Conspiracy theorists... are they all just a bit thick?

Conspiracy theorists... are they all just a bit thick?



24,460 posts

116 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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The Moose said:
I’d give that a 99% chance of being the same person.
They are not even dressed the same! Wake up sheeple! THE VACCINE WILL KILL US ALL

Shuvi McTupya

24,460 posts

250 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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paulguitar said:
The Moose said:
I’d give that a 99% chance of being the same person.
They are not even dressed the same! Wake up sheeple! THE VACCINE WILL KILL US ALL
That is about the poorest attempt i have ever seen to dismiss peoples observations.

What really makes no sense to me, is that obviously the new photo is meant to prove that she is doing ok. Why not just do it outside and let her take the mask off and tell us she is doing ok?

Wouldn't that be quite normal? She obviously is not camera shy.


24,460 posts

116 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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Shuvi McTupya said:
paulguitar said:
The Moose said:
I’d give that a 99% chance of being the same person.
They are not even dressed the same! Wake up sheeple! THE VACCINE WILL KILL US ALL
That is about the poorest attempt i have ever seen to dismiss peoples observations.

What really makes no sense to me, is that obviously the new photo is meant to prove that she is doing ok. Why not just do it outside and let her take the mask off and tell us she is doing ok?
Wouldn't that be quite normal? She obviously is not camera shy.
The fact that any of this is happening is just batst nuts. She just wants to be left alone.

Shuvi McTupya

24,460 posts

250 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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paulguitar said:
The fact that any of this is happening is just batst nuts. She just wants to be left alone.
Oh, she told you that?

People who just want to be left alone dont generally volunteer to be put up front and center to do pieces to camera about having injections, especially when she apparently passes out all the time at the mere though of pain.

Edited by Shuvi McTupya on Saturday 26th December 16:18


24,460 posts

116 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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Shuvi McTupya said:
paulguitar said:
The fact that any of this is happening is just batst nuts. She just wants to be left alone.
Oh, she told you that?
I'll do a deal with you Shuves, if it turns out she's dead and it's being covered up I will give £100 to a charity of your choice.

Shuvi McTupya

24,460 posts

250 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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paulguitar said:
Shuvi McTupya said:
paulguitar said:
The fact that any of this is happening is just batst nuts. She just wants to be left alone.
Oh, she told you that?
I'll do a deal with you Shuves, if it turns out she's dead and it's being covered up I will give £100 to a charity of your choice.
Why would i take that bet, when only a few posts ago, i agreed with you that I thought she was alive?


24,460 posts

116 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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Shuvi McTupya said:
Why would i take that bet, when only a few posts ago, i agreed with you that I thought she was alive?
It's not a bet, it's an offer, just from my side.


13,864 posts

159 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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El stovey said:
What often surprises me with conspiracy theorists is that many are actually intelligent individuals. As said above though this is likely from having knowledge in one field and thinking it must allow them to be experts in many other areas also and perhaps find it easier to ignore the likely facts and believe the less likely conspiracy instead.

Conspiracy theorists have to be able to ignore or discredit a wealth of information from reliable sources and then get their truth (conspiracy theory) from fringe blogs and websites and YouTube often because those unreliable sites are the only ones that reflect their views (which is what they’re actually looking for)

Often when we have conspiracy theorists on here it’s telling that their sources are always obviously unreliable or they’ve taken primary source data and misrepresented it.

With a conspiracy theory, people have to really want to believe it as they have to ignore things like scientific consensus and reliable sources of information and on the other hand trust obviously unreliable sources of information, usually as it’s linked to their politics or other world view.

Obviously the more they read up about their conspiracy the more their views get reflected by internet/YouTube etc search algorithms then the conspiracy is emboldened. This also gives a feeling that more people must believe it too and creates a them Vs us mentality where ‘they’ become the government and the media and often science etc who are all in on it but conspiracy theorists and their fringe blogs have seen through it and can’t see why all the ‘sheep’ can’t also see the truth.

It’s classic brainwashing but actually done by the individuals themselves and how they reinforce their beliefs not some cult leader trying to control them.

It’s very unlikely someone with a genuinely open mind would end up on the side of the conspiracy theory long term.

Obviously not many conspiracy theorists actually think they’re conspiracy theorists because they think their conspiracy is the truth and they think conspiracy theorists are the ones beyond them like flat earthers or people who think the moon landings were fake etc
Confimation bias + massive ego + dunning-krueger effect = PH Covid threads.

Shuvi McTupya

24,460 posts

250 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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paulguitar said:
It's not a bet, it's an offer, just from my side.
If you want to donate to charity you go ahead.

But, i suggest if you are going to argue with people, atleast argue with what they are saying, not what you would like them to be saying.

Out of interest though..(and trying to inject a little humour) Which news outlet will have to print the story of the cover up for you to believe it? smile

Edited by Shuvi McTupya on Saturday 26th December 16:26


24,460 posts

116 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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Shuvi McTupya said:
If you want to donate to charity you go ahead.

But, i suggest if you are going to argue with people, atleast argue with what they are saying, not what you would like them to be saying.
Fair enough, I don't think I understand what you're saying.

Shuvi McTupya

24,460 posts

250 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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paulguitar said:
Shuvi McTupya said:
If you want to donate to charity you go ahead.

But, i suggest if you are going to argue with people, atleast argue with what they are saying, not what you would like them to be saying.
Fair enough, I don't think I understand what you're saying.
The main point i was making is that is really quite easy to quell the rumours that someone is not ill or dead. This situation as you say is batst crazy, but we seem to think that for different reasons smile


2,154 posts

194 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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Shuvi McTupya said:
That is about the poorest attempt i have ever seen to dismiss peoples observations.

What really makes no sense to me, is that obviously the new photo is meant to prove that she is doing ok. Why not just do it outside and let her take the mask off and tell us she is doing ok?

Wouldn't that be quite normal? She obviously is not camera shy.
This is her Instagram

Typically she posts every few days, but there has been no posts for a week, not even on Christmas Day.


24,460 posts

116 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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CzechItOut said:
This is her Instagram

Typically she posts every few days, but there has been no posts for a week, not even on Christmas Day.
Well, what more evidence do we need?

Shuvi McTupya

24,460 posts

250 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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paulguitar said:
Well, what more evidence do we need?
Maybe she is just doing it to increase her followers on the gram..It is working smile

She has 37000 followers..

8000 people have asked if she is Ok on just the first picture on her account.

If she is Ok and just wanted to stay out of the lime light, this is plainly not working.

You know what, i am going to get off the fence and say that I think she is VERY ill, or dead.

And I will donate £100 to the charity of anyone's choice if that is PROVED to be wrong. (that will take more than a news source just telling us she is ok without proving it)

Edited by Shuvi McTupya on Saturday 26th December 17:16


2,154 posts

194 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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24,460 posts

116 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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CzechItOut said:
He's definitely a VERY suspicious case.

What do you think happened there?

Shuvi McTupya

24,460 posts

250 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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paulguitar said:
CzechItOut said:
He's definitely a VERY suspicious case.

What do you think happened there?
What do YOU think happened?


24,460 posts

116 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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Shuvi McTupya said:
paulguitar said:
CzechItOut said:
He's definitely a VERY suspicious case.

What do you think happened there?
What do YOU think happened?
I suspect he was murdered, or certainly at the least 'allowed' to kill himself. Whatever happened, it's an absolute disgrace and a real insult to ordinary people it took place, and in particular his victims, of course.

Shuvi McTupya

24,460 posts

250 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
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paulguitar said:
I suspect he was murdered, or certainly at the least 'allowed' to kill himself. Whatever happened, it's an absolute disgrace and a real insult to ordinary people it took place, and in particular his victims, of course.
You sound like some kind of conspiracy nutjob.


24,460 posts

116 months

Saturday 26th December 2020
quotequote all
Shuvi McTupya said:
paulguitar said:
I suspect he was murdered, or certainly at the least 'allowed' to kill himself. Whatever happened, it's an absolute disgrace and a real insult to ordinary people it took place, and in particular his victims, of course.
You sound like some kind of conspiracy nutjob.
I've found my true calling.