Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



5,950 posts

146 months

I'll soon be cranking up th barbie ( no, not her), I've big juicy steaks prepared. Have told Errin Dawes that th red stuff isnae blood. She still doesn't want any liquid on her plate.
Nearly time t open th red screw-cap.


5,950 posts

146 months


18,989 posts

214 months

Today is another chaw day, I have to empty the back of my van (not looking forward to that) then drive to ippyswitch to pick up a Windscreen for the Viper!

Also have to be extremely careful it does not break!


18,989 posts

214 months

Forgot to mention Lunch at Mercedes Benz World with mates also today.


5,242 posts

199 months

Morning. Grey, raining and another blustery day ahead. Nothing arranged, Mrs H not working so probably go out to lunch somewhere.

Happy Friday


31 posts

54 months

Morning all

A day of minor tasks, a long walk and a trip to the pub lay ahead for me.

This retirement lark keeps you busy



Original Poster:

50,264 posts

201 months

paua said:
Were you at The Deer and Headlights last night, paua? If so, I'm sorry I missed you. It was Ed and Ann's thing they do.

Every few years, Ed Chovey, the fishmonger from Trivbridge, holds a surprise party for his girlfriend, Ann Krondorf, to propose. She always turns him down. It's simply that she doesn't want to lose her distinguushed surname. She claims.

It's always a good night, though. The anticipation. And the beer.

Ann Krondorf. Ann Chovey. Difficult.


2,458 posts

54 months

nismocat said:
I am in my 50s and only found out that the "blood" that comes out of a cooked steak is not blood. It is a protein called Myoglobin that contains iron, similar to blood, and it is why is is red. What!
Apparently steaks do not contain blood!

I feel like I have been lied to.
I am in my late-ish 60s and I have only this minute learned this.
Morning All.
Not very nice out.


62,114 posts

220 months

paua said:
Bobberoo said:
Mr Magooagain said:
Bobberoo said:
RabidGranny said:
I got Swiss citizenship the other week.
Impressive, very impressive, in fact a magnificent 10.000001 on the old Triv-o-meter!!! clap

I've just been playing my music so loud in Ivor that it's made my ears ring.
Haaaaaaaaang on a minute there bobbers!
I’m understanding that anything over the magic Ten(10) on the old Triv-o- meter was needing a survey, study, etude etc and then voting at midnight at chez parlitrivton white smoke n all.
You are quite correct Magoo, I shall organise the study, as we already have a couple of number crunching, IT literate, computer nerds available in the shape of spikeyhead and Byker, the survey is easy to do with some paper and crayons, if I knew what an etude was I'd probably know what to do with it, and the midnight voting can take place in the residents lounge, not sure what to do for the white smoke though, I suppose we could ask Bomma if he's still got some of those phosphorus grenades.
You'll be needin t persevere a bit wiff th white smoke, for me t see it from 'ere.

Morneve chaps, off t a frosty start.
The Towers are announcing a new pope?


5,950 posts

146 months

DickyC said:
paua said:
Were you at The Deer and Headlights last night, paua? If so, I'm sorry I missed you. It was Ed and Ann's thing they do.

Every few years, Ed Chovey, the fishmonger from Trivbridge, holds a surprise party for his girlfriend, Ann Krondorf, to propose. She always turns him down. It's simply that she doesn't want to lose her distinguushed surname. She claims.

It's always a good night, though. The anticipation. And the beer.

Ann Krondorf. Ann Chovey. Difficult.
Does she drink loike a fish, perchance?


62,114 posts

220 months

paua said:
I bought 4 bottle of cheap red plonk yesterday to put in the wine rack, so it looks used for the next viewing. Mainly because they don't seem to last long if there's any in there


5,950 posts

146 months

Ah've just turned over th steaks. Dinner will be ready b4 you get here.

Biker's Nemesis

39,144 posts

211 months

Morning and happy Friday, its blaaing a hoolie here so i'd better wear underwear if I am venturing out in my kilt today.

ION. I had a rather embarrassing "off" on my motorcycle yesterday, I am fine and so is the motorcycle.


62,114 posts

220 months

Today I had a tip run at 9:30, followed by a trip out to a rather large garden as it's doggy day and we can take Asha

Still Mulling

12,745 posts

180 months

Morneve All coffee Happy Friday!


Original Poster:

50,264 posts

201 months

Byker28i said:
Today I had a tip run at 9:30, followed by a trip out to a rather large garden as it's doggy day and we can take Asha

What time is it in Bykerville?


39,252 posts

101 months

Biker's Nemesis said:
Morning and happy Friday, its blaaing a hoolie here so i'd better wear underwear if I am venturing out in my kilt today.

ION. I had a rather embarrassing "off" on my motorcycle yesterday, I am fine and so is the motorcycle.
Sorry to hear that BN, any off is a painful experience.


754 posts

76 months

Bobberoo said:
Biker's Nemesis said:
Morning and happy Friday, its blaaing a hoolie here so i'd better wear underwear if I am venturing out in my kilt today.

ION. I had a rather embarrassing "off" on my motorcycle yesterday, I am fine and so is the motorcycle.
Sorry to hear that BN, any off is a painful experience.
Wot Bobbers said. Glad no damage done.

Dermot O'Logical

2,661 posts

132 months

Bobberoo said:
Biker's Nemesis said:
Morning and happy Friday, its blaaing a hoolie here so i'd better wear underwear if I am venturing out in my kilt today.

ION. I had a rather embarrassing "off" on my motorcycle yesterday, I am fine and so is the motorcycle.
Sorry to hear that BN, any off is a painful experience.
Mornee!ve, all.

Sorry to hear that, BN, shiny side up and all that. I'm sure that I would have killed myself long ago if I'd decided to become a biker, so I didn't.

ION, I am being fitted with a new kitchen sink and tap as I type. It's a rather noisy process, sorry. Anyway, things to do, places to go, etc.



5,242 posts

199 months

Fullook said:
Bobberoo said:
Biker's Nemesis said:
Morning and happy Friday, its blaaing a hoolie here so i'd better wear underwear if I am venturing out in my kilt today.

ION. I had a rather embarrassing "off" on my motorcycle yesterday, I am fine and so is the motorcycle.
Sorry to hear that BN, any off is a painful experience.
Wot Bobbers said. Glad no damage done.
Sorry to hear you had a parting from your steed, never much fun and a bot of a shock all the same. Good to hear no damage done.