Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



8,997 posts

141 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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Mr Magooagain said:
pequod said:
G-wiz said:
Sorry, not had chance to read the thread, fully.

Pequod............have you been shot?
Yes, but not today...
I’ve never thought of counting being shot but I now realise I’ve been shot 3 times and possibly more!
One time was mentioned in a published book.
Funnily enuff, I was discussing early surgery with my knife-wielding young surgeon this very morning and the removal of shot, and other surgical procedures, prior to the discovery of anaesthetics.


39,277 posts

101 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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Good afternoon you lovely, lovely people!!!!

Peqoud, fingers crossed for the all clear and a speedy recovery!!!

Byker you are a constant source of amazement!!!
Hopefully you are all clear now?

Magoo, you can't just say you've been shot 3 times, once quoted in a book, and not elaborate!!!
It makes being stabbed seem quite inconsequential!!

I arrived home and got straight out into the garden, lawn mowed twice, raked up, edges done, several plants cut back, the dying tomato plants are gone, anc it's looking much better out there!!!


8,997 posts

141 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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Thanks Bobbers....



39,277 posts

101 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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pequod said:
Thanks Bobbers....

A life time ago, I went through a period of being a nasty little st, out having a few beers with my brother one night and an argument about a pool table got out of hand, we tried to do the right thing and take it outside, unfortunately the guy I was trading blows with didn't like the fact that his mate was getting 10 shades beat out of him by my brother so pulled a knife, slashed my arm and stuck it in my forearm.
It led to one of the lowest points in my life, I apparently had what's called a "rage blackout", it ended up with me facing an ABH charge, which fortunately was dropped due to witnesses stating that he'd pulled the knife and stabbed me before I "lost my st".


39,277 posts

101 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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Oh dear, it appears i've broken tinternet..........


35,661 posts

153 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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Excuse me a moment Trivialites, I just accidentally stumbled across this, but luckily this ingenious guy was able to effect a repair.
I thought you might appreciate a look at how he did it without the aid of all that CNC gubbins:

I don't know if it would stand up to much abuse, but it's still pretty clever.


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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glenrobbo said:
Excuse me a moment Trivialites, I just accidentally stumbled across this, but luckily this ingenious guy was able to effect a repair.
I thought you might appreciate a look at how he did it without the aid of all that CNC gubbins:

I don't know if it would stand up to much abuse, but it's still pretty clever.
Why didn't he use a centre drill?


5,260 posts

199 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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Evening all

We arrived back in Blighty at 01:30 this morning. 6 planes arrived at the same time as they had to shut the airport due to high winds in the evening. It took us quite a bit of time to get through the border control and collect our bags with loads of passengers. We finally fell into bed at 04:00.

Sorry been a bit quiet as we have swapped internet providers today as well as being a bit sleepy.

I visited the doctors this morning too about the swelling on my wrist and it’s now a permanent thing that may or may not go away. I have my diabetes eye scan on Weds and Mrs H is seeing her consultant for the first time after her knee operation on Thursday as well. So it’s all medical this week.

Many centipedes have been lost between Tenerife and here in the North.


35,661 posts

153 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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I don't know, I leave you all playing nicely and before I know it, there's hacking and slashing and shooting and stabbing and the tomato plants have gone missing!

It's like a crime scene in here!
I hope Sergeant Argent and Constable Dunstable don't get wind of all these shenaniganses.

I'll draw the curtains, shall I? Whatever will the neighbours think? *Tsk* rolleyes


35,661 posts

153 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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DickyC said:
Why didn't he use a centre drill?
He probably didn't have one, but he managed to work around it remarkably well.

Lots of use of the Mk 1 Eyeball, though. wink


39,108 posts

190 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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glenrobbo said:
DickyC said:
Why didn't he use a centre drill?
He probably didn't have one, but he managed to work around it remarkably well.

Lots of use of the Mk 1 Eyeball, though. wink
I cannot watch that video without automatically hearing Minions.

Only been stabbed as a kid - in one of my fingers - and been shot at which resulted in me giving someone a proper kicking in the middle of Thetford rifle range.


39,277 posts

101 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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Necessity is the mother of invention, a lot of standard centre lathe work just on a primitive scale, I particularly liked the steel toecap safety sandals, complete lack of safety glasses, zero chuck guard and completely wrong tool!!!!


39,277 posts

101 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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And i've broken the internet again, oh well, night chaps!!


Original Poster:

50,310 posts

201 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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slopes said:
I cannot watch that video without automatically hearing Minions.

Only been stabbed as a kid - in one of my fingers - and been shot at which resulted in me giving someone a proper kicking in the middle of Thetford rifle range.
Not related but enough to remind me of the only time I fired a Lee Enfield .303. It was at summer camp with the ATC at RAF Chivenor in Devon. Five rounds, in your own time, choose your own target. The instructor meant chose one of the four printed card targets. The lad in the next lane (aisle?) to me decided to pick off grass growing along the top of the butts. It was all open air. His bullets were fired out over the estuary.

He was removed, sent to see the camp commander, and put on a train home. He was invited to stand down as a cadet as well. We never saw him again.

It was an eventful two weeks. We were on parade waiting to be inspected by a VIP when a Fleet Air Arm Sea Vixen came in very slowly, trying everything to make a tight turn for the runway and banking hard. The co-pilot ejected parallel to the ground. The pilot went down with the plane. Neither survived. Hydraulic failure. 800 or so lads standing there watching it happen. Horrible.

Bomma R1

14,538 posts

128 months

Tuesday 26th September 2023
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Morning all bounce



39,277 posts

101 months

Tuesday 26th September 2023
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Good morrow fellow Trivialities everywherewavey
First job of the day is a small program alteration........or that's what we were told, upon looking at the differences between the original and what's needed for the newly updated version it's more like a complete program rewrite!!! rolleyes

That sounds pretty harrowing Dicky, especially for young cadets.

Thanks for the reminder Bomma!


17,538 posts

200 months

Tuesday 26th September 2023
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Morning all.

I'm awake, but not very likely.

I agree it can't have been good for 800 cadets to see a couple of people die.

Have a good day all.


5,260 posts

199 months

Tuesday 26th September 2023
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Morning all

Thetford range been there doing an initiative test, move this telegraph pole from A to B via C,

Hythe ranges in Kent, shooting wooden pointers in the butts was fun.

My dad was an armourer in the RAF and held firearms and range certificates so we shotlots of different rifles and guns.

Still Mulling

12,756 posts

180 months

Tuesday 26th September 2023
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Morning All. coffee Joe Cool looks way to just that for me to keep up today. I'll snuggle back into my hoodie and be done with it!

School run's gonna be a wet'un.


9,305 posts

206 months

Tuesday 26th September 2023
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Morning all.

Fairly traumatic reading, let alone witnessing, Dicky.
Another day, another away day. Heading oop norf but at least sustained with a bacon roll.

Then three days left to do the five days’ worth of work that’s still there.