Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40


Dermot O'Logical

2,664 posts

132 months

Sunday 30th June
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Happy Sunday, all!

Sorry to hear that the oil pump is giving trouble again, Dicky. Hope the Nitro can help, the prospect of another by-pass can't be very welcome.

ION, it's damp, dull and blustery here in the Deep Sarf, all of which are unwelcome - I was hoping to knock off a few thousand steps this morning, then watch the Grand Prix this afternoon, before wandering around to my sister's for some roast lamb. Let's see how it goes.

My son played cricket yesterday, his team "did an England" and failed to chase down a target of 215 in 40 overs. He top scored with 16 before getting out to a half-hearted appeal for LBW, which he said was probably hitting two stumps anyway. We're going to have a net session tomorrow, as he wants to work on his batting, so I get to fire cricket balls at him from a bowling machine.

Nothing else to report, really. All is relatively tranquil in my world, apart from the wind.

Carry on.


36 posts

54 months

Sunday 30th June
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Morning all

I cooked air fried chips for the first time in my Ninja wood fire grill thing last night, very good they were too.



Original Poster:

50,309 posts

201 months

Sunday 30th June
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Thanks, Dermot.

There are moves afoot locally to rename me Newbury Bypass.


39,275 posts

101 months

Sunday 30th June
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Exasperated said:
I went for a 100-mile ride yesterday and averaged 71.7mpg on my Africa Twin. I think I'd get punched if I posted this in Biker Banter, so I'm hoping this is a save haven for the most tedious of facts.
A nexcellent Trivial post there, 9.699 on the old Triv-o-meter, well played!


Original Poster:

50,309 posts

201 months

Sunday 30th June
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Bobberoo said:
A nexcellent Trivial post there, 9.699 on the old Triv-o-meter, well played!
Our Triv-O-Meters need synchronising.




39,275 posts

101 months

Sunday 30th June
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DickyC said:
Exasperated said:
I went for a 100-mile ride yesterday and averaged 71.7mpg on my Africa Twin. I think I'd get punched if I posted this in Biker Banter, so I'm hoping this is a save haven for the most tedious of facts.
100 miles. Not Paris-Dakar, then?

Only a 2.024 on the Triv-O-Meter but a solid 7.170 on the Tedi-O-Meter.

So, neither trivial nor fully tedious according to the guages.

Good, steady work.
Which Triv-o-meter did you use??? The big one in the small barn sat on the boxes of medium tee shirts read 9.699........

Aaahhhh, yes I see from your post that the synchronization algorithm spikeyhead wrote has stopped working, again.


39,275 posts

101 months

Sunday 30th June
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Good morrow fellow Trivialities everywherewavey
As already indicated by Dermot O'Logical, today's weather is not a repeat of yesterday's glorious weather!!
Our plans to get out in the garden and mow and deadhead are thwarted, or at least until after 2pm when it's supposed to be better, hopefully it will at least be dry enough to have a BBQ.

It's not so bad, I have BTCC from Oulton park to catch up with so that's me sorted for the day!!

We acquired an assortment of food stuffs to make a sort of mezzo board/ploughman's lunch for today and I'm quite looking forward to it!!


17,537 posts

200 months

Sunday 30th June
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Morning all,

I've nothing other than lunch with my Mum planned for the day.

DickyC said:
Thanks, Dermot.

There are moves afoot locally to rename me Newbury Bypass.
Has Swampy been consulted?


Original Poster:

50,309 posts

201 months

Sunday 30th June
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spikeyhead said:
DickyC said:
Thanks, Dermot.

There are moves afoot locally to rename me Newbury Bypass.
Has Swampy been consulted?
We tried. He was in a tree near the proposed eastern entrance to the proposed Trivtone Henge Tunnel, beyond the reach of our loudhailers.

We're all getting older, of course.


9,305 posts

206 months

Sunday 30th June
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Morning all.

In another despatch from my hectic life, I can report that I think I’ll wash the car today.

And Dicky, do take care. You really don’t want to be caught short without your dilator juice!


Original Poster:

50,309 posts

201 months

Sunday 30th June
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psi310398 said:
Morning all.

In another despatch from my hectic life, I can report that I think I’ll wash the car today.

And Dicky, do take care. You really don’t want to be caught short without your dilator juice!
It's one damn thing after another at the moment. Seventy years too late, I'm using sunblock liberally. Too liberally, it turns out. Yesterday I poked myself in the left eye with a fingerful of Nivea Sun. Fearing an imbalance between the protection offered to both eyes I took out the left lens of my sunglasses and the cosmic balance was restored. You have to consider these things.

Biker's Nemesis

39,228 posts

211 months

Sunday 30th June
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Exasperated said:
I went for a 100-mile ride yesterday and averaged 71.7mpg on my Africa Twin. I think I'd get punched if I posted this in Biker Banter, so I'm hoping this is a save haven for the most tedious of facts.


35,661 posts

153 months

Sunday 30th June
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hammo19 said:
I have a destination with 19 holes today. Tee off time forecast is 50 mph winds and rain, oh joy!
scratchchin You think they'd put a tarpaulin over those holes until they manage to get them fixed. rolleyes
Honestly, the country is going to the dogs these days. irked

Gude Moaneve Chasps wavey
I have overslept too much this morning after only waking up thrice. Luckily I have a bit of time to spare to reshuffle my gender, but I may have to put off my busy procrastination schedule for a while to compose a knee-mail to the bastewards who sent me a penalty charge notice for parking my (non-permissable???) C-Ma_ in the car park at the Ladybower Inn whilst we stopped for our lunch during the Brassington TT Tour.
It seems we were supposed to enter or car Reg Plate numbers on the eye pad at the bar, but no member of staff informed us and none of us noticed any signs or notices at the car park as we entered and exited both by car and on foot. Strange that, inni?
The scammers have kindly offered to reduce the penalty charge from £100 to a mere £30 if settled within 14 days of them sending out the notice.
No doubt Bobbers can look forward to receiving similar for his transgression with Ivor.
In all the years I have visited the Ladybower, often pre-booking for as many as fifty (50)
diners on our TVR tours, I have never encountered such a protocol.

But this was my first visit there since my heart attack in 2022, so I guess I am lagging behind in this brave new world of modern highway robbery. Barstards!!! furious

Luckily I have my (rather battered) GTN spray. I wonder if it's still in date? I hadn't thought to check.
Thanks Hammo. I'll put it on the list of Dings to Thew.

'Scuse me while I go and catch up with this morning's Trivia...

Albie Beck. wavey


62,299 posts

220 months

Sunday 30th June
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DickyC said:
Thanks, Dermot.

There are moves afoot locally to rename me Newbury Bypass.
You'll always be swampy to us biggrin

Last seen down near us in 2019 after blocking the road to the powerstation, which the lorries just drove around a field and ignored. The same powerstation that had just out in a huge solarfarm to significantly reduce it's consumption of gas - but no, protest, not praise their efforts...


62,299 posts

220 months

Sunday 30th June
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Dog walk and car boot down now brecwast consumed. Somehow I've done 8000 plus steps already.
Mrs B was buying up dressing up clothes at £1 a go. Sadly they are kids sizes...

I bought 6 daisy like plants for £3.5 to add to the flower border I created this year.


62,299 posts

220 months

Sunday 30th June
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Coming on


35,661 posts

153 months

Sunday 30th June
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Exasperated said:
I looked at the sea, got bored, and went home. The journey was pretty trivial.
Now THAT'S what I call Trivia!!!

Top job!

scratchchin What's the score Bobbers? bounce


62,299 posts

220 months

Sunday 30th June
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Ooohh I got an email. Check your lottery you've won...

...3 numbers £39... Bugger was £11.5m last night.


9,062 posts

149 months

Sunday 30th June
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I win every lottery by not playing


35,661 posts

153 months

Sunday 30th June
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e-honda said:
For a long time I have been threatening to launch my cat into space, often at 4 or 5am. I don't actually have the means to get her there. /snip

snip/Now I will threaten to send my cat to France in stead.
She'll need a small boat.

How about a catamaran? thumbup