Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



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50,435 posts

201 months

Thursday 28th September 2023
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pequod said:
With your experience with a pencil, and some know ledge of design, I can't imagine why this episode with a 'Kitchen Designer' is necessary, old boy? SWMBO maybe???

*The kitchen shop who must be obeyed. They have to send someone. Someone called Andrea who was a tad impatient in my view.


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50,435 posts

201 months

Thursday 28th September 2023
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pequod said:
Where's Bobbers?
Doing his evening job as a stroppy kitchen designer called Andrea?


Original Poster:

50,435 posts

201 months

Thursday 28th September 2023
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Mr Magooagain said:
Just to prove I’m here…. There?
I've got the Beatles in my head now.

They're here, there and everywhere.


Original Poster:

50,435 posts

201 months

Thursday 28th September 2023
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G-wiz said:
Overheard a conversation in the staff restaurant today, that a young chap will be paying £600 a month extra from December, on his mortgage.

I always suspected I was a voyeur.
I don't see that.


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50,435 posts

201 months

Friday 29th September 2023
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Bobberoo said:
G-wiz said:
I'm frightened of bears.
nono not a bear hug, a bare hug, I promise not to grunt but I can't promise not to be sweaty!!!
Man in a suit with a bow-tie neck
Tryna buy a grunt with a Third Party check

/Willie the Pimp


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50,435 posts

201 months

Friday 29th September 2023
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Hadrian's Wall - I think the Roman Fort at Vindolanda should have an Indian restaurant.


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50,435 posts

201 months

Friday 29th September 2023
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201 months

Friday 29th September 2023
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Another sortie called for, Bom? I'm for it.


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50,435 posts

201 months

Saturday 30th September 2023
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The donkey Battert ordered has arrived. He's named it Oatey. If we can get Sancho the Panzer started and out in daylight tomorrow we'll have a brilliant photo opportunity.

Donkey Oatey and Sancho Panzer. Get the old windmill in the background, can't go wrong.



Original Poster:

50,435 posts

201 months

Saturday 30th September 2023
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paua said:
This windmill of which ye speke, can I go tilting at it?
The tilting tower of Windmill Hill?

I've a couple of goes at reading Don Quixote and have concluded most people give up partway through. The reason I think this is how early in the book the tilting at windmills story occurs.


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50,435 posts

201 months

Sunday 1st October 2023
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paua said:
Maple syrup waterfall, perchance? smile
Steady. You'll be drawing business away from the Trivton Treacle Mining Company.


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50,435 posts

201 months

Sunday 1st October 2023
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Bomma R1 said:
Morning all bounce

Thanks, Bom. My day is now planned.


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50,435 posts

201 months

Sunday 1st October 2023
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Dermot O'Logical said:
Gud moaning, Trivpeeps!

Grey and miserable here too, as is the weather. I'm just orf out for my morning constitutional, then this afternoon I have a nappointment for a double stabbing for flu and the Covpox. Coincidentally, and inconveniently, my daughter has the Covpox, and isn't enjoying it at all, she's rather unwell.

Which means that I'm now responsible for looking after my sister's cat while she and my brother-in-law are enjoying a holiday in Spain. Why can't the cat go to a cattery, I hear you ask? It's because he's a "rescue" cat, doesn't go outside, and would tear anybody who even attempted to corral him into a travel box/cage thingy to shreds. Otherwise, he's a friendly, docile cat. He's just a bit "special". My stricken daughter was supposed to be looking after him.

So that's that, then. A day of having a couple of walks in the dull outdoors, being stabbed, and feeding the cat. And watching golf, while becoming very annoyed at braying idiots, as per above posts. The European braying idiots should shout "STAY OUT OF THE HOLE" when a Merkin hits a shot. We could have a bray-off.

Happy Sunday, everybody.
Had my jabs yesterday. Today is sore arms day. Sorry to hear your daughter has the lurgy, D O'L. Send Trivial Best Wishes from all of us. Trivial Best Wishes are Best Wishes Lite and are known to lift the spirits. And there are lots of them en route.


Original Poster:

50,435 posts

201 months

Sunday 1st October 2023
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Since my brush with heart problems earlier in the year, I have reduced my consumption of red meat, processed meat, butter, cheese and cream to almost zero. It has done very little good, my cholesterol readings are still bordering on too much. The medical fraternity are talking about giving me an additional med to compliment my statins in the hope of making them work better. The statins, not the medical fraternity, who are working fine.


Original Poster:

50,435 posts

201 months

Sunday 1st October 2023
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slopes said:
DickyC said:
Since my brush with heart problems earlier in the year, I have reduced my consumption of red meat, processed meat, butter, cheese and cream to almost zero. It has done very little good, my cholesterol readings are still bordering on too much. The medical fraternity are talking about giving me an additional med to compliment my statins in the hope of making them work better. The statins, not the medical fraternity, who are working fine.
Sadly as we age, then our cholesterol levels go up no matter how much we try to be good. Even with regular exercise, your cholesterol is still going to go up alongside your age.

Just as an aside, you do know right that statins are known to increase the risk of heart attacks? This is why i have decided that fut it, I am going to follow the 5:5 Rule, if it isn't going to change things in 5 months time, then i am not wasting 5 minutes on it now.
Her Ladyship might also be correct when she postulated that i have zero tolerance for aholes and instead of getting all grumpy with people, i have started just walking away, it's far more beneficial for my overall health but especially my sense of calmness and well being.
I didn't know that, snowy, thanks, I'll be on my guard. I think if I wasn't such a cissy I'd have had a heart attack in March when I kept having to stop on my walk to collect my car. It took a while, a hundred yards at a time. Someone else would have pressed on and got into bother.


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50,435 posts

201 months

Sunday 1st October 2023
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Mr Magooagain said:
I think it’s too early to see any significant change Dicky. I’m heading towards 10 months into a very strict diet and my recent bloods show some reductions in cholesterol numbers but not massive.
Keep at it chap.
I’m fighting to stay away from statins and thats my motivation at the moment plus trying to stay alive. Still no booze for me.
Yes, there seems to be quite a lot of 'keep at it' when recovering from heart problems. I shall keep at it.


Thanks, chaps.


Original Poster:

50,435 posts

201 months

Sunday 1st October 2023
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Two fish in a tank.

One of them says to the other:

"Do you have any idea how to drive this thing?"

"It's academic. The engine is in the Fordson."

"I saw a couple of bikes earlier."

"We'll use those."


Original Poster:

50,435 posts

201 months

Sunday 1st October 2023
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I went to Donnington for my walk. No, not Donington. Donnington.

No race track but there is the castle ruined in the seige during the civil war. The defenders held on for so long they were allowed to surrender with honour.

The gatehouse and just the outline of the rest of the castle survives.

The blurb at the entrance describes it as a fashionable fortified residence. In its day perhaps.

"Oh, darling, look at that castle! We must have one."


Original Poster:

50,435 posts

201 months

Sunday 1st October 2023
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pequod said:
shout Luuuke! Marvellous win by them there European golfists, and no mistake! The Capt should be awarded with anuvver go, stateside, in two (2) years hence, to winnit overthere>>>>

ION: FF's for tea, to celebrate.

FF's? French Fancies? Now you're talking.


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50,435 posts

201 months

Monday 2nd October 2023
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That's quite enough conjugating for one day.