Private schools, times a changing?

Private schools, times a changing?



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201 months

Will have to stop people shopping at farm shops and Waitrose at this rate. Bloody families buying good food and giving their kids an advantage.


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201 months

Zolvaro said:
It's not about stopping people giving their kids an advantage, it's about giving some kids a chance.
This isn’t rural India. It’s the U.K. and of one wants to do something then the possibility is there for any and everyone.

You can’t change stty parents and they as referenced above likely going to be the main factor in a kid not making the most of their potential because while the system isn’t perfect, it’s certainly better than most.


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201 months

Zolvaro said:
Ok bubble boy! Well that new system means will be you have to cough up an extra 20%, so deal with it.

These kids "taking" places from poor little privately educated students, they will have good parents and they will have worked hard, and I welcome the fact they are being given a chance to study an elite university.
I don’t care about 20%. I only care for the reasons ‘why’.

Cambridge have dropped it so I’d imagine it’ll be back to what it was in the not too distant.


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201 months

quotequote all
Zolvaro said:
The irony here is that somebody was complaining earlier in the thread that state school kids were stealing private school kids places, when in fact it's the reverse.

Edited by Zolvaro on Tuesday 2nd July 14:38
Why have you put your kids into private school? Seems a lot of noise you’re making to completely undermine your points?


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201 months

quotequote all
Zolvaro said:
Unlike you I care about things that aren't in my little bubble.

How have I undermined my own points? I said private school kids are more likely to get into Oxbridge which they are, and it seems they also pretending to be state school kids for a bit to get an even bigger share of the places.
So why add to the ‘problem’ - just use state schools?


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38,642 posts

201 months

Letter from school saying they’ll absorb a proportion of the VAT.

Also said it will know how it can be challenged legally as soon as there is a draft legislation.


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38,642 posts

201 months

p1stonhead said:
Shadow education secretary said on the radio this morning it’s one of their first things on the list in the coming few weeks
I can see it grinding to a halt when they finally do write down a single policy on anything in an official manner.

Anyway, sounds like it will barely affect me fiscally, waste of everyone’s time. Big wealthy schools which contain the most kids on bursaries and have the best facilities that the public get a use of will easily weather it and bin most of the benefits to the common man that voted against it.

It’s hilarious really.