Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



39,086 posts

190 months

DickyC said:
spikeyhead said:
DickyC said:
Thanks, Dermot.

There are moves afoot locally to rename me Newbury Bypass.
Has Swampy been consulted?
We tried. He was in a tree near the proposed eastern entrance to the proposed Trivtone Henge Tunnel, beyond the reach of our loudhailers.

We're all getting older, of course.
I've got my eye on swampy in that tree, he even thinks about going to Trivhenge and i'll take his leg off with one of my new experimental rounds.

And yes, i could shoot him from Stuttgart and make it look like an accident yes

Edited by slopes on Sunday 30th June 11:19


35,645 posts

153 months

DickyC said:
Our Triv-O-Meters need synchronising.




35,645 posts

153 months

Dermot O'Logical said:
Happy Sunday.

ION, it's damp, dull and blustery here in the Deep Sarf, all of which are unwelcome -

Nothing else to report, really. All is relatively tranquil in my world, apart from the wind.

Carry on.
I too suffer the same problem, D O'L.
Well, actually, it's everybody else that suffers, I barely notice it.
But I can feel the vibrations. bowtie


9,051 posts

149 months

glenrobbo said:
e-honda said:
For a long time I have been threatening to launch my cat into space, often at 4 or 5am. I don't actually have the means to get her there. /snip

snip/Now I will threaten to send my cat to France in stead.
She'll need a small boat.

How about a catamaran? thumbup
My 5 year old saw a clip on BBC a few months ago of a cat in an orange jacket on the London underground.

He said wow that cat must have been trained.
We eventually established that his pun was unintentional.


35,645 posts

153 months


I wonder if giraffes even know what farts smell like????


5,964 posts

146 months

glenrobbo said:

I wonder if giraffes even know what farts smell like????
If you ask in t'other thread, I expect CC will answer. wink


35,645 posts

153 months

e-honda said:
My 5 year old saw a clip on BBC a few months ago of a cat in an orange jacket on the London underground.

He said wow that cat must have been trained.
We eventually established that his pun was unintentional.

That Underground cat is Overground.
He must have been trained as a Womble.


35,645 posts

153 months

paua said:
glenrobbo said:

I wonder if giraffes even know what farts smell like????
If you ask in t'other thread, I expect CC will answer. wink
Which other thread, paua? confused


39,086 posts

190 months

glenrobbo said:
e-honda said:
My 5 year old saw a clip on BBC a few months ago of a cat in an orange jacket on the London underground.

He said wow that cat must have been trained.
We eventually established that his pun was unintentional.

That Underground cat is Overground.
He must have been trained as a Womble.
Wonder where he is based?


5,964 posts

146 months

Fings you always wanted to know th answer to (lounge)


39,086 posts

190 months

glenrobbo said:
paua said:
glenrobbo said:

I wonder if giraffes even know what farts smell like????
If you ask in t'other thread, I expect CC will answer. wink
Which other thread, paua? confused
I would venture every single thread that CC contributes too scratchchin


35,645 posts

153 months

DickyC said:
Thanks, Dermot.

There are moves afoot locally to rename me Newbury Bypass.
The Curler Bypass?

Sorry to hear you're having further problems since we last spoke, Dicky.
It's tough up there on the plateau.
As I told you, I have been suffering shortage of breff upon exertion for a long while, receiving medication for suspected COPD since before the Covpoxlurgy pandemic, until eventually getting a lung function breathing test ( which curiously was sedentary throughout, no exertion involved ) in July 2022. In the September, the consultant sent me a letter saying that my breathing test results were fine, and he discontinued my inhalers and tablets, with a promised review of my condition after a few weeks. This did not happen.

I suffered my heart attack on 7th November that year. However, I thought it was an adverse reaction to the flu jab I had had on that afternoon, and because I felt incapable of going to sit in A&E for God knows how long, I went to bed.
Where I remained from the Tueday evening until Sunday lunchtime, when I decided to get up to make something to eat. ( A small bowl of porridge, but I only managed about a third of it.)
The next morning I managed to book a telephone consultation with my GP, through dogged persistence. He called me around 4pm, and after hearing my tale, he invited me to attend his surgery for a face-to-face examination.
He couldn't find anything seriously wrong, but got the nurse to take blood samples and arranged for me to have an ECG at 16:00hrs on the friday.
The nurse who carried out the ECG asked me when I'd had my last heart attack?
I said "I've never had a heart attack!"
"Oh yes you have!" she replied.
yikes This disconcerting fact was borne out by the blood test results.

The GP prescribed me aspirin and statins, and put me on the "Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinic" referall list at Stepping Hill Horse Spittle.
Then followed a long series of interminable delays through many stages of tests and procedures eventually culminating in my ( twice-cancelled ) triple coronory bypass operation just before Hallowe'en 2023.
Not bad, just a week shy of a full year after my myocardial infarction.

My shortage of breath upon exertion continues, most likely due to my reduced ejection fraction (EF) due to a slightly dodgy mitral valve and the rear wall of my heart muscle being atrophied and immobile due to the long time of restricted blood supply via the diseased and blocked old artery. The cardiac specialists say that the replacement artery may help the muscle tissue to partially revive and develop new blood capillaries and also the Haribo Starmix will help improve the old pump's delivery. My EF has indeed improved by a few percent since the initial Echocardiogram figures from Dec 2022.
I can walk for miles on the flat, and carry out the majority of the ongoing cardiac rehab programme exercises, but twice up and down stairs leaves me gasping for breff.

I'm happy with my progress, thankful to be alive, resolved to eat healthily, regain as much fitness level as possible and Keep Buggering On.

My rather battered GTN spray is always in my left pocket. Just in case.

TLDR: Never say Dai nono
Hope Springs Eternal and all that.

Best of luck, Dicky, I hope they get you sorted ASAP.

And now, back to the Trivia. thumbup

Edited by glenrobbo on Sunday 30th June 12:23


35,645 posts

153 months

slopes said:
Wonder where he is based?
Probably Catford. biggrin


35,645 posts

153 months

slopes said:
glenrobbo said:
paua said:
glenrobbo said:

I wonder if giraffes even know what farts smell like????
If you ask in t'other thread, I expect CC will answer. wink
Which other thread, paua? confused
I would venture every single thread that CC contributes too scratchchin
Are you referring to Chemical Chaos, Clockwork Cupcake, C n C, or one of the other CC's that help make PH such a wonderfully varied and colourful place to tarry awhile?

Edited by glenrobbo on Sunday 30th June 13:14


Original Poster:

50,291 posts

201 months

glenrobbo said:
Are you referring to Chemical Chaos, Clockwork Cupcake or one of the other CC's that help make PH such a wonderfully varied and colourful place to tarry awhile?
Thanks, glen, for both your good wishes and the word tarry.

I will now have Cockney Rebel and Come Up And See Me as my agreeable earworm this aftern oon.


35,645 posts

153 months

DickyC said:
glenrobbo said:
Are you referring to Chemical Chaos, Clockwork Cupcake or one of the other CC's that help make PH such a wonderfully varied and colourful place to tarry awhile?
Thanks, glen, for both your good wishes and the word tarry.

I will now have Cockney Rebel and Come Up And See Me as my agreeable earworm this aftern oon.
When I worked at BAe, there was a guy named Ken Tarry.

Always reminded me of this lovely old song:


62,202 posts

220 months

glenrobbo said:
slopes said:
Wonder where he is based?
Probably Catford. biggrin
Well certainly won't be Barking - how about Miowlebone

Barbican has a monument to a station cat - Pebbles

Edited by Byker28i on Sunday 30th June 13:41


62,202 posts

220 months

We have a pick up truck parked outside 4 doors down. Since 5am this morning it's alarm has been going off every minute or more. It attracted a note by 7am, another by about 10am, 2 more by lunchtime and the alarms are still going off.

Mention no names but someone has been out with huge cutters, but it seems the alarm has it's own battery...


Original Poster:

50,291 posts

201 months

glenrobbo said:
When I worked at BAe, there was a guy named Ken Tarry.

Always reminded me of this lovely old song:


1,591 posts

44 months

glenrobbo said:

I wonder if giraffes even know what farts smell like????
I'm sure they smell terrible, that's evolution at work right there.