What are your unpopular opinions? (Vol. 2)

What are your unpopular opinions? (Vol. 2)



4,119 posts

84 months

Friday 17th January 2020
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Schmed said:
Commuters caught pulling extinction rebellion retarded hippies off of train rooves deserve medals...
You think that's an unpopular opinion? I'd be astonished if at least 50% of the population didn't agree. I'd have the fkers imprisoned.


9,062 posts

149 months

Friday 17th January 2020
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Europa1 said:
I'll preface this with the fact that I have never been to the region and know very little about it, so I am asking out of genuine interest as opposed to any wish to be provocative - why?
It's hard to put a finger on, but i think part of it seems to be that they understand a British sense of humour.


138 posts

91 months

Friday 17th January 2020
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ging84 said:
It's hard to put a finger on, but i think part of it seems to be that they understand a British sense of humour.
A sense of Irany?


20,083 posts

119 months

Saturday 18th January 2020
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Stuzza said:
ging84 said:
It's hard to put a finger on, but i think part of it seems to be that they understand a British sense of humour.
A sense of Irany?
That is Iranic in itself.

Dr Jekyll

23,820 posts

264 months

Saturday 18th January 2020
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Neutron bombs are unfairly maligned.

What are the options if somebody wants to take out your city.

A) Lots of conventional bombs.
You might die straight away from blast, you might die of burns etc in the next few days or weeks. If you survive you might still have disabilities. Either way your home and most of the other buildings are likely to be rubble.

B) Ordinary nuclear bomb.
Pretty much the same, you might die straight away or suffer for a while. Possibly with the addition of radiation effects, though normally if you're close enough to the blast to get heavily irradiated your other injuries will make this academic. If you survive you might have disabilities and/or an increased risk of cancer in later life. Your home and other buildings are even more likely to be rubble.

C) Neutron bomb.
You might die straight away from radiation. You might die in the next couple of weeks. But if you survive you will probably recover all the way except for an increased risk of cancer. Meanwhile your home is still standing, the hospitals are still standing, the plumbing still works.

I'd go for the neutron option given the choice.


3,113 posts

261 months

Wednesday 22nd January 2020
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Cell phones should discharge an electrical shock if a woman has been holding it for more than an hour.


22,154 posts

111 months

Wednesday 22nd January 2020
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rolex said:
Cell phones should discharge an electrical shock if a woman has been holding it for more than an hour.
Do you get lots of phone zombies in America then? We get loads here in the UK.

Dr Jekyll

23,820 posts

264 months

Thursday 23rd January 2020
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Standard phonetic alphabet should be taught in schools. I've had a number of calls recently with people spelling out complicated codes and half of them invent their own version on the fly. 'F for err, socks, S for, umm err, fox' etc. Even had one guy saying 'Z for xylophone.

Use the proper one!


2,149 posts

114 months

Thursday 23rd January 2020
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rolex said:
Cell phones should discharge an electrical shock if a woman has been holding it for more than an hour.
What about men?

Allan L

786 posts

108 months

Thursday 23rd January 2020
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Dr Jekyll said:
Standard phonetic alphabet should be taught in schools. I've had a number of calls recently with people spelling out complicated codes and half of them invent their own version on the fly. 'F for err, socks, S for, umm err, fox' etc. Even had one guy saying 'Z for xylophone.

Use the proper one!
A fer 'orses
B fer mutton
C fer yourself
D fer ential
E fer Bartok
F fer vescence



12,200 posts

245 months

Thursday 23rd January 2020
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Dr Jekyll said:
Standard phonetic alphabet should be taught in schools. I've had a number of calls recently with people spelling out complicated codes and half of them invent their own version on the fly. 'F for err, socks, S for, umm err, fox' etc. Even had one guy saying 'Z for xylophone.

Use the proper one!
It's always fun to throw a few alternatives in though, such as "G for gnat", "P for Psychopath" and so on.

Someone posted the full alternate phonetic alphabet somewhere. Geek jokes, perhaps?


22,154 posts

111 months

Thursday 23rd January 2020
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Dr Jekyll said:
Standard phonetic alphabet should be taught in schools. I've had a number of calls recently with people spelling out complicated codes and half of them invent their own version on the fly. 'F for err, socks, S for, umm err, fox' etc. Even had one guy saying 'Z for xylophone.

Use the proper one!
It would be a waste of time, better that schools teach kids important stuff.

I know it well, but its not an important skill to have.


9,062 posts

149 months

Thursday 23rd January 2020
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Allan L said:
A fer 'orses
B fer mutton
C fer yourself
D fer ential
E fer Bartok
F fer vescence

Don't get that one


221 posts

167 months

Thursday 23rd January 2020
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droopsnoot said:
It's always fun to throw a few alternatives in though, such as "G for gnat", "P for Psychopath" and so on.

Someone posted the full alternate phonetic alphabet somewhere. Geek jokes, perhaps?
I use the phonetic alphabet a fair bit as I often deal with callers from abroad who sometimes have to ask me to repeat or spell things. And have a little fun sometimes.

"P for Penis"

"Excuse me sir? Can you repeat that?"

"Yeah, I said P for Peanuts".

C for Cock/Clock works just as well laugh


476 posts

102 months

Thursday 23rd January 2020
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I don't like Greta Thunberg. I find her extremely hostile and naive. I also hate all the pandering done to her.


29,271 posts

206 months

Thursday 23rd January 2020
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cypriot said:
I don't like Greta Thunberg. I find her extremely hostile and naive. I also hate all the pandering done to her.
the thing i don't like about it is that if you aren't a 100% disciple of hers then you're a gammon boomer who's a triggered right wing trump arse licker who doesn't have a clue and is fking the world up. Any debate on whether a child can possibly know more than an adult is just shut down. I think it's pretty dangerous that an entire generation is disbelieving or condemning everything an older generation (or generations in fact) say, do, think... some people think it's extremely healthy disruption to the norm; whereas some think it represents something which is far more concerning.


9,062 posts

149 months

Thursday 23rd January 2020
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cypriot said:
I don't like Greta Thunberg. I find her extremely hostile and naive. I also hate all the pandering done to her.
She is autistic and a child


63 posts

185 months

Thursday 23rd January 2020
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The benefits system (for job seekers) should be overhauled. A seeker gets the full weekly amount - whatever that may be - upon receipt of x number of hours community service. With a sliding scale (in £ received) downwards based upon the number of hours dedicated to said community service.

Fag packet maths = jobseekers receive the full amount in return for approx 3 days / 21 hours local litter picking, graffiti washing, chewing gum removal tasks, etc. - the rest of the time making up a 'full time' week can be dedicated to standard JS tasks, job applications, etc. You only show up for 50% of the time? You get half the handout.

I've worked across central London councils briefly, and the belief held by some of the poorest people, who are conditioned to believe they are fully entitled to live in prime central London areas (Westminster, Kensington&Chelsea) with fully paid-up housing completely baffles me. The majority of 'white collar' workers cannot afford to live here, so why should people on state hand-outs live in such desirable locations?

In addition, and this is something I feel strongly about, the Foo Fighters are proper st ... I don't get the appeal at all

Harry H

3,466 posts

159 months

Thursday 23rd January 2020
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ging84 said:
cypriot said:
I don't like Greta Thunberg. I find her extremely hostile and naive. I also hate all the pandering done to her.
She is autistic and a child
Exactly, so she should be back home in a special needs school, where she belongs. Not being used as a political pawn.


5,263 posts

187 months

Thursday 23rd January 2020
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Harry H said:
Exactly, so she should be back home in a special needs school, where she belongs. Not being used as a political pawn.
A pawn and a puppet IMHO