Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40

Tell us something really trivial about your life Volume 40



39,277 posts

101 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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Good morrow fellow Trivialities everywherewavey
A mediocre night's sleep, no more than I expect from a Sunday night if I'm honest.

It is indeed Monday morning already, thanks for the lovely reminder Bomma, another week of putting other people's fk ups right, interspersed with light-hearted banter and meetings beckons!!!


17,538 posts

200 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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Morning all.

I have a day of sums ahead of me, and hopefully very few meetings.


62,300 posts

220 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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Morning all. I've been awake since about 4am when Mrs B got up for the loo.

Two days of working from home, then we fly out to Canada for two weeks-ish. Asha is staying at home as we have some friends who are housesitting and looking after her.
So whilst trying to finish off a block of documentation, I'm also thinking about all the things I need for the trip...


9,305 posts

206 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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Two days of team away days beckon. Oh joy! Still, I could have to work down a mine for a living…

Have a good one, all.

Mr Magooagain

10,211 posts

173 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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Good morning everyone.
Well played Wales. Terrible shambles of Australien rugby displayed last night.
There’s something wrong with Jones. He’s had a stroke at some point I reckon. He walks a bit strange as well.

I’m getting ready for my quick dash to the uk midweek. Tatty Toyota to load with tools,jacks etc and all the spares that are going with the coupe.
Collect a hired trailer on Wednesday morning, load up at home then a slow plod up to Dieppe for the midnight ferry.
Into Blighty early hours of the morning then onto Worcestershire to drop off then a turnaround sharpish for the evening boat back. Hopefully some Kip along the way somewhere.

Have a good week all you trivialists where ever you are.

Thanks Bomma!


Dermot O'Logical

2,664 posts

132 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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Have a good trip, Magoo. Weather's a bit indifferent over here at the moment, sorry about that.

Best wishes to Pequod, and anybody else having parts rearranged/removed/modified. I've got a double stabbing at the local horsepiddle lined up for next Sunday, that's going to be enough for me.

Anyway, Good Moaneve everybody! 'Tis a bright, sunny, and not too chilly morning here in the Deep Sarf. I've done my weekly shop, made it back before the school run, so it's been a successful day so far. Just having a double espresso to kick-start myself, and orf for a stroll quite soon.

A lazy day beckons, but as the rest of the week looks a bit damp, I'll try to score a few bonus steps today. I have a trip to Bawnmuff Intergalactic Spaceport tomorrow, to deposit my sister and brother-in-law, who are off sausage-side for a few days, but the rest of the week is my own, although a very attractive (female, divorced) neighbour with nice legs and a black labrador asked if I would like to go for a walk next weekend, which is a very tempting offer.

Pasta la Vista!


62,300 posts

220 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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Bad timing Magoo else I'd have offered you a stop as we're probably on your route as you travel through middle earth. However I'll be going the other way.

I've just completed another bit of paperwork needed to be done within 72 hours of travel, where I promised not to bring in weapons, food, or have been on a farm recently... nor will I be attempting to work. biggrin


35,661 posts

153 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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Bomma R1 said:
Morning all bounce

Wow! I always wondered what a Monday would look like in 3-D.

Thanks Bomma! thumbup

Gude Moaneve my little Chickadees! wavey
I'm still alive and kicking, this morning's Elbow Test was remarkably negative again, the dull ache in my right arm has eased off, so it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas as if I have survived the double jab, ridden it like a pro boxer and I'm ready for the next round!
Seconds out, Round 10! Ding-ding!!

Good luck to Pequod in the blue corner in today's main contest.
Remember to keep your guard up at all times dear chap, and watch out for anything below the belt! It's against the rules.

The sun is shining here oop norf, but it's blowing a hooley out there
I just witnessed one of Mrs Robbo's feral pigeons attempt to fly downwind and get itself blown inside out! Not a pretty sight. But at least there weren't feathers everywhere and it saved the sparrowhawk some hard plucking.

Ah well, back to some serious procrastination until it's time to dig EB out of his pit and take FrankieDoggie for a walk.

Buy fur now, before they make it illegal. wavey

Edited by glenrobbo on Monday 25th September 10:06


8,997 posts

141 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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Morneve all!

Thanks for the best wishes chaps and I can report a successful mission completed in good time… marvellous!

I signed up for research of skin cancer so they removed a sufficient quantity of ol’ Pequod’s outer layer for the purpose. This entailed extra local anaesthetic jabs and being a Monday morning, there was plenty available, which was nice. So, your correspondent now awaits the biopsy results and possibly further excavations?

I’m told to rest for a fortnight and not fiddle with the dressing until Thursday when I can remove it and examine the fine stitch work beneath which should be quite some handiwork given the number of stitches that went into closing up the wound! Not as many as his Dickyness had or the number Glenners will get when his turn comes to go under the knife I’m sure, but hopefully enough to keep the stuffing in this old teddy bear!



39,277 posts

101 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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Very best of luck peqoud old chap.


2,481 posts

54 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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The South side of my trousers is still wet from getting caught out while taking Cookie for the evening patrol last night but happily I have spare trousers.
I went out at sparrow-fart this morning to acquire fresh croissants as the Memsahib had expressed a yearning for them, only to find that Tesco's bakery is not operating this morning owing to it being a bank holiday.
I didn't know that.
The Co-Op bakery is made of sterner stuff though, so mission accomplished with additional stepcountery.
I was a pallbearer at a funeral on Friday, my old friend Mary having departed the vale of tears, which put a bit of a damper on things and we missed out on Friday Prayers at the Bowling Club bar.
I spotted my mate Martin sporting a silly hat on telly, in the crowd for the Scotland v Tonga match.
Yesterday I mended the compressor (yay) so that the Volvosaurus tyre pressures are somewhere close to correct, and ordered the bits to mend my pressure washer which was borrowed by a person called Mathew who broke it. I didn't really mind that it got broken - stuff gets broken now and then - but I am mildly put out that he didn't tell me it was broken, just left it outside The Shed. I've made a pawl and fixed the recoil starter and straightened the throttle linkage. Now I have to wait for the new plug cap and the oil to treat it to an oilchange.
In the meantime I've started making a new plough plane out of an offcut from a fence post that was too long when it was lying down and too tall when it was standing up. This meant quite a lot of sawing and planing which annoyed my arthritic shoulder but hey-ho. It's still a pretty good upper body workout.
Now it's time to knock back my bread dough and put it in a loaf tin. And the sun is shining! I wonder if the South lawn will dry enough to cut.
Nailbiting stuff.
Have a lovely day playmates.

ETA: I spent so long typing that I missed Pequod's perst.
Best of luck Mr P. I've had three skin cancers removed with nary a knock on effect. Fingers crossed yours will be trivial like mine were.

Edited by Error_404_Username_not_found on Monday 25th September 10:50


15,875 posts

109 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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glenrobbo said:
That was a lovely C-Type replica on Bangers & Cash. cloud9
Sold for £41k. A 160 mph bargain and it's gone to Wales. rolleyes.

Well, It's a goodnight from me...

Nite nite Trivialites! wavey
I thought the same about the C-Type, it looked the part especially with the wheel and tyre combo filling the arches nicely. There’s an old chap near us who has a British racing green one with a 4.2 XK engine, stone me it sounds lovely.

Best of luck to Pequot with his biopsy wink

Mr Magooagain

10,211 posts

173 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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All the best P. Did they not shave you first old chap?


39,277 posts

101 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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Lunch today is left over chicken casserole from tea last night, and jolly nice it is too!!!


62,300 posts

220 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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pequod said:
Morneve all!

Thanks for the best wishes chaps and I can report a successful mission completed in good time… marvellous!

I signed up for research of skin cancer so they removed a sufficient quantity of ol’ Pequod’s outer layer for the purpose. This entailed extra local anaesthetic jabs and being a Monday morning, there was plenty available, which was nice. So, your correspondent now awaits the biopsy results and possibly further excavations?

I’m told to rest for a fortnight and not fiddle with the dressing until Thursday when I can remove it and examine the fine stitch work beneath which should be quite some handiwork given the number of stitches that went into closing up the wound! Not as many as his Dickyness had or the number Glenners will get when his turn comes to go under the knife I’m sure, but hopefully enough to keep the stuffing in this old teddy bear!

Burnt chest at some point?
I had 12 stitches in the one in my back, had to go twice for the one by my eye, 6 stiches each time , but I'm told removed the wrinkles...

I have a gory one I won't post, but I saved that for work, before the dressing was applied. Doctor was amazed work wanted proof I was having the op. He took the one of my back and face sans dressing.

Hopefully yours has a similar outcome to mine

What you need for that chest wig patch is an IronMan Power stuuply sticker biggrin

Edited by Byker28i on Monday 25th September 15:09


62,300 posts

220 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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Plumbers been to fix the broken upstairs loo but couldn't get the same size push button, so I knocked up a fixing plate out of aluminium and found a suitable plastic ring spacer to tidy it all up as well.
My huge selection of workshop tat and leftovers came in handy again. biggrin


8,997 posts

141 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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Byker28i said:
Burnt chest at some point?
I had 12 stitches in the one in my back, had to go twice for the one by my eye, 6 stiches each time , but I'm told removed the wrinkles...

I have a gory one I won't post, but I saved that for work, before the dressing was applied. Doctor was amazed work wanted proof I was having the op. He took the one of my back and face sans dressing.

Hopefully yours has a similar outcome to mine

What you need for that chest wig patch is an IronMan Power stuuply sticker biggrin

Edited by Byker28i on Monday 25th September 15:09
I don't recall burning my chest as I detest sunbathing however, I'm surprised the earlugs and trunk haven't suffered as I spent more time in the sun, both at work and play, and were rarely protected despite the headwear! Viz-a-viz the IronMan Power pack, I await the uncovering to discover what was stitched in place this morning!!! scratchchin

Thanks Magoo, but the offer of a shave wasn't forthcoming and I prefer my visage hirsute anyway, and no mistake!

Artnoon all! wavey


2,344 posts

29 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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Sorry, not had chance to read the thread, fully.

Pequod............have you been shot?


8,997 posts

141 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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G-wiz said:
Sorry, not had chance to read the thread, fully.

Pequod............have you been shot?
Yes, but not today...

Mr Magooagain

10,211 posts

173 months

Monday 25th September 2023
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pequod said:
G-wiz said:
Sorry, not had chance to read the thread, fully.

Pequod............have you been shot?
Yes, but not today...
I’ve never thought of counting being shot but I now realise I’ve been shot 3 times and possibly more!
One time was mentioned in a published book.