Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



35,646 posts

153 months

Monday 24th June
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Bobberoo said:
An enjoyable relaxing day has been had, now sat watching the tube of you and enjoying a wee dram.
Nice one Bobbers!
I too enjoyed a wee after returning from a rather sweaty cardiac workout session this afternoon.
On returning home, I stripped off all my sweaty kit and bunged it in the washer with some Lavender and Cammell Laird laundry liquid.
It's all pegged out on the line along with the gazebo canopy that I have sprayed with water-resistant reproofer stuff.
I did not peg out myself, and here I am to prove it.
Time now for a delicious dish of mussels in white wine & garlic. Nom! lick

What a lovely evening for it! The birds are all singing happily up in the trees at the back, and it really lifts the soul to hear them! cloud9


5,250 posts

199 months

Monday 24th June
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I just had to chase the Sparrowhawk away again this evening. It hides in one of our bushes and steals away fledgling sparrows and blue tits. It’s like a mean killing machine.


39,259 posts

101 months

Monday 24th June
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Mother nature at it's finest hammo19.

A dinner of steak burger with vintage cheddar, salad, coleslaw and wedges has been enjoyed along with a pint of Doombar, nice!!! lick

While we were in the Bakewell pudding shop I acquired a couple of cans of double chocolate porter which I intend to enjoy later with a slice of Bakewell tart!!!


35,646 posts

153 months

Monday 24th June
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Tart or pudding?

That's a good question, and it would take a brave person to judge either way, Bobbers! biggrin


17,529 posts

200 months

Monday 24th June
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I prefer tarts smile


9,298 posts

206 months

Monday 24th June
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glenrobbo said:
Tart or pudding?

That's a good question, and it would take a brave person to judge either way, Bobbers! biggrin
Steady on, old horse! He’s neither!


39,259 posts

101 months

Monday 24th June
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glenrobbo said:
Tart or pudding?

That's a good question, and it would take a brave person to judge either way, Bobbers! biggrin
Welllllll, the package says Bakewell tart, so.......


17,529 posts

200 months

Monday 24th June
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Bobberoo said:
Welllllll, the package says Bakewell tart, so.......
So you're having a tart for pudding, does Mrs Bobbers know?


39,259 posts

101 months

Monday 24th June
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spikeyhead said:
Bobberoo said:
Welllllll, the package says Bakewell tart, so.......
So you're having a tart for pudding, does Mrs Bobbers know?
She's been actively partaking herself, make of that what you will!!!!


39,259 posts

101 months

Monday 24th June
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Do I have to do everything myself?!?!?


17,529 posts

200 months

Monday 24th June
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Time for bed

to dream of tarts and puddings


Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Monday 24th June
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Bobberoo said:
Do I have to do everything myself?!?!?
No. There are circumstances when we have to everything for you.

When you've been exposed to Green Trivialite, for example.


35,646 posts

153 months

Tuesday 25th June
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DickyC said:
No. There are circumstances when we have to everything for you.

When you've been exposed to Green Trivialite, for example.
Ah, the overwhelming effect of Absinthe and the hypnotic touch of the Little Green Fairy...



6,781 posts

195 months

Tuesday 25th June
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I cleaned the bird bath/water feature today as it was a bit grim and full of algae

Removed all the rocks and cleaned them one by one with a stiff brush in soapy water. Removed the water, cleaned the basin (it's an old Belfast sink), changed the sump water and refilled. Suspect I've drawn gunge through the pump but will see how it gets on.


503 posts

11 months

Tuesday 25th June
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I am watching Kelly's Heros.

Clint Eastwood is the only surviving member left after Donald "Woof" Sutherland died.

(ETA. I mean the famous actors, Tom Troupe - Corporal Job is around as are others)

Edited by nismocat on Tuesday 25th June 04:58


39,259 posts

101 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Good morrow fellow Trivialities everywherewavey
A meh night's sleep, could have been worse, could have been better.
Back to work today, I wonder how many emails I'll have this time?!?

It sounds like you're on the mend Ambleton.

I haven't watched Kelly's Heroes in years!!!

Did you dream of tarts and puddings spikeyhead?


Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Stands the Church clock at ten to three? And is there honey still for tea?


17,529 posts

200 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Morning all

I mostly dreamt of being too hot, no idea why...

It's nearly time i did some sums.


Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Tuesday 25th June
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I was cooking a lot of red meat in a pan on a barbecue, which seemed odd and unnecessary. It was all very hot and sizzling but the meat wasn't cooking. The pan was full and I kept turning over the pieces of meat but when I turned them over they were still raw.

And then I woke up to a world where I don't eat red meat anymore because of me old ticker.

It's okay, I wasn't all that keen anyway.

Still Mulling

12,749 posts

180 months

Tuesday 25th June
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Morneve All coffee