Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



35,646 posts

153 months

Monday 24th June
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Bobberoo said:
Dreading having to replace the tyres on Ivor, going to be around £600.
scratchchin Perhaps caterpillar tracks are the answer, Bobbers.


Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Monday 24th June
quotequote all
glenrobbo said:
Bobberoo said:
Dreading having to replace the tyres on Ivor, going to be around £600.
scratchchin Perhaps caterpillar tracks are the answer, Bobbers.
He's thinking much further ahead.


2,466 posts

54 months

Monday 24th June
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Cookie got me out of bed at about 03:40 in the ante meridian so I took her out in the garden (haha) for a pee (Cookie) and a cig (404).
By the time I'd had a pee of my own it seemed rather pointless going back to bed, so I downloaded the Telegraph on the tablet and silently, internally ranted at the election "news".
Then, as I was finishing my Rice Crispies Charlie (fkoffyoulittlett) presented me with a new guest.
So we are now "in loco parentis" to another pipistrelle bat.
Fairly sure it's another boy. It's not hard to tell, but you have to flip the bat upside-downside for a look-see and it makes the bat cross.
Which is a funny thing to witness.
He seems pretty perky and is taking warmed up goat's milk with great enthusiasm.
If he survives I'll get him some solid food in about a week.
Morning All.


754 posts

76 months

Monday 24th June
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Good morning all.

Back to porridge after a lovely few days in the sun with mates & made it through the post-apocalyptic wasteland that is Manchester Airport.

The past four days involved a lot of chat.

Topics covered included but were not limited to:
- children (happy ones, troubled ones, own ones, step ones, old ones, young ones)
- parents (dead ones, healthy ones, frail ones, demented ones, active ones, step ones, mellow ones, stubborn ones)
- motorcycles (ones we own, ones we'd like to own, ones we'd like to ride but not own, broken ones, bodged ones, modified ones)
- The unexpected similarities between golf swing and running gait
- The true meaning of hunger
- Identity politics
- And also: telly, books, retirement, holidays, the perfect woman, boats, achy joints

It was a lot more interesting with beer.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day.


35,646 posts

153 months

Monday 24th June
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Good Moaneve Trivpeeps! wavey

After a lovely relaxing day cavorting with Bobbers & Co. on Saturday, yesterday I hurled myself headlong once more into the busy world of Robbopopping ( Events, Awards & Logistics )
Big George played exceedingly skilfully in the morning's last match of the season, and received an award for his dedication and commitment as a team player and the special set of skills that he has acquired over a long career:

The afternoon and evening were dedicated to aiding and abetting and spectating at Robbopoppet's Dance Academy Spectacular, in which she performed brilliantly, as fid all who participated in an amazing and very entertaining show.
After the final performance of the weekend, Star Awards were presented to a select few of the many participants, and we were thrilled when Robboppet was called to receive her award! No photography was allowed, but thus was taken afterwards:

[ Photo deleted to protect identity ]

Marvellous! smile
She's such a little Star! claplove

Have a gnice day, yawl! wavey

Edited by glenrobbo on Monday 24th June 11:11


2,466 posts

54 months

Monday 24th June
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What an absolutely lovely post about the little ones and their achievements!
Thanks for sharing that.

feeling all warm and fuzzy now


35,646 posts

153 months

Monday 24th June
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That's one cute little batlet, _404. love

Fingers crossed he/she/it/they/them make it okay.


2,466 posts

54 months

Monday 24th June
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glenrobbo said:
That's one cute little batlet, _404. love

Fingers crossed he/she/it/they/them make it okay.
Thanks Glenners. Thoughts and prayers sort of thing...
You might recall that we have some form in the matter of bat rescuage so we're hopeful at least.
This is another common pipistrelle, a breed which seems to be readily amenable to adapting to human foster parents.
I'll update as and when if anyone is interested.


39,259 posts

101 months

Monday 24th June
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Definitely interested 404, he/she/it/they/them/wardrobe appears to be a fine little bat indeed!!!

Some fantastic pics and stories today chaps!!!


1,591 posts

44 months

Monday 24th June
quotequote all
glenrobbo said:
Bobberoo said:
Dreading having to replace the tyres on Ivor, going to be around £600.
scratchchin Perhaps caterpillar tracks are the answer, Bobbers.


5,250 posts

199 months

Monday 24th June
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Bobbers if you haven’t already, take the opportunity to replace the run flats on the Clubman when you change tyres.

Dermot O'Logical

2,662 posts

132 months

Monday 24th June
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Good aftermorn, Trivpeeps!

Firstly, congratumalations/commiserableations as apprpriate, and good luck with another surrogate bat, 404!

It's twot dahn Sarf, and yet for some reason I've had a busy day so far, mostly consisting of walking and pressure-washing. In my mind I'd committed to blast the algae from my own and my upstairs neighbour's parking spaces, which are what estate agents like to call "undercroft", and are the equivalent in size to a four (4)-car garage. As they're open to the elements at both ends, the three (3) metres of concrete at each end gets wet, and then algae breeds, which becomes slippery when wetness occurs again. So I decided that if the climatic conditions (warm and calm) allowed, and my neighbour was out, and if I felt in the mood to tackle the task of pressure-washing many square metres of concrete, I'd roll up my sleeves and get the job done.

So I did.

I'm sitting in a comfy chair, with a naching back, but the warm, satisfying glow of a job well done surrounds me as though I'd just put away a large bowl of Ready-Brek.

This afternoon I may decide to continue with claying, waxing and putting a coat of proteciion on my Golf. If I feel like it.


62,208 posts

220 months

Monday 24th June
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Bobberoo said:
Dreading having to replace the tyres on Ivor, going to be around £600.
The old Mazda 6 Estate was £220 per tyre and you had to at the least do both tyres on the same axle at the same time, else the tyre pressure warning went off all the time.

I once did all 4, because I got a £100 discount and was fed up with the bloody alert going off all the time.


62,208 posts

220 months

Monday 24th June
quotequote all
Error_404_Username_not_found said:
Cookie got me out of bed at about 03:40 in the ante meridian so I took her out in the garden (haha) for a pee (Cookie) and a cig (404).
By the time I'd had a pee of my own it seemed rather pointless going back to bed, so I downloaded the Telegraph on the tablet and silently, internally ranted at the election "news".
Then, as I was finishing my Rice Crispies Charlie (fkoffyoulittlett) presented me with a new guest.
So we are now "in loco parentis" to another pipistrelle bat.
Fairly sure it's another boy. It's not hard to tell, but you have to flip the bat upside-downside for a look-see and it makes the bat cross.
Which is a funny thing to witness.
He seems pretty perky and is taking warmed up goat's milk with great enthusiasm.
If he survives I'll get him some solid food in about a week.
Morning All.

Probably been answered before, but don't you have you be on a register to be a bat worrier Sorry Warrier... biggrin


62,208 posts

220 months

Monday 24th June
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GR - What a quality trophy - well done to George


2,466 posts

54 months

Monday 24th June
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Byker28i said:
Probably been answered before, but don't you have you be on a register to be a bat worrier Sorry Warrier... biggrin
Curiously; not so far as I am aware, Byker. Which is a trifle odd, considering that all species are highly protected. I've never been asked that before. It's a good question.
The national bat conservation people and my local (ish) contacts (like the nice RSPCA lady) have never mentioned it.
In fact the local chap who is based near Loch Lomond asked me last year if I would serve as a local point of contact and advisor for other people in Kintyre who might be trying to rehabilitate bats.
As if I know anything.
I can only do my best.


Original Poster:

50,292 posts

201 months

Monday 24th June
quotequote all
glenrobbo said:
Flippin' 'eck, Dicky, that tyre of yours looks totally Bibendemmed! frown
It's lucky you didn't attempt the drive oop norf to partake in the Brassington, for it may have decided to totally give up the ghost whilst you were proceeding at the approved rate of leptons and sent you hurtling into Oblivionland.yikes
I would advise you to choose a random suitably severe pothole, photograph it with a measuring stick included, and send it with a pic of your tyre damage and a quote or bill from a supplier of black circles to the appropriate authority with a claim for full restitutionness.
Something needs to be done.
I shall write a stern letter to the Trivton Bugle and Gazette.
"He went doing what he wanted."
"Being upside down in a field?"


39,086 posts

190 months

Monday 24th June
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DickyC said:
glenrobbo said:
Flippin' 'eck, Dicky, that tyre of yours looks totally Bibendemmed! frown
It's lucky you didn't attempt the drive oop norf to partake in the Brassington, for it may have decided to totally give up the ghost whilst you were proceeding at the approved rate of leptons and sent you hurtling into Oblivionland.yikes
I would advise you to choose a random suitably severe pothole, photograph it with a measuring stick included, and send it with a pic of your tyre damage and a quote or bill from a supplier of black circles to the appropriate authority with a claim for full restitutionness.
Something needs to be done.
I shall write a stern letter to the Trivton Bugle and Gazette.
"He went doing what he wanted."
"Being upside down in a field?"
There is a video from recently up on Hartside Pass of a guy driving what looks like an Audi 80 quattro, chasing another guy on a sportsbike.
Heading in the opposite direction is a guy driving one of the 911 variants reasonably spiritedly.

If you think you can see where this is going, you might well be wrong

Matey in the 80 comes round a slight kink only to find 911 matey pressing on, twitches and must hit a compression in the road because it spat him off the road into the field - actually an earth bank - at a rate of knots. Made quite the impression. The lads following on bikes stopped and went to check he was okay and possibly to give him some new pants



39,259 posts

101 months

Monday 24th June
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An enjoyable relaxing day has been had, now sat watching the tube of you and enjoying a wee dram.


35,646 posts

153 months

Monday 24th June
quotequote all
Error_404_Username_not_found said:
Thanks Glenners. Thoughts and prayers sort of thing...
You might recall that we have some form in the matter of bat rescuage so we're hopeful at least.
This is another common pipistrelle, a breed which seems to be readily amenable to adapting to human foster parents.
I'll update as and when if anyone is interested.
I well remember your previous devoted fostering, but it's the reports on the early flying lessons when they're big enough that I enjoy the most! smile
Tying them to a stone weight and whirling them round in big circles on the end of a long string... wink

Don't try this at home, folks, remember _404 is an expert in such procedures.
( But he really needs to trim his fingernails a bit! )