstoke "Amazingstoke". It never really took off, because people thought that it was a stupid idea, on account of Basingstoke being a sthole, regardless of how it's dressed up.


9,051 posts

149 months

My cat left me alone until 7.10am
Almost a record
I almost think I prefer a 4am clawing because at least I can go back to sleep