Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



5,964 posts

146 months

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hammo19 said:
Who put the turd in Saturday?
Tha' was me. Apologies

Morneve y'all


39,259 posts

101 months

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Good morrow fellow Trivialities everywherewavey
Not a great night's sleep, ate junk and drank too much.

At least it looks nice outside, cleaning, a walk while Mrs Bobbers gets her hair cut, some shopping and then over to dad's flat for some more clearing out, both cars to the tip, and finally home.

That's a bugger Dicky!! frown

Thanks hammo19, I can now not see that!!! laugh


1,591 posts

44 months

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Bobberoo said:
Good morrow fellow Trivialities everywherewavey
Not a great night's sleep, ate junk and drank too much.

At least it looks nice outside, cleaning, a walk while Mrs Bobbers gets her hair cut, some shopping and then over to dad's flat for some more clearing out, both cars to the tip, and finally home.

That's a bugger Dicky!! frown

Thanks hammo19, I can now not see that!!! laugh
That's a bit drastic, Bobbers! Just bicycles now, is it?


1,591 posts

44 months

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DickyC said:

"What were the chances?" remarked bystanders.
Anyone else got a wood this morning?


Original Poster:

50,291 posts

201 months

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witteringon said:
Bobberoo said:
Good morrow fellow Trivialities everywherewavey
Not a great night's sleep, ate junk and drank too much.

At least it looks nice outside, cleaning, a walk while Mrs Bobbers gets her hair cut, some shopping and then over to dad's flat for some more clearing out, both cars to the tip, and finally home.

That's a bugger Dicky!! frown

Thanks hammo19, I can now not see that!!! laugh
That's a bit drastic, Bobbers! Just bicycles now, is it?
Desperate to crank up their eco credentials.


39,259 posts

101 months

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witteringon said:
Bobberoo said:
Good morrow fellow Trivialities everywherewavey
Not a great night's sleep, ate junk and drank too much.

At least it looks nice outside, cleaning, a walk while Mrs Bobbers gets her hair cut, some shopping and then over to dad's flat for some more clearing out, both cars to the tip, and finally home.

That's a bugger Dicky!! frown

Thanks hammo19, I can now not see that!!! laugh
That's a bit drastic, Bobbers! Just bicycles now, is it?
Cos green innit!?!


39,086 posts

190 months

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Snap time.
Cos in work PAT testing innit, since 6.30 this morning.

I am somewhat grumpy this morning. Partly due to working, partly due to the druggies in the st box round the corner moving the old lady who is the tenant into a nursing home and moving one of their druggie mates in who was sat outside until gone 1 am taking loudly* and partly due to the two dheads stood outside talking and laughing loudly and swearing at 4.55am.

* apparently taking a 4 D cell mag light to his stupid drug dealer head makes me angry, same as if i boiled some water, dumped a full bottle of cooking oil into it, insulting the tt and then when he comes to the door, launching it over his dumb head.
I personally call it making a point but apparently if i tried that, i would have been divorced and sleeping in a car.

Oh well


17,529 posts

200 months

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Morning all

Parkrun has been run, it was less twot than last week, but still twotter than I prefer.

nothing planned for the day save it's my turn to do the weekly shop.

Dermot O'Logical

2,661 posts

132 months

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Gud moaneve, Triviallists everywhere!

I'm just enjoying coffee and bikkies on my return from Lymington, because everybody has to be somewhere, and I fancied a change of scenery. Plenty of horses with baby horselets en route, and some Belgian Blue beefs. No donkeys, though. They're definitely up to something.

I'll be orf for another perambulation shortly, then lunch and some F1 this afternoon, or possibly a trip to watch my son play cricket.



2,561 posts

148 months

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I've woke up aching from our walk up Mount Snowden yesterday, and I'm now off to walk round Conway castle


39,259 posts

101 months

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mikebradford said:
I've woke up aching from our walk up Mount Snowden yesterday, and I'm now off to walk round Conway castle
A creditable 9.244 on the old Triv-o-meter there.


9,051 posts

149 months

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It's 123 days until Halloween


39,259 posts

101 months

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e-honda said:
It's 123 days until Halloween
Ooooohhhh, that's a good one, 9.878 on the old Triv-o-meter there!!!

Cleaning done, walk done. Mrs Bobbers hair done, now in a pub for lunch!!!

Mr Magooagain

10,190 posts

173 months

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We’re going to a ‘know how to call the relevant emergency service in France’ talk this afternoon. Simple you might think but it’s not and many Brits don’t have the foggiest.
Reconnaissance is never wasted and I may learn something.

Downside being,it’s going to be full of expats!


5,250 posts

199 months

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Picked up paint and 7 incher ready for en suite decoration commencement on Monday. I gave a wasp 🐝 a lift into town on the windscreen, he’s gonna be annoyed when he realises he’s 8 miles from his homestead.

I’m doing the ironing having watched the F2 Sprint (well done Ollie B) and will continue into the F1 qualifying. Mrs H is working, making ladies happy, steady all you residents, beautifying nails.

I’ve cleaned my golf sticks ready for tomorrow and replenished my balls.


62,202 posts

220 months

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Surf and turf planned for tea tonight. T bone steak and king prawns. Potatoes wedges, roast beetroot, huge mushrooms, onions.

Done all the jobs, Asha walked, somehow I've done 16k steps so far, so sitting down to watch f1 qualifying.n


62,202 posts

220 months

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One for slopes. Popped up the drone yesterday, but was very windy when over 60m. Happy with this though


62,202 posts

220 months

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Massive trailer on that tractor... biggrin


39,086 posts

190 months

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Byker28i said:
One for slopes. Popped up the drone yesterday, but was very windy when over 60m. Happy with this though

Cool pic, got my eye on a few places in Wales and Scotland to go with the drone when i can.

Today is meant to be the start of new things.
Her Ladyship has got a new job and after waiting for her DBS to come back, starts her new role Monday.
She is currently out and so i have trimmed the hedges, hoovered throughout the crap shack and mopped the floors, and am now watching catch up of BSB from Knockhill and deciding that a few things HAVE to change going forward.

To that this space.....


17,529 posts

200 months

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My banana bread should be cooked at 4pm

I repeat,

My banana bread should be cooked at 4pm